Monday, September 25, 2023

Septemeber 25

8:20 Was looking at the world map and saw Nepal sitting at the crossroads between several cultural areas, also being isolated. An idea crossed my mind and did a search and what did i find.

A good percentage of the people there speak Sino-Tibetan languages while their eastern neighbors, the Bhutanese (name also coming from Buddha) all speak Sino-Tibetan.

Nepal is important because of Buddha of course but for other reasons. I tried to demonstrate over the years there is a Nepalese diaspora in Europe, and that is the Magyars of Hungary which nowadays is in process of changing name towards Magyarország together with the less known Szekelys of now Romania whom i identified as the clan of Buddha himself, but also a Migration to East Asia this time in a country with an  almost phonetically similar name.

Magyarország. A very interesting name that reflects the linguistic accumulations (agglutinations) in today's Hungarian (Magyar whatever). Root seem the name of Magars of Nepal (by the latest migration there) and the suffix seems... summerian.

That on top of classical or initial Hungarian, before Magar migration, which seems to be the noongar language of Australia, with names like Attila.

There are known claims of links between Magyar and Japanese but also between Magar and Magyar.

So it would be not in vain to try an attempt to a Chinese etymology for the name Magyar.

The reason behind all these. I woke up this morning with the first true relief for a series of mysterious illnesses lately linked to infections of different areas of the body that contain collagen or connective tissue while i constantly find pieces of bones on top of redwood mulch which is full of tannin in places where they could not be thrown randomly..

The reason was on top of using cutaneously administered antibiotics, was sleeping for the second night in my famous pod.

It is actually a sleeping bag made of the most reflective existent material, that is used for insulation in construction, it gently keeps your body temperature at night close to optimal or close to your mother's womb temperature at which all enzymes and processes are at optimal functioning. A whole body heated sleeping bag would not work as well because of overheating.

I hypothesized several times about the existence of ancient biological material manipulation that some may call magic, black magic, sorcery, witch_craft, name it. One of the ways this is done is by using bio-materials or tissue samples of the same composition as the target organs.

By throwing those on anti-bacterial surfaces close to target's home, they basically cultivate very resistant strains of bacteria that also specializes in feeding on those tissues. I keep constantly gathering pieces of bones, among other things from around the building 

Other goodies on top. She dog poops, pheromones, essential oils. Dominicani.

I don't expect of course they would understand all these things. However over millennia of isolation either in Nepal or Australia they might have learned these ways without knowing the processes behind.

9:06 Just remembered something. Angela keeps telling me the Vietnamese (Japanese, Chinese, hard to say) woman where she works during lunch breaks eats in front of her eggs that have actually turned into embryos with tiny bones and everything. Could that be also part of their magic, giving her some powers over influencing Angela. Bali, Balut.

The person upstairs that seems to guess my thoughts or emotions whatever and is constantly dancing on the floor upstairs, even while i write right now.

Magic of the number 4, so much present in today's and yesterday's media entertainment. Etc. etc..

I was talking with someone in Romania about 6 years ago and was telling her that no matter how high the science and technology have become (have some doubts about science though) the world is still run by undetectable magic. But it was mostly an intuition. In the meantime i gathered lots of proof.

(Really hope i'm not the only one who inventories allși  their tools and weapons).'
12:10 But it's alive when is boiled. Doga Cat?

12:17 Subliminal/subconscious gay deflection?

4:25 BTW i don't think it's a coincidence the Szekelys (Latin SiculorumSakya) settled next to the Land of Hutsuls, the descendants of Free Dacians or next to the birthplace of the whole Indo-European Civilization.

5:07 No sacrifice at all.

10:47 If they can do this to a whole city. I bet they can. There cannot be other explanation on how the Huns defeated the Romans.

11:21 Vederea proastă și alunecarea freudiană. Mă uitam la numele lati-fudi-harului scris cu litere mici și am văzut F în loc de B.

11:34 There was a strong wind earlier today. I went to look for pieces of garbage outside and i found behind the bushes a branch fallen from a tree about 20 ft long and i dragged it to the "no dumping area" where people who leave usually throw their furniture so it will bee seen and picked, otherwise could have stayed all winter there like some of the leaves last years. The black car belonging to the people upstairs is parked next to the garbage bin.

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