8:30 Cam jumătate, sau 200 miliarde de lei sau 40 miliarde euro anual. Dar nu e vorba numai de contracte oneroase, prețuri și angajări. Astea sunt cazul fericit în care știm ce s-a întâmplat cu banii. O mare parte din bani însă dispar pur și simplu din buget, bugetul nu se încheie în mod public, de 32 de ani nu a venit nimeni niciodată la sfârșitul anului să spună: Ăștia au fost banii, atât s-a cheltuit, pe ce anume sau la începutul anului să spună: Ăștia sunt banii, asta vom face cu ei. Cu alte cuvinte, o dare se seamă pe buget. V-au obișnuit așa, asta vine din vechime, din comunism, când nimeni nu dădea seama de nimic, era un singur politician la televizor, și nimeni nu va schimba asta niciodată.
Fără menționarea acelor cifre, totul este de un mișto imens cosmic.
Motivul și în același timp consecința că miniștrii se schimbă în fiecare an. Fiecare ministru care a fost într-un guvern sau altul a deturnat în medie aproximativ două miliarde de euro, la unele ministere a fost mai mult, la altele, sume insignifiante, iar eu nu-i văd pe acești indivizi, cu sutele, meteori de care în general nu mai auzim, să aibă banii. Nimeni nu poate cheltui atâția bani. Banii se duc undeva, și toată lumea știe unde, acolo unde s-au terminat autostrăzile și se dă 32 mii euro (bani de casă) la al treilea copil, multe alte alocații și beneficii (un părinte sau poate amândoi pot sta acasă).
Există în schimb un număr de scandalagii gen Rareș Bogdan care știu mai bine românește (români români la origine, din milioanele nedeclarate în țara vecină) apar tot timpul în televizoarele dvs. la care vă uitați cu gura larg deschisă, care "țin fața" adică vă distrag atenția în timpul acestei veșnice, nevăzute scurgeri, repetând la infinit: "Nu sunt bani", "nu ne putem permite".
Miniștrii înșiși, atât cât durează, atât cât ține scurta lor viață în funcția respectivă, beneficiul dubiului și al confuziei, prezumția de cinste, perioada lor de grație la sfârșitul căreia ei dispar odată cu banii.
Culmea că se ceartă, fac competiție între ei, cu exemplul clasic Nicușor Dan - Firea, bine, ei nu sunt miniștri, dar sunt în aceeași categorie. Străinii alienii care se au grijă de banii României.
Hai să fim realiști. Statul român nu există, nu în sensul în care este format din reprezentanți români sau au grijă de România.
Suntem, trăim, ne zbatem într-un rahat (mess) infinit, de nedescris. Hai să încerc. Scurgeri de jumătate din buget. Din cealaltă jumătate: Contracte la preț dublu. Milioane de pensii false. Sute de mii de sinecuri. Politicieni de împrumut. Media de scandal. Milioane în diaspora.
11:30 Following the pain yesterday. We found a rotten potato in a forgotten bag in one of the cabinets. Angela left the windows open for a few hours. Trouble breathing that ended with cooking a burger in the pan, doing another one right now after i came and took this picture with the rubbish generated yesterday and left at my door. Today, puffy fingers and face following inflammation. I'm pretty sure this wouldn't have have happen if i didn't try to dust the buildings two days ago. A short, deep brown and fat Japanese woman dressed in black came yesterday with a (White Shinto) county car (American made, reinforced, probably retractable window in between, like Police cars, i think yellow in color) and got into my dust exactly when i was doing the part next to stairs. She was in there to visit the apartment where they dismantled the newly installed window and put another one and chose to climb down the stairs in that very moment. Where the athletic Japanese woman with yellow tinted hair disguised as Mexican sits in the balcony and yells in Spanish on the phone for hours. Where the guy with the Pitt Bull dog is. One late night he was there where the bin is with his dog and i think the dog was not on leash and i asked him why and he kept saying. Stray. Or Straight, like he couldn't speak more words in English.
Also the mail woman was there filling mail boxes across the alley. Mail never came after that.
In the holy white neighborhood where nobody lives for real. At the intersection where once i saw an angry Simona Halep crossing and staring (she was as surprised as i was) and when usually cars arrive exactly when i cross, by the dozens, with "scared" women at the wheel, today they were two city trucks pouring fresh mulch on the dividers with planted flowers, from wind's direction, making even harder to breath.
Lots of people in the park, probably came to see the tree with the three stray branches, took more pictures from a different angle, trying to prove it was there for a long time.
(After just seeing this video again and again, i realized something. The reason they pulled him off was because he was actually losing his voice).
12:45 Levente Nemes, Árpád Visky sunt de fapt John Lennon și Freddy Mercury, amândoi trăiesc în Târgu Mureș. Levente Nemes mi-a fost coleg de "facultate" (Juravle) iar Árpád Visky de liceu (Mihai Manolea).
6:00 One more type of trouble with free Android from google. Everybody knows. When you are trying to activate a new phone, you need two things. A wi-fi connection, but not any connection, you'll need one with a password. Can't do it (or reset) a phone by example with a free "unsecure" wi-fi in a hotel or store.
You need to be at home with your password protected wi-fi because there is a box with a password to fill and can't get past that if you don't. Then, next thing your free Android from google asks (which is the only alternative to paying Windows which still exists as option) (no i was wrong, it doesn't) is a google account and password and this is where it begins to sound crazy: You can't activate and use a phone you own, like an unlocked (that is not partially paid and owned by the provider and of course locked by the provider so you won't migrate to another provider with the phone paid by them) new phone you just bought on Amazon (provided you were lucky enough to get one that works in the US on all frequencies and covered areas by a provider, not knowing you have too look for that too in the description at Amazon), without being forced to use a free proprietary operating system, which is actually the one and only free Linux, the main competitor of Windows, compiled and abusively branded as Android by google, which is free because it is built and maintained by thousands of volunteers around the world (nobody has or better said will show you the list, ask Torvalds).
So this is where it gets hairy. In case you buy a new unlocked phone and a plan with a different provider and don't feel like getting through the hassle of porting the old number, with all the questions, including your social, password for the old online account and waiting, and use the old google account from the old phone of course to activate the phone, google in all of his mercy will activate it but won't ask you for the new phone number of the phone you are just activating and if you with all the stress will forget to manually update it (that is if you know it's there and need to). I think you know where i'm getting at. If you don't use that email, are not signed in on other devices and lose that password and try to reset that phone a few months later (or even try to install an app and google will ask you to confirm the password). Can't recover with the email address because you can't sign in because you lost the password. Can't recover with the old phone number because you don't have that phone anymore.
And as a final (courteous) offense, when you try to put in an old password, google will tell you the date when you changed it.
6:30 A couple of

8:20 Because of that kanji i looked closer and realized they actually pulled lots of the pink mineral insulation (in last picture it came yellow because of the flash of the phone) from the wall when they replaced the newly installed kitchen window (Apt 4) and threw it in the bin. Of course they did not come today to finish or take the garbage. I think it is illegal to throw that stuff in open air like this. Got stings all over and have to throw the closes in the washer and take a shower. Two SUVs came to turn in our spot and projected headlights on me, though i was mostly hidden, on the other side of the bin
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