Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Why Chiropractic Works

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This idea came to me motivated by the dreadfull popping sound of my vertebrae during my first and only manipulation.

The chiropractor popped his fingers before the procedure right in front of me, "preparing me" for what was to come; the sound of maybe ten of my vertabrae popping like popcorn in the oven while he pressed once, shortly and decisively with both palms of his hands crossed on my spine! He explained me that the sound i will hear during the adjustment comes from the CO2 instantly boiling in the disk due to low pressure in a similar way the sinovial fluid would if you extended the articulation of you fingers and make them pop, due to the relative vacuum being created in the articulation (sinovial fluid). Obviously, he lost too many clients after the first visit that made it worthy to pop his fingers. As i was skeptic, he did it with several fingers until i started feeling for him.

I was never able to pop my fingers :( , but ever since i tried to figure how you can create vacuum in the disk by simply pressing perpendicularly on the axis of one's spine.

What's happening is the disks are being deformed as following: one side of the disk is being compressed and the other extended due to the fact that the angle between the axis of two adjacent vertebrae is changing. This can be observed in the pictures.The deformation is not equal on both sides. The compression on the side close to where the force is being applied during manipulation is smaller than the extension on the other side because the disk has a gel like structure inside but a hard "skin". During this procedure the disk is less compressed on one side than extended on the other. The result is a relative vacuum being created in the gel area that allows the eventual bulge to be sucked back in. It is literally a reduction or at least a partial reduction of the disk hernia.

The same with the succession of cat and dog yoga poses. The effect of this succession is very similar to the "adjustment" the chiropractors do.

This vacuum inside the disk is similar to what they obtain using traction machines, except is local and stronger. The traction machines extend all the spine and a few other articulations and then the extension effect is somewhat attenuated by a number of disks and articulations being extended in the same time.

Usually the explanation chiropractors themselves give about how it works is differrent, like alignement, subluxations and things like that. But if my explanation is the true one, it could lead to improvement of actual practices since it is obvious that the patient would benefit of rest after manipulation. If there is reduction of bulge that occurs the effect of reduction will be partially reversed by the compression created during standing and walking. With rest, the healing will be much faster and the number of manipulation decreased.

Although we cannot be sure of this either. Another phenomenon that occurs during manipulation is a hydraulic shock in all the adjacent tissues. The popping sound is there to prove it. This create a slight inflammation in all the surrounding tissues thus increasing the blood flow and accelerating the healing of the disk which is the biggest organ in the body that does not have its own blood supply and sucks its nutrients from the surrounding tissues. By walking and maintaining a higher heart rhythm and blood pressure, this effect is improved.

Monday, January 16, 2012


O altă chestie care am vrut s-o scriu cu ani în urmă. Asta sunt, un retard. Dar dacă n-o fac eu acum, atunci n-o s-o facă nimeni. În public.

"Reflexology, or zone therapy, is an alternative medicine involving the physical act of applying pressure to the feet, hands, or ears with specific thumb, finger, and hand techniques without the use of oil or lotion. It is based on what reflexologists claim to be a system of zones and reflex areas that they say reflect an image of the body on the feet and hands, with the premise that such work effects a physical change to the body.[1] A 2009 systematic review of randomised controlled trials concludes that "The best evidence available to date does not demonstrate convincingly that reflexology is an effective treatment for any medical condition."[2]"


Un articol din Wikipedia care trebuie mutat la http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_misconceptions. De ce? Nu există ABSOLUT nici o bază în logică sau practică pentru aşa ceva.

Poate chestia cu urechile, care este împărțită şi ea pe zone dar a fost şi este practicată de chinezi. Dar nu se numeşte deloc reflexologie.

Dar şi aceea s-ar putea să fie bunk.


În fiecare zi călcăm de câteva mii de ori pe TOATE zonele acelea. Deci se activează. A, poate de aceea cei ce merg mai mult pe jos sunt mai sănătoşi.

Aiurea. Mersul pe jos e cea mai veche şi mai naturală şi mai sănătoasă activitate umană.

Dar treaba e mult, mult mai tristă. EXISTĂ o ştiinţă care se cheamă reflexologie, dar e ceva mai ocultă. Începutul ei îl ştie toată lumea, se numeşte Pavlov.

Sfârşitul continuă cu laboratoare gen cum a avut dr Hauser care a fost dat afară de la Harvard anul trecut pentru neetică cu primatele pe când studia el body language-ul macaque sau cum se scrie.

Şi e cam aşa. Se folosesc tot felul de sunete aleatoare şi se înregistrează într-o bază de date extraordinar de uriaşă semnele vitale ale primatelor ascultătoare şi supercalculatorul după aia trage concluzia.

Cum putem aduce pe cineva într-o anumită stare doar cu mici sunete de care nici nu e conştient. Creştere, scădere tensiune, puls, respiraţie, oxigen în sânge, bioxid de carbon în sânge, calciu, sodiu, potasiu şi în general toţi cei peste 2000 neurotransmiţători cunoscuţi după ultima socoteală.

Dacă se poate ajunge la incontinenţă, excitaţie sexuală, transă, fibrilaţie, inconştienţă, stop cardiac, etc. folosind reflexologia? Da normal că se poate, ştiu eu pe cineva. Întrebări?

Scuze că am scris unele chestii cu litere mari. Dar chestia MĂ ENERVEAZĂ.

Deci toată moda cu reflexologia tălpii nu e decât alt cover-up fiindcă treaba e tare strategică mai ales în lumea noastă plină de gadgeturi.