Saturday, September 2, 2023

September 2nd

6:50 I got awaken by the sound of the AC in the window upstairs that is vibrating the wall almost 3 hours ago. Probably not even functioining ac AC by reason of outside temperature of 61 degrees. Someone went to the bathroom then i felt cigarette smoke. You cannot smoke inside in this complex.

7:17 Sunt difențe, poate de la distorsiuni optice. Nu ar fi primul la care am greșit... de mai multe ori. Aștept reacții. 11:12 The place filled with smoke like last night at 10:30. I thought it was the guy upstairs smoking but he left and the smoke was even stronger. Like last night, i found a hole next to the foundation at the next apartment, 20 ft away from our windows.

I went and stepped on that one, a few others around the apartment and the smoke subsided. This happened a lot in the past but no very recently or since i put some oven cleaner in the holes next to the apartment but that was at least six months ago. It looks like they stick in a mole gallery some burning stuff like similar to flares they put on the freeways loaded with who knows what and the smoke travels through the mole galeries in all directions, flooding the building.
12:50 As i said i scored some big points last few days and their need to retaliate is pressing heavy on me.

I needed to go to Walmart to get some Omeprazole mainly, other stuff. When i left they were trimming the bush next to the car in a rare Saturday move of the Emperror's ninja gardeners. Because of that and other stuff i forgot to take the alternate route to WinCo and went the old way and the meter started beeping like crazy when i passed the Gray.

However nothing happened. No pain no nothing. At Walmart some Mexicans, some real, were blocking the bays i wanted to go at the entrance. Finally got everything but forgot the water. At the self check-stands though i realize i'm a bit short of all my mental abilities. Checked the items on the cooler on the left but the machine didn't say anything. In the end i put them on the scale, counted them, i had an extra item on the list. Pressed the button for the attendant, in the meantime i saw her, she came and unchecked the mayo once and she left without canceling my call, so i had to call her one more time.

Finally on the road, i remembered to take 72, but then was the first time when i realized something was wrong with me. For a few seconds could not remember where i was and were i was going. Everything around me looked weird, like in a movie. And i wasn't feeling any pain from the beam me down, Grey. Then i realized. I was like drunk, though i haven't been drinking in a week. The smoke earlier. The reason i haven't feel any pain from the Grey.

Got home, the ninja blocked my entrance, one of them was eating from a cooler, he moved the car with the trailer while the child actor laid a green branch from the bush that was still on the fresh asphalt in the direction where i was going to park so i had to pass over it and then pick it from under the car. All symbolism.

1:05 Ca și predecesorii săi Ciolacul și-a creat niște probleme cu ajutorul subordonaților lui și mediei (accidente cu drogați, șuruburi, păcănele) pe care a cerut să le rezolve lui însuși singur, în viitor, Ciolacul viitorului (ca în filmul Terminator). Den Leyen i-a dat și niște bani (cu împrumut?) ca să arate acasă, să-i crească rating-ul șifonat cârlionțat, vom ști noi oare ce se va face cu ei, ca și de restul bugetului nostru?

Apropo nu e nici o chestie dacă muți păcănelele afară din oraș. Acolo, ajungi mai greu, pleci mai greu, stai mai mult mai ales dacă îți dau ăia ceva de papa și au un ATM două instalae.

Ce aș propune eu. Să pună ceasuri pe pereți vizibile de oriunde în sălile de păcănele. Să nu vândă mâncare, băutură și să nu fie ATM-uri acolo sau pe o anume distanță în jur.

9:00 O idee. Să posteze pompierii din fiecare localități pe paginile lor de fb punctele cu probleme sau de evitat din motive de siguranță. Sau ONG-urile. Să facă și ei ceva util. Un site centralizat.

11:10 Angela today could not walk no more. She can go to the restroom and put her foot on the ground though. Painful to the touch laterally, but also very limited mobility of the leg and it got worse since yesterday. After going through numerous sites and a video i figured both Angela and i have bursitis.

I had it for years didn't know what it was and started to play with patches with antibiotics.

Trouble is they are very slowly assimilated systemically though you can reach therapeutic dosage, however they act more strongly locally and that mutates bacteria and makes it move to other areas. I had at right elbow, wrists, shoulders and mainly knees, for years. I think from me it jumped to Angela, first at the right foot and now and the left hip. Either one of us had it in the exact points shown in the image.

Having it both proves that is caused by a pathogen, bacteria or fungus, present in our environment. Could have come from washer's hose and other places like this, who knows;

11:20 Pikachu. We had a couple of thunderstorm passing near our location. I haven't heard thunders, can't remember since when at this location, and could compare and the intensity of the noises upstairs is similar. Though it lasts all day, every few seconds. The AI picked the idea a few seconds before i wrote it and the he climbed down the stairs and off he went and all went quiet.

11:45 Superseding information. I heard a siren and an ambulance passed by with flashing lights, something i have seene in this complex maybe once a year.

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