2:31 All of a sudden my computer became very slow and unresponsive.
9:54 Știți bancul cu puiul de dac? Într-o zi merge nea Nicu prin Ardeal și vede un copilaș și îl ia în brațe și-l întreabă. (Știți bancul? Nu?) Îl întreabă (cu intonație): "Cum te cheamă pui de dac?" La care copilașul răspunde: "Je ne recule (recoil) que pour mieux sauter!"
10:53 I was again late when they lifted the bin in the air. The bin was still in the air but he said he does not have time for me to go and pick the stuff. He said: "I don't have time, there's a lot of s...t under there then he put the bin down". Republic Services, Truck 1235.
BTW the green exterminator pickup is here again. Eradicon. WA LPN C34129W. Though the driver didn't look as Arian (skinhead) as the one i saw several times before.
12:21 Ăștia mută ca la șah. Am spus eu ceva de Attila, a venit Attila să precizeze.
Sper că voi prinde și eu ziua când cei responsabili de genocidul inimaginabil comis in Europa în secolul trecut și prezent for fi scoși de la putere. Însă logic vorbind. M-am gândit de o mie de ori și am ajuns mereu la concluzia că asta nu se poat întâmpla în toate țările pentru că EI sunt băgați la comandă în toate țările, decât dacă...
12:35 Send me an Angel. From the land of the rising Sun (morning star whatever).
12:55 There goes... nothing.

7:35 Is he the new permanent guy upstairs? Last night i saw a guy climbing and thought it was him but he looked more like a Japanese MMA fighter.
12:35 It was supposed to rain today, that would have put out the mysterious fires that create this smoke but no, the rain evaporated before it got here.
1:44 The girl at the liquor store didn't know what i wanted when i said one fifth. In the US you don't ask for a 750 ml bottle but you ask for a one fifth which is one gallon (4 quarts, or approximately 4 liters) in ml divided by 5. They knew i was going to ask that way. The woman that was with her immediately speculated and repeated after me, one fifteen. The scene was ready.
You buy gasoline, milk, water, etc. only by gallons etc.. Speed is m/h. Fuel consumption is mpg (miles per gallon).
Same when you go to buy a tool. You ask for a three eight which is 3/8 of an inch, or approximately 9.5 mm etc. that sometimes works for a 10 (mm). They did that to me for a long time until i realized they were pretending i was asking for 3 8 years olds, audio only.
Mai este și sistemul imperial (British). Yeah i know it takes some time to get used to it. Is 28 years enough?