Tuesday, August 30, 2022

August 30

12:30 Yesterday morning around 11:15 before they came to finish the sliding door i noticed the motorcycle was moved again, with the cover removed, and i remembered he came home late last night and also saw for the first time what appeared to be a puddle of gasoline that has dissolved some of the asphalt and then dried, showing a different color on the pavement. I was intrigued and took a picture of it but never had time to follow up or write about.

Last night after i slept (passed out) i woke and was ready to go for a walk and was fiddling with the phones trying to make a working connection (they have compatibility issues, as i said, don't always work or ring) before i left when someone knocked at my door around 8:30. I looked through the window and i saw it was the man upstairs and was thinking maybe i forgot something outside whatever but he first started to ask me questions as why the motorcycle was moved, why the construction guys made a mess in his balcony and didn't installed back the AC after they replaced  the sliding door. (Didn't know he had an AC could be a new type, i don't know). I told him the motorcycle was moved several times by the construction guys during last week when he was missing, and they shouldn't have done it without permission.

He then asked me if i knew anything about the puddle of oil in the parking lot and i told him, if that was oil it wouldn't have dried. He told me that the oil cap was ok and i told him i don't know if that motorcycle has an oil pan (with a cap). I asked him how much gas is in the tank and he shook the motorcycle and he said there was none and he also told me he had also worked recently at the fuel line.

Hours later i realized he possibly being new to motorcycles could not know that some motorcycles need a little oil added in the gasoline, as that is the only lubrication provided to the engine. If you fail to do so, the engine may seize and that oil might have accounted for the color of the puddle). So i just went and put a sticky note on his car. I hope i can contact him tomorrow before he goes to fill that tank as i really don't want to knock on his door at this  hour. I would assume he would try to check the fuel line first, and i would see him doing that and talk to him.

I didn't follow on this or other things as all morning and well into the evening, when he came, i was groggy, exactly when they came to work inside the first time. In both cases i fell asleep with all the noise just before they came. In both cases there was something outside putting out fumes, like a diesel generator in the first case and potentially an unused compressor with a tank sitting there all day in second (next to the hydrant in the picture). Wondering how much gas was in that tank and how those vapors influenced me as well earlier. When he came inside again like last time i felt like sleeping while standing and watching him.

8:32 One second he was upstairs, when i looked both car and motorcycle were gone. Then i heard a door and when i looked the car was here, and he was walking away very fast. I went and grabbed the truck and caught with him at the end of the alley, leaving on his bike. Apparently he didn't take my advice to put oil in gas. I told him not to drive like that cause the engine may seize. He asked me how much should he add and what type, like maybe 10W30? and i told him again to google. Then i drove back towards the apartment but remembered i had to buy something and left and saw him taking a turn at the gas station, maybe to buy oil. I went to buy my stuff and when i came back finally had a chance and motivation to google everything.

Oil is added only in 2 stroke engines, which went of the market around 2008 and now are coming back. Oil to be added in gas in a proportion of 50:1 is a special type of oil. Apparently by the shape of the engine of his bike he's got a 4 stroke engine which does not require oil in gas. What happens if you don't add oil in gas in a 2 stroke and if you add in a 4 stroke. So not knowing, risk of something happening is higher if you don't add oil in a 2 stroke.

But there weird parts in this whole story.  First of all, the gas leak which is now covered by his car. He usually went to work on car not on bike. He not knowing if he needs oil in gas. The lyrics of a song i complained about with porn going mainstream. Here's the copy of the note i wrote and attached to the window of his car last night and he confirmed he found it.

O poză din Gardianul îl înfățișează însă mai mult ca... Țepeș.

6:41 I looked at the kitchen window and all the flashing they put moved because of too much tension, leaving big cracks and that explains the "feel" of the day. Even after i did 2 more burgers on the elctric pan, i was still feeling stingy dust so i went and added some clear silicon (that's all i got) so the cracks are still visible. While working at the window, i saw the guy from upstairs coming.

I went and spoke with the guy upstairs. Motorcycle is definitely a four stroke. I think the guys with the van stole his gasoline through the line (he's got a locked cap) and emptied the tank when his bike was in a different position in the parking lot. When he came and moved it, kinda with the front wheel on a higher position than rear, the remaining gas ran on the pavement. In the meantime, the tank was putting out fumes through the open lines, possibly for days. I think they are stealing my gas too but in my case is most for decreasing my mileage performance, even after i put a locked cap on. While i was talking with him, the veteran (a different actor now) and his wife (a writer) came with the dog and were listening.

10:21 When i saw Gorbachev the first time i knew there was hope. He was  the first communist leader i saw smiling, ever. What did i know.

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