Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Smooth Operator, Kiss Of Life, etc.

În toamna lui 95, o vreme plină de speranţe şi coincidenţe în care nu credeam, conduceam maşina pe ploaie, pe Burnside, dincolo de centrul Portland-ului, spre Gresham. Mergeam la un tip Pit Mann sau Peter Man sau cum s-o fi scriind, un român neamţ din Ardeal care mai repara maşini acasă în garaj, pe strada 200 şi ceva. Eu credeam că maşina are ceva şi mai credeam că el poate să o repare.

(Chiar cu maşina aia în ianuarie 96 am condus odată pe autostradă cu furtunul de la pompa de benzină spart şi am lăsat o dară de benzină lungă probabil de zeci de km.)

Pe atunci lucram la Sheridan Fruit Company, schimbul 2, ca box boy, ţin minte că mă puneau să număr şi sticlele şi can-urile de băuturi pe care le aducea oamenii străzii, în saci, împuţite.

În spate era o clădire cu intrare cu cifru unde intrau şi ieşeau tot felul de persoane, cineva la un moemnt dat mi-a spus că acolo a fost biserică satanistă, dar nu ştiu sigur, iar preotul lor, un tip îmbrăcat mai mult în negru care călca săltat, venea şi cumpăra alimente de la noi. Ţin minte odată a venit cu girlfriend-ul, o tipă îmbrăcată în negru cu părul vopsit alb şi eu eram în genunchi aşezam nişte cutii de coserve pe un raft de jos iar el stătea lângă mine şi se uita în gol.

Deci conduceam pe Burnside, spre Gresham.

La radio doi DJ-ei se certau de la cum se pronunţă Sade care era la mare modă pe atunci. Până la urmă au ajuns la concluzia că se pronunţă şade, exact ca în româneşte. Ţin minte că m-a frapat.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Different DNA

"Most eukaryotic chromosomes include packaging proteins which, aided by chaperone proteins, bind to and condense the DNA molecule to prevent it from becoming an unmanageable tangle."

However there is a phase in cellular mitosis (division) when, before replication, chromosomes need to be unpackaged.

How do they manage to remain a "manageable tangle" during that period?

BTW there is another thing i don't understand in this video that shows a strand already unpackaged being processed by the enzymes helicase/polymerase to create two strands. Where it comes from the "material" added by the polymerase to create the second strand?

Can a packed chromosome perform the same function like transmitting information to ribosomes on how to build protein as an unpacked one? How fragment copies of DNA pass that "scaffolding" (image below)?

According to current theories, human chromosomes' "double stranded helicoidal DNA" range in length from 51 million to 245 million base pairs of atoms. At actual size, an average human cell chromosome totals up to 3 meters long and a few angstroms (10 to minus 10 meters) wide, made of two very long strings (strands) of atoms linked together as pairs. The longest known molecule.

To replicate, each double helix has to unwind and separate in two strands and and each strand of course has to stay in one piece. Each strand then acts as a template for a new strand or its new pair that needs to be packed back together. But at least at a certain moment when it is unpacked, it should be indeed an "unimaginable tangle".

And who or what is doing the job of unpacking/packing, scaffolding, etc..?

If you take a look at the picture below you'll see the 5 levels of winding or packaging of the DNA. At least at three different levels the DNA is packed with different types of "fiber".

Chromosomes are visible under microscope. Here is a video showing the very moment of the separation of the chromosomes during the mitosis (dividing) of one cell.

However no unpacking, unwinding/rewinding etc. of the double helix strands is apparent. They appear to separate like they were in the final stage from the picture above. According to the current theory the video basically shows each chromosome as a clew separating into two without any unwinding.

This video (animation) catches and earlier phase, "condensation" but still no replication. Condensation appears to be the last level of packaging as in the image above.

Take a Bow

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Diamonds And Rust

I hope i'm not infringing any copyright here, for the others i posted i don't really care.

The strangest song i ever heard. For those who don't speak English, click on it to get on youtube and then look for some of the words under the video.

I heard this song the first time @2006. That's when i decided that i should improve my English. At least the understanding and written part of it, of course, i will always have that horrible Eastern European accent. Especially when i get mad...

Here's a little something that i picked from the beach and goes well with the song... You can click on it while the song plays, it will not stop it. Or here for the complete lyrics.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Când am auzit prima dată cuvântul parlament în România, mi-am zis oauu asta e, am pus-o, cuvântul parlament vine de la parlare sau parler adică a vorbi, ce mai, acolo se va rezolva viitorul nostru numai prin simple discuţii, ca între gentlemeni.

Dar nu am ştiut pe atunci că în România de azi nu se va putea ridica o clasă politică şi o elită care odată au fost extirpate ştiinţific.

După teatrul original discuţiile au degenerat, au devenit tot mai scurte, mai celulare, mai apăsate, mai cifrate până când s-a ajuns că unii vor să-şi dea demisia de acolo ca să aibă timp să vb mai mult la celular probabil.

Asta e, a venit tehnologia peste noi şi ne-a lovit la totate nivelele. Cartele, monitoare, camere, cascadori, 4G, bluetooth, toate gajeturile. Viitorul nostru pare în curs de rezolvare. Prin fibră optică, criptat, de nu ştiu unde. E pe router.

Imnul protestatarilor - propunere

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Bruno Mars şi chart-urile

Am văzut ştirile azi, oh boy. Acum încep să înţeleg de ce chart-urile sunt aşa cum sunt şi de ce muzica pe posturi locale în ultimii 2-3 ani sună mai rău ca niciodată de când chart-urile şi probabil de când se dă muzică la radio.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Candle In The Wind

We survive in a world of uncertainty. The ones that live before us decided for our own protection that we should not know anything for sure. And they are those who look down to us while we try to figure what's wrong with them.

Here is a song to remind us who we are.

By Reginald Kenneth Dwight. Or is he?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I planned this post for a long time, i even wrote it once as a paragraph in a different post that i deleted due to apparent synchronization with unrelated current events. But i will not shy off again just because of weird coincidences. And those passed from immediate and permanent public's attention for EVER like they always do due to the mere number of incoming unverifiable news.

Entraining is the synchronization of primarily one's breath with one's thought like in yoga or with outside body events like rhythmic sound although it can be applied to any rhythmic physiological activity like brain waves. It can occur in meditation, walking, dancing, work or any human activity that involve some repetition. I don't think the capability to be entrained is inherited but aquired sometime early in life, consciously or not. Maybe some are experimenting with primates, and could tell as more, as it was dr Mauser at Harvard, who was experimenting with primate body language before he was kicked out of the university probably for ethical and legal reasons.

When  using sound it can be done remotely when a person is unaware or ignoring the sound, especially during more elaborate activities that require concentration.

It can be done through music, TV, due to real time processing capabilities of today's portable supercomputers, and other means more costly like mowers motors, cars etc.

It can lead to hyperventilation and its toxic effects on the brain, if the breath is accelerated, or the opposite, lowering the oxygen level until obtaining different effects, including trance, suggestibility, arrhythmia etc.

I would not be totally surprised if in the past there were songs, poems or even books especially designed in laboratories first to entrain, to bring the subject in a certain state of suggestibility, and then to burn a message in their brain like in a sort of "punch line". But these are things of the past, today it can be done in real time even with feed-back provided by an array of passive sensors.

But lately it came to my attention the fact that the brain waves of two people that have lived a while together or in proximity could be partially entrained... But this is a subject i'm still thinking on...

In my own opinion an through personal experiences, i think entraining, in the hands of some people can become a tool of manipulation.

One car's engine, 1 mile away can do a lot to a person with nobody noticing, that can go from inducing a certain state of mind all the way to making sick or, depending on "subject's" health, even worse.

There's no question if it should be banned provided the lawmakers acknowledge its existence and usage first and provide legal means to the law enforcement agencies to detect it.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

We Make The Hipsters Fall In Love

Mi s-a părut mie sau ieri noapte printre gene obosite am văzut-o pe Kesha într-o poză cu o floare ceva la Saturdady Night Live. Nu ştiu am impresia că nu e de bine, cine ajunge pe acolo la negative...

Adevărul e că de mult îmi sună în cap versul de mai sus împreună cu altele din songul ei, printre care şi memorabilul If you're one of us then roll with us, dar mai bine să păstez aici cântecul pentru prieteni să vadă şi ei ce au mai auzit... Sper să nu mă pape mama lu copyright...

Oops a plecat mouse-ul în altă direcţie şi am pus melodia, pentru a delecta încă o dată ascultătorii care pot să descopere acum şi lirica.

Deci ce ar vrea să zică domnişoara în versul preocupant Cause we make the hipsters fall in love...? Pluralul este ceea ce atrage atenţia cel mai mult. Dar de cine să se îniubiţească bulangiii? De asta nu mai putem fi siguri... Ce ştim sigur e că melodia asta pare magică...

Universuri paralele

V-aţi întrebat vreodată de ce seamănă atât de mult vocea regretatei Anda Călugăreanu cu cea a lui Cindy Lauper? Ce ironic chiar cântă o melodie despre cei care imită pe alţii. Oare cine i-a compus-o?
Ok scuze melodia aia de la Cerbul de Aur a dispărut de pe youtube, dar am găsit alta, la fel de incitantă LOL nu merge intrigantă LOL nici aşa nu e bine nu ştiu în ce limbă să mă exprim. Poate pentru bucureşteni melodia asta are sens, pentru cei din provincie care mâncam portocale odată pe an nu prea.

Sau cea a Corinei Chiriac cu a lui Tenille din Captain and Tenille. Apropo, niciodată până la clipul ăsta nu mi-am dat seama ce mişto cântă şi arată Corina. Way to go darling, you move my soul!

Refrenul dn Voi cânta pentru mileniul 3 a Angelei Similea este plagiat clar după Stevie Wonder. De ce nu a spus nimeni nimic până acum? Am recitit versurile de la melodia Angelei şi am rămas blocat. Mă gândesc că a folosit refrenul acela pentru a atrage atenţia. Oare ce mesaj către viitor a vrut să dea, că nu înţeleg.

13/03/2015 Nu, este exact invers. Melodia Angelei a fost cântată prima dată în 87   iar cea a lui Stevie în 95 Scuze Angela Similea.
04/08/2015 ok clipul acela cu Angela Similea la Mamaia high quality a dispărut de pe youtube, am pus altul acum, mai scurt.

Ok iar flautul acela mi-a amintit de melodia aceasta care îmi aminteşte de cineva din România, nu ştiu de cine poate mă ajută cineva...

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Now Let's Get Down To What's Really Wrong

And the caravan it's on its way
I can hear the merry gypsie' play
Mama mama look at Emma Rose
She's a-playin' with the radio
La, la, la, la...

And the caravan is pretty runaway
That mean' everybody's staying overnight
And the barefoot gypsy boy
Round the campfire sing' and play'
And a woman tells us of her ways.
La, la, la, la...

Turn up your radio in a little bit little bit little bit hear the song
Switch on your electric light
Now we can get down to what's really wrong
I long just to hold you in my arms so that I can feel you
Sweet lady of the night I shall reveal you

Turn it up, turn it up, little bit higher radio
Turn it up, that's enough, so you know it's got soul
La, la, la, la...

Turn up your ra-dio in a little bit little bit little bit hear the song
Switch on your electric light
Now we can get down to what's really wrong really wrong really wrong really wrong really wrong
I long just to hold you in my arms so that I can feel you
Sweet lady of the night I shall reveal you

Turn it up, turn it up, little bit higher radio
Turn it up, that's enough, so you know it's got soul
So you know, So you know it's got soul baby
So you know it's got ... yeah. Sah bi di bi da bah...  So you know it's got soul yeah...
So you know it's got now a bit soul...
Turn it up now!
Do that one more time!
Do that one more time!
So you know! It's got enough...
Do that one more time!
Do that one more time!
Do that one more time!
Do that one more time!
La, la, la, la...

(And the caravan has all my friends
It will stay with me until the end
Gypsy Robin, Sweet Emma Rose
Tell me everything I need to know
La, la, la...)

Thank You RotOn for this clip:

Aprinde DragoStea tot de la RotOn

Portland's flag, didn't know it had one, really...

Hacked phone

Hacked internet

Hacked TV

Hacked Flickr

This just happened when i tried to switch the obviously hacked yahoo account associated with flickr with another one. Although it said that, apparently it works. How?