Sunday, September 8, 2024

September 8

11:11 AM Toți candidații la Țepea.

6:30 Port Angeles seems to be the logical choice for entry of ninja in the US. Especially if they hadhyperloop tunnel in the shallow waters along Aleutians, south of Behring sea.

7:30 911 was treason. But the story should always start with Minoru Yamasaki. He was carrying the name of god Yama, god of destruction in Hindu pantheon. But in Japanese Yama means mountain and could come from volcanoes.

The dynamic shape of the falling towers reminds of volcanoes, and their initial shape, of a gate of heaven.

The exploding concrete of falling pancake floors reminds of a city scale metsu_bushi. Though the speed of the falling floors was not that great to make regular concrete explode. Must have been a very loose concrete, with little cement in it (also since the did not play a structural role).

9:00 Atta (Toth) reminds of Attila but also of apa which in Hungarians means father. Toth "died" in 2018, the year i started the blog with matches which means those planes were remote controlled. Atta.

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