Tuesday, September 20, 2022

September 20

2:05 With 3.5 inches of rain, October is supposed to be one of the wettest months in Portland. However this year it didn't rain in August and September and Wunderground predicts no rain for October also.

2:41 Distragerea atenției. Face asta sau ceva asemănător de câte ori scriu ceva despre secui. Lucrurile sunt mult, mult mai grave catastrofale decât atât.

9:54 Woke up the second time, in smoke. AQI was bad last night (over 100) when i woke up the first time, chocking, after i forgot the sliding door a bit opened. Right now is 70, with dust, hammering, a saw or two running continuously and open walls exposing insulation. A rain (coming from land), part of an atypical Pacific storm that usually don't get so close to the land just missed the Cheddar Creek fire, east of Oakridge.

10:23 Remember when i said that Frankie Adams, my upstairs neighbor, acting as a Latino, man had a couple of miniature boxing gloves hanging by her car's mirror? All the obscenities yelling while watching boxing matches? A few days ago i also found a red collection boxing glove, like this one (didn't look for the signature) wet, thrown under one of  the balconies of  the next building.

Last night i was searching online for something about her and i found out she was a... boxer as well?

11:50 Afterglow... Antonio Gutteres.

11:00 Years after Romanians got fed with vast corruption and scandals, they were called by the Parliament at two referenda (out of total of 6 Romania had in its history) to dismiss President Băsescu and both of them failed, narrowly (they were organized years after Băsescu named mostly all judges and prosecutors in Romania and his prime minsters were in power).

Ironically, just before finishing undisturbed his second 5 years term, in December 2014 Băsescu countersigned a law, very ambiguously formulated, which effectively reduces the mandatory presence to a referendum to 25%, trampling the Constitution that implies a majority is needed, making possible for any referendum in Romania, a EU and NATO country, to pass with a 12,5% "majority". Will a referendum held by that law (one was already held, on the theme of (forbidding) gay marriages but that one passed with an overwhelming 91% out of 89% validated votes) be more legitimate than the planned referenda in the occupied Eastern Ukraine?

11:30 Reality check. Pentru prima dată am realizat azi, când am vrut să pun un link în interiorul articolului Wikipedia cu referendumul asupra articolului 48, cuvântul bărbat în românește seamănă prea mult cu barbar. Pentru un cititor din altă limbă, înaintea traducerii, fraza seamănă cu "între un barbar și o femeie".

3:32 One more missed Cheddar Creek fire, another one also of that storm's arm is brewing.
Another one.

Hard Rock Cafe.

9:35 Marele absent ne-motivat și repetent (de guverne) ne face inventarul la economii (de curent) în timp ce noi stăm și nu zicem nimic, pentru că românul întotdeauna se teme de mai rău.

10:05 Got it. This whole Ukraine war thing started in 2014 when i first said about the possible occupation of the US West Coast by tens of millions of Japan's hikikomori turned ninja disguised as Mexicans with Hungarians as whites in all visible positions. It's nothing but a (planetary) scare and cover and a distraction from that. Always thinking about all the wars and massacres these guys influencers dragged human kind into in the last few hundreds of years.

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