Sunday, September 17, 2023

September 17

2:50 A început sarabanda acoperirilor. Salmoxis a înviat după 4 ani.

8:35 I saw her again yesterday around noon on an alley in the park near the Community Center in Tualatin walking with the phone in her hands like following real time instructions for a cosplay session. She was walking in the same direction with me, i stopped and gave her some 5 minutes head start but she stopped at the CC like waiting for me.

Then she gave me an "eye contact" above glasses with her head down and i saw... a double chin? Maybe it was not her, my eyes are pretty blury these days cause i use the ozone generator on a low setting to get rid of all kinda smells in here. Also was very tired, slept around 3 hours the night before and probably under the influence of the smoke that came back these days after the moles are thriving again due to a rain two weeks ago that turned the grass green.

8:52 By the way, woke up early, there was smoke in the bedroom, went outside and plugged some holes, again by accident i found a blue doggy bag that probably was thrown from that balcony, another one with no bag, oily in the open air next to hydrant, i caught them early, it's 55 degrees (13 C) and cloudy outside, they haven't been hit by sun yet.

I also noticed that when i'm on antibiotics those "pheromones" don't have the same effect on me, could it be they are not pheromons but pathogens like protozoa?

12:20 Camera Defulaților are de fapt mai multe camere iar senatoarea Diana Șoșoaca vă șochează aprinde dragostea imaginația cea bogată ștergându-mi postarea din memoriile dvs..

1:06 Now i know what he's been through...

10:33 Today is September 17, day when i started my first job in the US, as box boy at Sheridan Fruit Co. downtown Portland. More about it here.

Expresia la cheu în port sigur aparține lui Băsescu cui altul (cel ce s-a retras la UE), se referă la România și unde a dus-o el dar eu m-am gândit la ea ca o la o aluzie (lacheu). Credeam ca întotdeauna că era voba de mine (me me me) dar acum când mă gândesc cred că era un mișto groaznic la adresa întregii Românii.

Am mai repostat această imagine, cu șeful Poliției (de atunci, 2018) Bill Steele, care s-a retras în iunie 2022, cu niște copii latino nevoiași din zonă. Am mai scris și alte dăți, nu știu, pe fb, nu mai stau să caut, pe unii din ei (cel puțin doi) i-am văzut pe aici pe la clădire, apăreau mai ales când reparam mașina și se foiau odată sau de două ori prin spatele meu, mergând nu știu unde, de fiecare dată mai înalți.

De mai multe ori m-am abținut să nu intru în conflict cu ei. Câteodată deschideam ușa și unul din ei trecea pe dedesbut ca și cum ar fi știut. După cum am mai spus, când lucram pe la mașină eram high de la ceva fumuri care apăreau pe afară și după ce terminam nu reușeam să-mi amintesc ce făcusem. De fapt și acum sunt dar puțin, cred.

Eu nu cred că cei care treceau erau latino ci niște țigani din Ungaria dați la vreo școală de actorie. Nu știu câți ani puteau să aibă pe atunci. Să zicem 13. Dacia brothers.
Videoul pare a fi din România.

1:20 Got at Chinook Winds around 5:30. Parked on "the roof", wanted to go for a walk on the beach.

Took the shortest way, behind the casino. I went that way several times before. The short bald security guy was by the employees entrance together with more guards, several SUVs. I passed those and i think when i was out of any camera's range they came at me telling me to leave the premises because i am banned and also restarted the count of my six month ban.

I was not aware that i am not allowed in the parking lots as well. Wednesday i was there, Angela went inside, i went all the way to the beach for a walk, then i changed my mind and turned around, met with a guy looking like gen. Petraeus at the end of the stairs, there was a military/veterans event near the casino, several military vehicles on display.

Just before that i went inside and asked the guard at the door if i can go to the restroom and he acted like i asked where is the restroom, posing like he was not aware i was banned.

I am positive that if i didn't wander in the area with no cameras and people they wouldn't have showed cause i was in the car on the highest level of the new parking lot for 10 minute, i saw them there, when i went down the stairs but they were waiting on the ground, let me pass and the followed me behind the casino.

Like in the day when i got into a verbal fight with that Japanese movie director, i ate some very spicy food and was very irritated and i think they knew and were hoping again from a bad reaction from my side of which i was very very near however this time i haven't been drinking in weeks.

However in the last days i have been exposed to a lot of smoke, something that didn't happen in years.

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