Sunday, September 1, 2024

September 1st

2:45 To make a long story short. In the last few years i had a few experiences when i saved myself by applying patches with antibiotics next to the wounds. It became clear to me that antibiotics transport to the infection through molecular diffusion rather than through systemic concentration, being possible concentrations at the wound that are several times higher than through any other methods of administration.

The opposite is also true. Inflammation from a wound also propagates to nearby tissues, especially if damaged. I believe mostly through lymph.

In 2004 in had these terrible stomach pains and went to Romania, hopping in a better treatment. One doctor there after an x-ray done with an advanced, brand new Philips instrument, he said i had so many ulcers on my duodenum that it got bent from scars.

I believe mostly because of bile blockage, and that i know is done through witchcraft. Remote influence. Bending in the opposite way when stressed out and/or sexually aroused which sometimes can be done by the same person. In this image there are gallstones that block the pancreatic and bile duct, however the blockage can be done by your own brain, by blocking the sphincter at that opening.

I believe is a mechanism through which the acid from the stomach is left in the duodenum not neutralized by pancreatic juices. That leads to a "quickening" (stimulation) of your whole body, through lowering ph in the smaller intestine.

This, like many others may be an emergency mechanism, but if abused, two things can happen. The pancreas does not get emptied in time and start digesting self. The duodenum become chronically inflamed. Inflammation from duodenum moves to nearby organs, like pancreas, creating diabetes which i believe is a form of pancreatitis.

10:20 Condiția pusă de XAT cui? României? Cine "va negocia cu aliații" după ce Parlamentul modifică retroactiv legea "achiziției", achiziție deja făcută. Noul președinte?

Modifică legea achiziției deja făcute ca să mai adauge o achiziție. De ce nu au făcut o lege nouă. Ca să poată pune noua sumă la grămadă cu cea veche, ca "să nu se cunoască".

Nu că s-ar uita cineva prin bugetul lor unde găurile sunt de sute de miliarde, dreapta sus.

10:33 First guy in this image is Japanese, last woman is Hungarian and the rest are probably something in between.

This stupid fake situation in Israel that started with Ham-ass "warriors" in uniform flying on parachutes (you can't shoot from one of those, the recoil from a real machine gun will make you loose control that is already very limited and yes wind dependent ) (how they brought the hostages back, on the same flying machines?) has no other purpose that throw more stories every time i say something about the real, deep seeded, embedded in entertainement antisemitism in the US.

10:50 Really don't get this. He sent these messages after he was kidnapped? Is this trying to prove what the Bible says, that all Asians are born of Sem?

8:10 The first time?

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