Wednesday, September 15, 2021

September 15

12:10 Nu știu de câte ori să repet. Există încă o mare confuzie în limba română asupra cuvântului englez design (ca verb, pronunțat dizain). Nu înseamnă ca în română sau franceză a desena (draw, drawing în engleză, sau a concepe haine mă rog care este fashion design), ci e mai cuprinzător, fiind echivalentul englez a verbului românesc a proiecta (ca în proiect de arhitectură, inginerie) sau a concepe în general, în timp ce project din engleză (pronunțat progect) iarăși e mai general și cu alt sens decât proiect sau a proiecta din română care sunt mai aproape de design.

6:08 Ingannare (almost missed it). According to my browser's history, 7 days ago i searched, wrote about and changed my fb picture with the head of a statue of Cicero. Two days later, this.

Smoke packing.

9:56 Nicolae Paul Mihail?

11:40 We don't need your... education...

As of today... I am convinced that half of the diseases we carry today like diabetes, cancer, AIDS are of psychosomatic origin and the other half like heart diseases are due to incorrect breathing through a nose congested by pollution with dust and stomach acid. Psychosomatic is hard to explain, but the idea is your body's own energy (mainly sexual) is tricked into fighting against self. In both cases, you get addicted to the high these afflictions bring at the beginning, as your mind get separated from the biological reality of your body. All done by means of very ancient witchcraft


Some lie about their name...

4:05 Thirty geese in a fleet, Ten flew east, Ten flew west, Ten flew over the Cuckoo's Nest.

Știați că... (Built in reverse psychology, acoperire beton) liderul cel mai nașpa al comuniștilor din Ungaria, ăl de a construit securitatea la unguri după ce "România împreună cu URSS au ocupat Ungaria", ca mulți alți politicieni cheie nașpa (ca să-i amintesc numai pe Hitler, Truman, Trump) a fost născut în România?

7:45 Yesterday i lost my patience and used borax on one of the poos, to try and block the smell (strong antibacterial, antifungal). It is not toxic to humans but only to some insects, it does not make sense to pick them since i get contaminated more than if i leave them alone. This morning i woke up feeling really weird, much weirder than from drinking alone. Angela has now this hobby, when she comes from work she sprays with water the petunia at the door to wash away the aphids, she says it's her pet, like other people have dogs, today some pesticide smell came from the direction of the wind when she was spraying. I told her to stop, she wouldn't at first. Also today had to pick twice, numerous food wraps from the top of the chips that would make everything smell like mold. After blowers passed, i went and swept the stairs and the building. Though the stairs  have been "power washed" Monday, there was enough dust, everywhere.

Earlier, i went to check if my buzzer that i buried at the intersection of two mole galeries under a mound was still working. Usually Wednesday they level the numerous mounds with the blowers, today they just went with the wheels over that one, the mound got smaller but compacted enough for the sound not to be heard so i couldn't tell if it's working or not. So i went with a screwdriver, dug a bit, heard the buzzer, and spread the rest of the mound around, when i saw a Japanese teenager with a backpack and everything passing right in the direction where i was throwing the wet soil, though much further away. When i swept the stairs again a Japanese girl passed under. There is not one single move i make not to be anticipated and speculated by these guys who basically own the whole place, city, state, etc..

And when they blew, i saw them. They raised in the air a large amount of dust blowing on the ground gravel, in the area where i didn't sweep (was waiting for the rains that are supposed to finally start at the end of this week, after many months with no rain, Oregon climate), in front of building D, basically moving the dust in this direction and then they came and raised it here on the building and in the grass

7:53 Strong, prolonged exhaust idling. After i dusted, i went and threw some water on the screens, a very strong air horn went off on I5, for about one minute, ending in a machine gun like sound. Exhaust just stopped when i wrote the words.

I went and sprinkled all that i could reach (grass, chips only, not the stairs that i swept earlier, wouldn't make sense, tomorrow they will be the same). A guy was ready and came from around the corner, but i was sprinkling paralele with his direction and the wind was blowing strong from his direction. In the same time a light went off at the building D. Waiting to see if it still smells like dust in here.

10:21 Tax the rich? Forget about!

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