Wednesday, September 11, 2024

September 11

12:45 PM or 15 minutes till closing time. Could have waited to write this by need to see the reaction. Today the market made the biggest one day come back in years. From minus 1.6 to plus 0.8 right now. I don't mind but was one destroying everything i posted yesterday and recently.

Last night i went to WinCo and chose to stay in the parking lot while Angela went buying stuff. I wanted to smoke but had this dust in my lungs. From a little clay dust mixed with straw that fell from some vehicle in the alley that gut carried by wheels in the whole alley, all the way to the road. From something that i said. Nevermind that.

Two spots next to me came this huge black pickup or SUV and there was this guy who got out and went in the store and then came back before Angela. When i looked in the news today i saw the big Wall Strret analyst. What kinda BS is that? A recently deceased Hungarian writer.

Today i've done something i never do. I was frustrated and drank in the morning. Then started to cook some pea. It came uncooked of course and put it some more on the stove, set a timer, fell asleep and awoke several hours later with the pea burnt. I started to read the news, some searches, then i saw the market that was going up abruptly. And then i finally realised the peas were still cooking. It is true, the setting was on the lowest.

No i was not dead. I can't understand how i did not hear the timer. Maybe i forgot to set it. What happens is though upstairs was quiet, they have big engines revving in the distance modulated on my brain waves and can change them and my decisions by changing rpms. Or make me forget things when i'm weak or drunk.

Now i remember. At seven i heard a power blower. They come to pick the "more valuable?" items and then in exchange for the favoer blow around the bins. Blow the garbage, where? But there are piles of bags behind the SW bins nobody cares about.

I know many people had doubts about what i posted yesterday. When there are doubts they can turn it into certainty by showing my behavior. Of course, with severe intrusions into my private life. But nobody cares about that.

I went to sleep with palpitations, i woke up nauseated. Went and knotted and picked several poops. Took a charcoal cap. Got a bit better. Got mad when i remembered the episode last night. Upstairs never ceases marching.

Google stopped doing image searches for me just before i got to his page asking me to click on i'm not a robot check box then solve puzzles for each name opened (40 tabs). Fb was flashing his better res pic and then giving me this message. But i managed to do a screenshot of that flash. Google searches works now.

All these to slow me down of course.

1:15 See the little grey lines at the bottom of the graph next to time axis? Only yahoo finances still show those and those are the volume of transactions. When there is a sudden increase of volume towards the end of the section, it's a sign of a battle between their HFT computers. They buy from each other like crazy, raising the prices. It may work for a few minutes, that's why they do it at the end of the session so the market is raised or maintained high artificially.

CPI inflation report? BS, inflation is the graph you are looking at. Ok, a bit more. Outperforms. But the truth is the opposite. The unusual raises in stock prices drags the inflation up, not the other way arounds. It makes sense. It stocks are more expensive with no real increase in value, everything follows.

It started to go down in the morning, then up when i fell asleep with the stove on. Down when i saw him in the news, about half hour before session's end, remembered and started to search for the guy. Then the volume started to go up like crazy and the stock market ended the day on the same trend. 
10:50 PM Dead deer, a guy cutting in front of us in an intersection on 18 making me break for 5 seconds, to avoid him, that skinny actor who played Ritchie Valens (that did not look like Ritchie Valens bullying us in the street in a big white van with paper LPN and making sure we've seen his face), many others.

When i got gas at Shell in Grand Ronde, going into the next empty spot (the pumps in the middle all had cons on), there was gas inside the nozzle. Don't know who and how they did it, but the only way is if you hold the nozzle up, squeeze a little and then you hang it in that position. Made a mess, my car and the station was smelling for hours after.

A bug i caught on the road? When i got there i was paralyzed from the waste down, could barely walk and been like that for all the time i was there. Really scary, i panicked. I tried to drink soda to flush the toxin (if that was the case) but they put some dirty water (smelling like fish) in the hot water tank so i could not dilute my soda and bring it to a reasonable drinking temperature.

Though the toe looks feels much better after i removed that tiny wood fragment. Or maybe it's just numb again.

10:55 I have reasons to believe they pulled a plug and started to let sewage flow through the new pipe.

11:00 Today i realized the first time the dark green Honda Element in the spot next to ours has tinted windows beyond the driver seat so you can't see what or who is in the rear.

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