Thursday, September 29, 2022

September 29

5:20 Right after Angela went to work, i went and dusted the last area of the building i haven't, where there's an AC in the front of the building. I was visualizing in my mind for days, but did not dare because it involved using a long pole, from the stairs, and the pole would pass over a window that was today closed and inside was dark. First my brush was clogged with dust, had to clean it, so i retracted it,  touched the pole to the rail, made some noise. Got like 90% of the dust, it was a lot, some on the glass of that lamp that was posted upwards, for some reason. Then i went down on the ground to get what i couldn't from the stairs.

When i was about done, someone came from inside, without turning on the light and stopped the AC that was running only as fan, vibrating that wall and raising the dust that will then be electrified and propelled by that fan and than depending on wind, surrounding all building.

Came inside, all irritated by the dust, took a shower, still stingy. Dust in my throat, nausea, took a charcoal cap. Will last for half day.

3:21 And i went back to sleep, with the TV on that somehow started to play a video called LIVE Los Angeles plane spotting and when i woke up after 10 i started to watch and didn't realize it wasn't live and what time was in the video though the guy kept saying September 22, first day of fall, when i saw this and i said to myself, steam is coming out of that engine, what could that be, and rushed to the computer, did a search and open another archived video, this time since 24, and wrote a message there, and the owner of the channel answered and asked what time it was and then after first saying the time i posted the comment, i realized that it wasn't live at all. And there was steam coming out of both engines. Could be normal operation. Just another trick for another day, another lesson learned.

Was still nauseated by the huge amount of dust i've been breathing by dusting that corner of the building earlier, made some broccoli, garlic sauce, oatmeal, did a load of laundry and left. When i left i looked at the building and saw there was still dust. Because it was so much, it clogged my brush, twice, i missed a spot because i insisted a lot on the area around the lamp (should have taken a picture, but my priority, once there, next to their window, was to clean), and when i started to do the rest, someone came and stopped the AC which made me give up. However, as i said, i did 90% of it but because it was so much, what remained is like what it was on my corner after they finished.

8:30 Asta chiar n-o înțeleg. Îi mulțumește pentru că a plagiat, la fel ca el? Că demisionează? Că demisionează în locul lui și al lui Iohunnies?

9:05 Urmărind video-ul de mai sus, nu pot decât să-mi amintesc cum am traversat, în 2018, Los Angeles de la sud la nord și înapoi. Singurul motiv pentru care am mers până acolo a fost să văd un mic golf la sud de LA, care l-am văzut într-o pictură (serigrafie) când am fost bolanav într-un spital. Într-o seară ne-am hotărât să mergem în nord LA să vedem măcar Holywood Blvd (vizita la unul din marile studiouri cinematografice costa în jur de 400 de dolari). Nu mai știu distanța, ceva de genul 40 de mile, când trebuiai să schimbi vreo 10 autostrăzi care brăzdează LA-ul, o sarcină care ar fi fost imposibilă fără google maps și GPS-ul din telefon. Însă ce e memorabil e felul cum conduc oamenii pe acolo. Limitele de viteză merg până la 70 (mile, nu km, spre deosebire de Oregon unde maximul e de 65), și în general se merge cu până la 10 peste și mai mult, adică până 130-140 kmh dar felul în care conduc. Deși politicos (pe cât se poate) și precis, probabil orașul cu cei mai nebuni șoferi din lume. Schimbă mai multe benzi odată, fac slalom printre alții exact ca în video dar nu unul doi ci o bună parte și dacă ești slab de înger, probabil nu trebuie să te bagi pe acolo. Unele autostrăzi sunt cu plată, îți fotografiază numărul și dacă nu știi să plătești pe un site... Am mai văzut faimoasa Huntington Beach și Venice Beach. La întoarcere, am făcut 1000 mile (1600 km în două zile), majoritatea pe I5 iar când am ajuns înapoi, pe 3 iulie seara, am găsit camioneta cu un cauciuc găurit și programată pentru ridicare a doua zi. Câteva zile mi-a fost greu să conduc la viteza de melc din Oregon.

9:55 Alexandru Arșinel.

11:50 The care for Ukraine.

12:00 Se agață de orice spui iar răspunsul vine de oriunde (fiindcă ei controlează tot și pe toți). Am vorbit despre necesitatea antrenamentului piloților în zona de bază, cum ar fi recuperarea din stall.

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