Wednesday, August 31, 2022

August 31

3:12 Woke up at 2 AM, nauseated due to smell of litter dust. I remembered yesterday i found some huge cracks at the flashing covering the big space left from replacing the old window. From where stuff can fall from wall inside. I'm pretty sure it wasn't like that after they done it. One way this could have happened is if someone was pushing it or hammer it from outside, bending the nails. Got it. When they put the siding.

Rest of the job was done by vibration by the hammering on the building across. Just looked and saw some more gaps under the window like done with a tool and i'm pretty sure i haven't seen those either.

One of the consequences i, i take a shower, i stink again in a couple of hours.

4:50 For the first time i realized the unidentified sulfur like smell i was feeling next to the door was gasoline. I went to see if it's his bike. There was a smell but i could pin it to his bike. Then an idea came to me. I went and opened the little door for gas cap and it was smelling, under. I removed the cap and it was wet, probably due to condensation. However smell should not occur. I removed the cap and put back the old one but now i'm thinking, what if the rims of the gas hole are not perfectly straight, after that accident that brought the car in auction as total loss. Or something else that might explain the difference between mileage on dashboard indicator and that at the pump. I'll see tomorrow.

5:00 Chestiile astea îmi amintesc de niște Shinto gates. Au fost instalate cumva pe vremea lui Constantinescu?

10:54 Măi, Ciucă, not again!... Au tăcut un timp pe chestia asta.

Nu știu de ce, lor li se pare că dacă discută despre ceva lumea crede că ei lucrează la acel lucru. În realitate, ei doar dau din buze. Că le rezolvă sau nu, importantă e sintagma. Fundul cui?

Cât despre Ciucă, lumea vorbește că e gângav. Asta este în concordanță cu ipoteza mea că ar fi acel înotător paralimpic din Ungaria, care are paralizie cerebrală (cerebral palsy) sau pauză la creier mai pe românește. Re-citind articolul, mi-am amintit de mafioți. Imaginați-vă. Dacă ar fi niște mafyoczi la conducerea României, ce ar spune? Nem bani, Nem bani, "nu sunt bani la buget", "nu ne putem permite".

Estimp (un fleac, 32 de ani) banii dvs. din TVA,  impozit pe proprietăți, profit, fluturași, etc., mugurii isărești, sute de miliarde anual, au zburat ca păsările călătoare din Roata lui Sorescu, întotdeauna cu o aripă în nord și una în sud adică spre îndestularea cezarului de unde apune soarele.

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