Thursday, September 7, 2023

September 7

2:00 I found by chance this map that i printed on 4 A4 or letter size papers which i glued together. Ever since a number of things are floating in and out my conscious mind. The toponyms Sadova, name of a place near Câmpulung.

Suffix dova or dava may be used in the same way as many other Romanian toponyms that for sure come from the time of Dacians, in Sanskrit meaning either ava (away in English, same root) or dava (forest).

But Sad? there are several possible Sanskrit etymologies. Saint, in English, coming probably from the same Sanskrit root, sane, saint in French, sanctum in Latin, etc.. The other is well.

Toponym Sadagura. Now this is more straight forth, gura could be guru. There are other places where the word gura (meaning mouth) is used in toponyms in Romanian, like Gurahomora, which are given after names of rivers or creeks, like mouth of Homora, but being used like that is unusual. Could it be... Sadhu guru?

And of course the Huzulen (german name for the group), mentioned on the map, of whom is said to have had magical powers, like teleportation, luck bringing, things like that. A huzulen boy who would be bought as slave laborer to one's house would bring great wealth...

Last but not least. Bucovina seal at the time seem to be the head of a local species of bison (zimbru), black, horned, with a hanging red tongue that reminds me of Kali...

The names Sandu and Sanda which is officially said to come from Alexandru is not uncommon in Bucovina eiter.

11:00 Știți bancul ăla cu sfârșitul lumii? (nu contează de la cine l-am auzit). Dacă România e cu 100 de ani în urma Americii, înseamnă că sfârșitul lumii va veni la noi cu 100 de ani mai târziu, nu?

11:20 The monster "came home" at 11:18 and awoke Angela with very loud steps on the floor. Now for the first time he started the TV really loud.

12:12 He woke me up 3 or 4 times since.

6:00 Anyone ever played the footsie?

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