In this 2001 Pulitzer winning article from the Oregonian by Julia Sullivan-Springhetti, published December 2000, there is a typo, one occurrence only, yeras instead of years.
There used to be a direct link at the Pulitzer site to this article but they made it impossible to link to it. Down in this page you can search for this title and click on it.
"Congressional acts move the INS, sometimes: Pressure on the agency from elected officials often helps immigrant families through the system, but it doesn't ensure success"
Needless to say. John Pulitzer was Hungarian and Pulitzer prize is worth 10000 dollars and is given to many journalists every year.
Showing posts with label community. Show all posts
Showing posts with label community. Show all posts
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Missaligned Intersection
Friday, September 7, 2012
DEQ - What For?
There was a fire in Tigard last night. I live in Lake Oswego in the area called Mountain Park. I can barely breath inside. Either that or the smoke is coming from the Gorge or from Vancouver where there was also a grass fire. I took a look at the DEQ real time readings from the stations across Portland. None of them reports anything unusual, the air quality looks "Good" according to them. One question comes to mind. Do they work at all or they are just another waste of tax money?
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
1:26 PM (2 hours ago)
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This e-mail is a public record of the City of Lake Oswego and is subject to public disclosure unless exempt from disclosure under Oregon Public Records Law. This email is subject to the State Retention Schedule.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
The Hole in the Wall
OK here's the deal. Behind one of bedroom's storage board when i moved there was a hole about as big as i could stuck my hand in it. About 5 feet from the floor level. I fixed it pouring gypsum 3 or 4 times so far. First time when i painted again the bedroom i think. Last week i introduced the camera through it and took a picture around the corner to see how i put the foam (by touch only with a tiny 1/4 inch one foot long transparent flexible vinyl tube hooked to a foam can (Great Stuff brand). I couldn't have bend the exhaust with it, it's a bit stronger). Exactly where the two pieces of flexible exhaust coming from the ground level apartment are held together by a piece of duct tape that is too small, with too few turns and it probably leaks. It was also strangulated by the tape after it was bent. At the time i thought the smell was coming from the 1 inch space between the panels that i filled with foam. Today i took a better look at the pictures and saw the tape. Normally one would tape the joint for more than two width of tape.
(At times ever since i moved here the bedroom was filled with smoke. I remembered when i was falling asleep in the living room at the TV in the morning when i went in there were my wife was sleeping you could barely breath in there.)
I fixed the hole again a week ago. Monday there where these two guys with a big diesel powered truck that got lost around here and where asking probably directions on the phone for about 15 minutes. The sound was so annoying it prompted me to grab the camera and film them, twice. Actually they took off when i started filming them the second time. I think it might have cracked again when they did that. Or afterwards from other vibrations from other cars and planes that pass and fly too frequently around here. I think i saw them one more time during the week after that. Lost again or maybe this time delivering. Only this time the crack was on the side with the plywood, near the exhaust housing. And was still wet.
But it is not possible for the gypsum to be wet after a week. Even if it is near a board that could have gotten wet (the housing board) The board from the storage does not touch it, it's about 5 mm apart. Enough for air to circulate and let it dry in a week. Last few days i've been very sick and there was smoke in the bedroom. I was waking up in the morning very tired and with my nose congested after few hours of sleep. I slept alone in the bedroom. I felt like i was drunk. Friday @noon i was almost fainting after hyperventilating for hours and then i took a look and felt the smell and opened the windows. Exactly when another neighbor (with the Jeep) parked under the window and opened two doors looking for something in the car for a minute or two.
It took me hours after if fixed it while hyperventilating until i got better.
When i fixed it again yesterday it was smelling like some weird animal urine. By the way, i didn't put the storage board back and it's completely dried after i repainted today. 24 hours but with a fan.
Here below is barely visible in this before picture taken from the attic (i wouldn't see if i didn't know it's there) the taped joint and i think you can see how it is strangulated. On the left you can see one of the thin pieces of plywood i used keeping it in place by pulling two nails while pouring gypsum then extracting them and letting it fall. Last time when i fixed i saw the pouring was very well formed, almost like continuing the drywall without noticing, except it cracked again exactly in the corner.
By the way even right now as i am editing this there is a little bit of smoke inside, my nose is congested and i feel like it' very hard to concentrate.
9-5 05 PM. OK, there's one more exhaust... The one coming from the apartment below that is vacant for a year and i don't know why... Some might... It goes under the bathtub then into the housing that is part of the apartment next to mine... Nothing to do there... Except open the kitchen window when the wind blows from West or the bedroom when the wind blows from the East so i equalize the pressure so the un/idendified smells from the wall don't come inside... Like it happened today when i forgot... Got to fill this one with foam as well...Cause the smell goes under the kitchen hardwood-floor and into the bathroom... I discovered this one because of a leak coming from the tub somewhere...
They always have to do it in pairs... For back-up...
But for that i'd have to go to Home Depot or Lowe's to buy more foam... And raise more eyebrows... Just finished removing the foam and the hairs from my hands...
(At times ever since i moved here the bedroom was filled with smoke. I remembered when i was falling asleep in the living room at the TV in the morning when i went in there were my wife was sleeping you could barely breath in there.)
I fixed the hole again a week ago. Monday there where these two guys with a big diesel powered truck that got lost around here and where asking probably directions on the phone for about 15 minutes. The sound was so annoying it prompted me to grab the camera and film them, twice. Actually they took off when i started filming them the second time. I think it might have cracked again when they did that. Or afterwards from other vibrations from other cars and planes that pass and fly too frequently around here. I think i saw them one more time during the week after that. Lost again or maybe this time delivering. Only this time the crack was on the side with the plywood, near the exhaust housing. And was still wet.
But it is not possible for the gypsum to be wet after a week. Even if it is near a board that could have gotten wet (the housing board) The board from the storage does not touch it, it's about 5 mm apart. Enough for air to circulate and let it dry in a week. Last few days i've been very sick and there was smoke in the bedroom. I was waking up in the morning very tired and with my nose congested after few hours of sleep. I slept alone in the bedroom. I felt like i was drunk. Friday @noon i was almost fainting after hyperventilating for hours and then i took a look and felt the smell and opened the windows. Exactly when another neighbor (with the Jeep) parked under the window and opened two doors looking for something in the car for a minute or two.
It took me hours after if fixed it while hyperventilating until i got better.
When i fixed it again yesterday it was smelling like some weird animal urine. By the way, i didn't put the storage board back and it's completely dried after i repainted today. 24 hours but with a fan.
Here below is barely visible in this before picture taken from the attic (i wouldn't see if i didn't know it's there) the taped joint and i think you can see how it is strangulated. On the left you can see one of the thin pieces of plywood i used keeping it in place by pulling two nails while pouring gypsum then extracting them and letting it fall. Last time when i fixed i saw the pouring was very well formed, almost like continuing the drywall without noticing, except it cracked again exactly in the corner.
By the way even right now as i am editing this there is a little bit of smoke inside, my nose is congested and i feel like it' very hard to concentrate.
9-5 05 PM. OK, there's one more exhaust... The one coming from the apartment below that is vacant for a year and i don't know why... Some might... It goes under the bathtub then into the housing that is part of the apartment next to mine... Nothing to do there... Except open the kitchen window when the wind blows from West or the bedroom when the wind blows from the East so i equalize the pressure so the un/idendified smells from the wall don't come inside... Like it happened today when i forgot... Got to fill this one with foam as well...Cause the smell goes under the kitchen hardwood-floor and into the bathroom... I discovered this one because of a leak coming from the tub somewhere...
They always have to do it in pairs... For back-up...
But for that i'd have to go to Home Depot or Lowe's to buy more foam... And raise more eyebrows... Just finished removing the foam and the hairs from my hands...
Friday, August 31, 2012
În 2004 am fost în România şi printre altele am obţinut un nou paşaport. Care şi acela, ca şi precedentul, a expirat în 5 ani. În 2009 chiar după ce mi-a expirat acel paşaport a fost introdusă noua regulă de a te deplasa la consulat pentru a obţine un paşaport care până atunci se putea obţine şi prin poştă.
Ce înseamnă asta pentru un român care locuieşte în Portland, Oregon? Deplasarea la Los Angeles, 1600 km pe autostradă, taxe de sute de dolari şi apoi o aşteptare de 4 luni.
În Portland sunt în jur de 30000 români din care probabil jumătate cetăţeni români. Dar nu am auzit pe nimeni să se plângă până acum. Mulţi probabil că rezolvă problema altfel, româneşte. În ianuarie anul acesta am contactat ambasada României în Washington. Dar nu mică mi-a fost mirarea când am auzit mesajul de pe answering system. După ce am încercat să vorbesc cu câteva persoane de acolo m-am lămurit. Nici un standard european sau american sau de oricare. Eşti tratat ca un nimic. De fapt nici nu am ajuns să discut problema de mai sus. Au fost un număr de emailuri schimbate între mine, ambasadă şi ministerul de externe. Au fost un număr de miniştri şi prim miniştri schimbaţi.
Ce nu par să înţeleagă domnii din MAE. Un minister dintr-un stat nu e o moşie în care boierul sau vechilul face după cum i se pare. Sunt nişte reguli iar dacă un cetăţean cere ceva i se dă după acele reguli.
Ce să mai vorbim de cazul când regulile au devenit imposibile?
Îmi aminteşte de facultate, când profesorii ridicau "standardul" adică volumul de materie predată atât de sus încât pentru un neşpăgar era aproape imposibil să treacă examenul iar un şpăgar trebuia să fie impresionat ca să poate menţine preţul ridicat.
Am încercat pe vremea nu ştiu cărui ministru de externe să fac o "petiţie" LOL am scris un email în care am descris problema, mi s-a răspuns, mi s-a dat un număr de înregistrare şi apoi s-a schimbat vechilul pe moşie şi aşa a rămas.
Re: FW: Probleme obtinere pasaport- E1/P/Co/598/16.07.2012
from me
George Ion
Jul 31
to relatii_cu_pub.
Ultima dată când m-am adresat ambasadei din Washington am fost contactat de consulat. În urma discuţiei cu domnul Ghenea am hotărât să vă contactez pe dvs. Acum am primit un email de la un domn care spune că e de la ambasada României din Washington care nu se regăseşte pe lista personalului ambasadei de pe site. Ataşez aici acel email. Vă rog să analizaţi dvs. această situaţie.
Gheorhge Ion
"2012/7/31 Valentin Dragusin <>
Stimate domnule Gheorghe,
Urmare cererii dvs adresate Ministerului Afacerilor Externe de la Bucuresti, va rugam sa ne trimiteti un numar de telefon la care puteti fi contactat.
O zi placuta in continuare.
Valentin Dragusin
Ambasada Romaniei la Washington"
2012/7/16 relatii_cu_publicul <>
Stimate domn,
Vă mulţumim pentru mesajul dumneavoastră, pe care l-am înregistrat cu nr. E1/P/Co/598/16.07.2012.
Vă vom răspunde în termenul[1] prevăzut de Ordonanţa Guvernului nr. 27/2002 privind reglementarea activităţii de soluţionare a petiţiilor.
Cu consideraţie,
Direcţia Relaţii Interinstituţionale, Politici şi Informaţii Publice
[1] Art. 8 - (1) Autorităţile şi instituţiile publice sesizate au obligaţia să comunice petiţionarului, în termen de 30 de zile de la data înregistrării petiţiei, răspunsul, indiferent dacă soluţia este favorabilă sau nefavorabilă.
(2) Pentru soluţionarea petiţiilor transmise, potrivit art. 61, de la alte autorităţi sau instituţii publice, termenul de 30 de zile curge de la data înregistrării petiţiei la autoritatea sau instituţia publică competentă.
Art. 9 - În situaţia în care aspectele sesizate prin petiţie necesită o cercetare mai amănunţită, conducătorul autorităţii sau instituţiei publice poate prelungi termenul prevăzut la art. 8 cu cel mult 15 zile.
From: George Ion []
Sent: Thu 7/12/2012 05:58
To: relatii_cu_publicul
Subject: Probleme obţinere paşaport
Mă numesc Gheorghe Ion şi locuiesc legal în Statele Unite din 1995. Ultimul paşaport mi-a expirat în 2009. Am încercat să contactez Ambasada României la Washington, dar în schimb am fost contactat de domnul Ghenea de la Consulatul din Los Angeles. Aş fi vrut să discut cu cei de la Ambasada despre dificultatea de a călători la Los Angeles pentru a obţine un paşaport iar domnul Ghenea în schimb m-a invitat la Consulat să aplic pentru o foaie de drum. Problema principală pentru care am reţineri să merg la Los Angeles este descrisă aici: .
Mai este şi problema discriminării tuturor românilor din Statele Unite care nu locuiesc la o distanţă acceptabilă de un consulat. Nu este posibil ca introducerea paşapoartelor biometrice care reprezintă un progres tehnologic să reducă opţiunea de a obţine un paşaport prin poştă ca înainte şi să nu permită obţinerea într-un timp mai rezonabil decât 4 luni.
Gheorghe Ion
Ce înseamnă asta pentru un român care locuieşte în Portland, Oregon? Deplasarea la Los Angeles, 1600 km pe autostradă, taxe de sute de dolari şi apoi o aşteptare de 4 luni.
În Portland sunt în jur de 30000 români din care probabil jumătate cetăţeni români. Dar nu am auzit pe nimeni să se plângă până acum. Mulţi probabil că rezolvă problema altfel, româneşte. În ianuarie anul acesta am contactat ambasada României în Washington. Dar nu mică mi-a fost mirarea când am auzit mesajul de pe answering system. După ce am încercat să vorbesc cu câteva persoane de acolo m-am lămurit. Nici un standard european sau american sau de oricare. Eşti tratat ca un nimic. De fapt nici nu am ajuns să discut problema de mai sus. Au fost un număr de emailuri schimbate între mine, ambasadă şi ministerul de externe. Au fost un număr de miniştri şi prim miniştri schimbaţi.
Ce nu par să înţeleagă domnii din MAE. Un minister dintr-un stat nu e o moşie în care boierul sau vechilul face după cum i se pare. Sunt nişte reguli iar dacă un cetăţean cere ceva i se dă după acele reguli.
Ce să mai vorbim de cazul când regulile au devenit imposibile?
Îmi aminteşte de facultate, când profesorii ridicau "standardul" adică volumul de materie predată atât de sus încât pentru un neşpăgar era aproape imposibil să treacă examenul iar un şpăgar trebuia să fie impresionat ca să poate menţine preţul ridicat.
Am încercat pe vremea nu ştiu cărui ministru de externe să fac o "petiţie" LOL am scris un email în care am descris problema, mi s-a răspuns, mi s-a dat un număr de înregistrare şi apoi s-a schimbat vechilul pe moşie şi aşa a rămas.
Re: FW: Probleme obtinere pasaport- E1/P/Co/598/16.07.2012
from me
George Ion
Jul 31
to relatii_cu_pub.
Ultima dată când m-am adresat ambasadei din Washington am fost contactat de consulat. În urma discuţiei cu domnul Ghenea am hotărât să vă contactez pe dvs. Acum am primit un email de la un domn care spune că e de la ambasada României din Washington care nu se regăseşte pe lista personalului ambasadei de pe site. Ataşez aici acel email. Vă rog să analizaţi dvs. această situaţie.
Gheorhge Ion
"2012/7/31 Valentin Dragusin <>
Stimate domnule Gheorghe,
Urmare cererii dvs adresate Ministerului Afacerilor Externe de la Bucuresti, va rugam sa ne trimiteti un numar de telefon la care puteti fi contactat.
O zi placuta in continuare.
Valentin Dragusin
Ambasada Romaniei la Washington"
2012/7/16 relatii_cu_publicul <>
Stimate domn,
Vă mulţumim pentru mesajul dumneavoastră, pe care l-am înregistrat cu nr. E1/P/Co/598/16.07.2012.
Vă vom răspunde în termenul[1] prevăzut de Ordonanţa Guvernului nr. 27/2002 privind reglementarea activităţii de soluţionare a petiţiilor.
Cu consideraţie,
Direcţia Relaţii Interinstituţionale, Politici şi Informaţii Publice
[1] Art. 8 - (1) Autorităţile şi instituţiile publice sesizate au obligaţia să comunice petiţionarului, în termen de 30 de zile de la data înregistrării petiţiei, răspunsul, indiferent dacă soluţia este favorabilă sau nefavorabilă.
(2) Pentru soluţionarea petiţiilor transmise, potrivit art. 61, de la alte autorităţi sau instituţii publice, termenul de 30 de zile curge de la data înregistrării petiţiei la autoritatea sau instituţia publică competentă.
Art. 9 - În situaţia în care aspectele sesizate prin petiţie necesită o cercetare mai amănunţită, conducătorul autorităţii sau instituţiei publice poate prelungi termenul prevăzut la art. 8 cu cel mult 15 zile.
From: George Ion []
Sent: Thu 7/12/2012 05:58
To: relatii_cu_publicul
Subject: Probleme obţinere paşaport
Mă numesc Gheorghe Ion şi locuiesc legal în Statele Unite din 1995. Ultimul paşaport mi-a expirat în 2009. Am încercat să contactez Ambasada României la Washington, dar în schimb am fost contactat de domnul Ghenea de la Consulatul din Los Angeles. Aş fi vrut să discut cu cei de la Ambasada despre dificultatea de a călători la Los Angeles pentru a obţine un paşaport iar domnul Ghenea în schimb m-a invitat la Consulat să aplic pentru o foaie de drum. Problema principală pentru care am reţineri să merg la Los Angeles este descrisă aici: .
Mai este şi problema discriminării tuturor românilor din Statele Unite care nu locuiesc la o distanţă acceptabilă de un consulat. Nu este posibil ca introducerea paşapoartelor biometrice care reprezintă un progres tehnologic să reducă opţiunea de a obţine un paşaport prin poştă ca înainte şi să nu permită obţinerea într-un timp mai rezonabil decât 4 luni.
Gheorghe Ion
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Lake Oswego Ninja
Click on a picture to enlarge.
2010:03:26 09:10:51

Currently on google maps,-122.6628767,3a,27.3y,76.49h,82.36t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sWk5AmlIAo4b3YrytT2OkLA!2e0
2010:03:26 09:10:51
Currently on google maps,-122.6628767,3a,27.3y,76.49h,82.36t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sWk5AmlIAo4b3YrytT2OkLA!2e0
Friday, August 17, 2012
Scaraoţchi din balcon
De la vecin bineînţeles. Acum în locul lui este un palmier artificial gros cam de 10 cm care aproape atinge acoperişul.
Scara in Romanian means ladder or escalator, it's only one word for both. Like scala in Italian.
From the neighbor's balcony of course. Now in its place there's an artificial palm tree about 10 cm thick that nearly touches the roof's edge.
Scara in Romanian means ladder or escalator, it's only one word for both. Like scala in Italian.
From the neighbor's balcony of course. Now in its place there's an artificial palm tree about 10 cm thick that nearly touches the roof's edge.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Tar Balls
Not from Linux...
In these sunny days in the attic it gets like 120F. In Oregon. (I have one of the weather station's sensors in there. I wonder how it is in hotter states). The tiles of the roof are made of bitumen and tiny pieces of it break and fall through the cracks of the plywood underneath the tiles and mix with the insulation and start decomposing. The more volatile components go first and smell bad but the big problem is the nutrients that are coming from the barbecues. They rot in there and mix with the smell of tar and make a stink that combined with other stinks i described here earlier make your life very hard in a place like this. Tar is antibacterial but i think it favors some yeasts. When i opened the attic this morning to take a sample of the insulation that contains these (actually the tiny tar balls separated from the wool rock in the bottom of the bag i used and when shaken make a sound like they're already dried, the volatile components evaporated but they still smell) there was a back flow from the attic inside the apartment. That's because my next door neighbor has a window opened in the direction where the wind is coming from or the two fans in the window are working creating pressure that goes through the cracks or by the lid into the attic and make that smell to back flow into my apartment or through the intake above the kitchen window or through the vents. And because she/he had the fans started yesterday, the temperature in the attic didn't go that high at the expense of the back flow above the kitchen window. But yesterday morning when i had breakfast i had the kitchen window opened then i got really really sick, almost...
To take the macro below i used one more 55 mm fixed length camera lens held by hand at about one inch in front of my 70-105 equivalent Sony/Minolta lens with the zoom at maximum. First i put the focus on automatic and it did focus but for more precise focus i put the focus on manual ant then moved around until i got it. You may click or middle click on it to better view.
The distance between two graduations on the tape measure below is 1/32 inches. The tar samples have been shaken out of a small insulation sample that could been caught between two fingers but these are only a small part. The total amount is probably in the order of 1/10-1/100 of the total mass of the mineral fiber insulation.
(Macro photographs done with one extra 55 mm lens held by hand at one inch in front of the 28-105 mm stock lens of my Sony DSLR-300 set at maximum or 105 mm. The distance between the out of focus ruler divisions is 1/32 inch. Can click to enlarge)
Although it does not look like asbestos to me (in the picture looks more like it but in reality not, these fibers a lot shinier and more regulated) when i manipulated the sample that's already been shaken to extract the above sub-sample in the sunlight near the window i saw one million shiny sparkles that dissipated in a few seconds i don't know where, and i also felt the smell and the sting in my throat.
Or maybe... from here? Or here?
In these sunny days in the attic it gets like 120F. In Oregon. (I have one of the weather station's sensors in there. I wonder how it is in hotter states). The tiles of the roof are made of bitumen and tiny pieces of it break and fall through the cracks of the plywood underneath the tiles and mix with the insulation and start decomposing. The more volatile components go first and smell bad but the big problem is the nutrients that are coming from the barbecues. They rot in there and mix with the smell of tar and make a stink that combined with other stinks i described here earlier make your life very hard in a place like this. Tar is antibacterial but i think it favors some yeasts. When i opened the attic this morning to take a sample of the insulation that contains these (actually the tiny tar balls separated from the wool rock in the bottom of the bag i used and when shaken make a sound like they're already dried, the volatile components evaporated but they still smell) there was a back flow from the attic inside the apartment. That's because my next door neighbor has a window opened in the direction where the wind is coming from or the two fans in the window are working creating pressure that goes through the cracks or by the lid into the attic and make that smell to back flow into my apartment or through the intake above the kitchen window or through the vents. And because she/he had the fans started yesterday, the temperature in the attic didn't go that high at the expense of the back flow above the kitchen window. But yesterday morning when i had breakfast i had the kitchen window opened then i got really really sick, almost...
To take the macro below i used one more 55 mm fixed length camera lens held by hand at about one inch in front of my 70-105 equivalent Sony/Minolta lens with the zoom at maximum. First i put the focus on automatic and it did focus but for more precise focus i put the focus on manual ant then moved around until i got it. You may click or middle click on it to better view.
The distance between two graduations on the tape measure below is 1/32 inches. The tar samples have been shaken out of a small insulation sample that could been caught between two fingers but these are only a small part. The total amount is probably in the order of 1/10-1/100 of the total mass of the mineral fiber insulation.
(Macro photographs done with one extra 55 mm lens held by hand at one inch in front of the 28-105 mm stock lens of my Sony DSLR-300 set at maximum or 105 mm. The distance between the out of focus ruler divisions is 1/32 inch. Can click to enlarge)
Although it does not look like asbestos to me (in the picture looks more like it but in reality not, these fibers a lot shinier and more regulated) when i manipulated the sample that's already been shaken to extract the above sub-sample in the sunlight near the window i saw one million shiny sparkles that dissipated in a few seconds i don't know where, and i also felt the smell and the sting in my throat.
Or maybe... from here? Or here?
Friday, August 10, 2012
M-am lămurit zilele acestea cât de puţini români înţeleg ce se întâmplă. Orice ar fi, nu cred că strică să aduc noi informaţii lămuritoare, chestii ce sunt de notorietate în alte ţări. Alte ţări mai aşezate, mai stabile, cu oameni mai maturi care pot să facă faţă acestor probleme. În idea că poate unii vor începe să extrapoleze ce spun eu pe aici şi la alte chestii pentru a-şi da seama de dimensiunea problemei.
De exemplu aici la nu ştiu ce post de radio era o reclama cu o firmă locală de lipo...sucţie Sono Bello. Un joc de cuvinte care în italiană înseamnă sunt frumos iar în engleză aproape sunet de clopot. În reclamă era alternat cuvântul Bello cu Bell iar pentru un vorbitor de italiana reprezenta aşa un fel de poticnire, Sono Bell. Dar mai rezonează şi cu Bela Lugosi, cel ce a dat viaţă, acum aproape 100 de ani personajului Dracula, într-un teatru pe Broadway, scos dintr-o carte care nici nu s-a vândut când a fost publicată prima dată. (De fapt vedeam recent la OPB un film despre Anglia şi chiar spunea prezentatorul, comandantul vasului rusesc Demeter care a eşuat în Anglia, cu care se presupune ca a ajuns Dracula acolo a existat, a fost arestat, într-adevăr, dar din cauză că era beat. LOL acu' m-am prins, şi aici coincidenţă?) Din cauză că şi aici ca şi în alte ţări (Dacă vă întreb repede cum îl cheamă pe actorul ăla răutăcios din Dallas, ce o să spuneţi, JR, nu Larry Hagmann? Cu alte cuvinte numele Lary Hagman va fi întotdeauna asociat cu JR, Patrick Duffy cu Bobby, etc.. Iar despre Sue Ellen, cine ştie cum o cheamă pe actriţă?) lumea de multe ori confundă actorul cu persoanjul, Bela este sinomim cumva cu Dracula. Normal, cineva ar spune aici că lumea a uitat acele reprezentări pe Broadway, normal, ar fi trebuit să le uite dar nu, nu le-a uitat şi aceasta este realitatea, de ce, nu ştiu exact. A normal au fost finanţate şi făcute atâtea filme cu Dracula de-a lungul timpului, am impresia că de pe vremea filmului mut.;_ylt=A2KJkIccjCVQezYAKSiJzbkF?p=dracula+poster&fr=sfp&ei=utf-8&n=30&x=wrt&y=Search
Şi Bela nu scapă nici o ocazie de a ieşi în public, de exemplu acum cu pierderea medaliei de bronz a lui Ponor, pentru că nu-i aşa, românii trebuie să ia argintul, silver, care rimează cu Transilvania şi SUV-ul SILVERADO şi cu multe alte lucruri pe care nu am curaj să le scriu aici. De fapt s-ar putea să regret şi ce am scris deja. (Chiar am auzit că celălalt Belu am uitat cu îl cheamă care antrenează zburătoarele noastre de la aparate, se retrage din antrenoriat împrenuă cu Mariana Bit-ang).
Există în Statele Unite o întreagă cultură vie, destinată lui Dracula. Întreţinută de anumite persoane. Iar unii români tineri care nu înţeleg ce se întâmplă glumesc ca tâmpiţii dându-se în spectacol, ca acesta să poată continua. De belea, bestial, etc.
Şi acum o întrebare către concetăţeni. De ce credeţi voi că îşi muşcă unii atleţi medaliile la olimpiadă?
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Crooked Stripes on I5
How hard is to draw a straight stripe on a highway? I assume it's much easier than to build one and yet the surface of I5 is pretty straight but the stripes are crooked. I only could take a few pictures between Wilsonville and 217 and these are not the worst places. It is a very easy way to ruin the work of other people who built the highway and make it a little less safe for drivers. The same with 217. Or maybe studies found that it's safer when it's less monotonous... Or maybe ther're hidden subliminal messages in that modulation...
But nothing can surpass what i saw today on KATU web site:
I have to confess first i laughed then i remembered about the pictures i took yesterday and made the effort to put them here since i risked my life and my wife's life to take those. But this is no joke since it can ad to other problems on the road. And it became a habit in Oregon in the last years. The worst i can remember is in Beaverton or Portland, on 217 near the end at Barnes road, under 26 overpass.
I apologize for the greenish taint and poor focus on my pictures it's because they've been taken through the windshield. And of course i couldn't possibly stop to take them properly, so many times.
But nothing can surpass what i saw today on KATU web site:
I have to confess first i laughed then i remembered about the pictures i took yesterday and made the effort to put them here since i risked my life and my wife's life to take those. But this is no joke since it can ad to other problems on the road. And it became a habit in Oregon in the last years. The worst i can remember is in Beaverton or Portland, on 217 near the end at Barnes road, under 26 overpass.
I apologize for the greenish taint and poor focus on my pictures it's because they've been taken through the windshield. And of course i couldn't possibly stop to take them properly, so many times.