Monday, September 13, 2021

September 13

8:20 Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends... 8 years older than me? A very special, sweet woman, i met with her during a spring vacation in Câmpulung in or around 1980, she was speaking perfectly Romanian, i was with a bunch of people, ex-colleagues from 3rd grade, all her conationals, she was acting as a guide for a guided tour on a bus and my best friend's and mentor in Iași girlfriend from Piatra Neamț named Lia (never met her before, he later was very intrigued when i told him, like not possible), while talking to her at a table outside at Deia, i got very drunk and then we went for a walk in the woods, but when we wanted to go in her room, her roomate (the other Baccara) wouldn't leave us alone, there was another guy in the room and they told me a story about hiding jewelry in soap when coming from tours in the USSR, and then i met with her again at the Chinook Winds casino, maybe 4 years ago, she was siding and acting sweet to a guy playing next to me, it was then when i learned from that guy how to play wild deuces poker.

6:30 Moody Wall Street.

7:08 Tormar

8:06 Sper să nu uit. De azi înainte, în fiecare luni, o amintire despre buget. Astăzi. Unde se duc jumătate din banii de pe fluturașii dumneavoastră, TVA, impozitul pe profit al firmelor (alea care plătesc). Până și pensiile se impozitează.

Se numește buget. Toți banii aceștia se adună, se mai adaugă niște împrumuturi (se numește deficit) și apoi se repartizează la ministere. Cel mai mult cheltuiește Ministerul Educației, Sănătate (fiindcă au mulți angajați). Urmează Transporturile, Muncii, etc.. A venit Cîțu cu o dare de seamă la 6 luni, însă numai în procente.

Eu am calculat că în fiecare an dispar de la buget aproximativ 30-40 miliarde de euro. Recunosc, fișierul din postarea asta de blog e cam aiurea. E mai mult pentru contabili. Însă nu se poate face altfel. Iată versiunea calculată de mine a bugetului real pe 2020.

10:49 On April 8 i bought two mole chasers after i decided i've had it with those. On Amazon most brands were solar however a few were with D size batteries. Much bigger, though it allowed you to completely put them in the ground, so they cannot be seen (or heard). When batteries went out, almost 4 months later, they also mysteriously broke so i said to myself, i should not buy that brand anymore. They were other brands, but more expensive. So i just bought 2 cheap solar ones, for 15 bucks. I put one under the main door and one not far from bedroom. Not so loud as the first ones, it only blocked moles on a radius of 15 feet maybe. They were more moles on the corner of the building. So i bought two more. Not easy to drill those holes. There was one more problem. Not very easy to spot if buried at soil level, by not being completely buried their buzz could attract attention of kids and also scary pets.

Thursday i washed the stairs, screens, other areas of the building with a hose, but i got tricked, cause they came to blow the dust on the parking lot, later. So i just hosed everything one more time. Friday we got an announcement, they will pressure washer all the stairs and landing areas in the complex. Saturday morning one of the new solar buzzers, the one i put last, most visible, was missing. There was a kids' bicycle on the area next to hydrant which i took next to garbage bin. Today, after they power washed our building (low level first, had to sweep the deck after they hosed the upstairs one), i took the solar one left apart, analyzed it, saw it worked at 1.5 volts, cut one of those with batteries in two, put two D size batteries in parallel, (estimating it will last 2 months) and the electronics from the solar one. Much smaller, much more compact, sound similar in intensity with the first ones, but then i fell asleep. I woke up chocked by again some sort of smoke. It took me half hour to catch my breath.

So i just went and put this new short, 2 battery one in the ground at the intersection of two mole galleries. Not visible, not audible from above surface. Then i went to deflate tires of the truck to 29 cause this truck has, i don't know 3/4 inches thick springs and the sits broke the sheet metal they were screwed on because of suspension being very stiff and of course my back, in a few stages, last one, after i didn't have the car anymore i drove the truck for about a week then i almost could not walk, now i'm better after not driving it for a few days. Cause tomorrow i have to drive Angela at work, she took one day off today because of that. They made a mess with the pressure washer, one of the wheels had mud on it, i went and washed it and saw another solar chaser on the ground next to the truck. They took it from under main door.

Conclusion. Since they watch me 24, they saw what i've done, combining two types in one and they took the one from under door but still made it available to me so i do it one more time (the conversion) and then put it next to the door. Theory is probably i'm trying to attract curious kids with first bicycles then buzzing mole chasers. So probably it's a trap (because they took it but left it so i can find it so i have wht to convert) so i will just wait for a few days to see what happens. Trouble is, new mole holes will pop under door now that that one is missing.

There are very strict rules in the US, underage kids cannot be left unsupervised, however here in the complex it seems nobody obey any rules.

There is one more next to bedroom. The last one they took out from under door was in a red chips area, i brought it inside and when the fridge started, my face, and skin started to hurt, that dust is being agitated in the air by the ultrasound of the fridge an no matter how little amount it is, it start to fly and sting, so i just washed it.

There was a plastic (a piece of shower curtain) under the deck upstairs, kinda enclosing it to prevent dust from falling, was there for i don't know, more than a year, i had to take that one out today. But guess what. When i looked there was lots of stuff left by the washing between boards, and some fell on our deck and  had to sweep it.

Also the guy upstairs went quieter and quieter and now is missing completely. Wheel click on PC if you want to see a picture better, as per google, blogger modifications led to smaller images in slideshow mode. BTW this is the only buildin in the complex i know of with this kinda design, deck with spaced boards on top of deck.Nu știu cum să mai spun. Ăștia de ne conduc, clasa impostoare, homo australis, au ceva în ei (nu pot să spun ADN fiindcă nu sunt convins de teoria respectivă) care îi face să gândească altfel decât noi, și pentru că au trăit izolați de restul lumii pentru zeci de mii de ani. Astfel, ei au descoperit poate multe milenii în urmă, metoda asta a îngânării (apropo, Nyungan language, Noongars, ninja, Nuwa). Spune cineva ceva important, se ia cineva de ei, nu se agită, nu reacționează, ci fac doar aluzii ascunse și repetă parțial cândva mai târziu când nu te prinzi în contexte super emoționale create sau alese special. Sunt nenumărate exemplele, și metodele lor sunt atât de puternice încât pur și simplu șterg din mintea cuiva o informație, punând în locul ei alta.

Un exemplu este știrea cu Apple care repară, cu o poză care arată o clădire cu coloane verticale similare cu cele de la WTC. Am scris despre marea dezamăgire care a fost pentru mine 911 etc. etc..

Am adus în față, acum câteva zile o postare pe care am compus-o chiar pentru scopul acela, încercând să arăt că practic toți prim miniștrii numiți de Iohannis sunt actori unguri (am uitat să spun despre Cîțu, el e într-adevăr mai special pentru că are o privire hipnotică) (puteți accesa orice postare a mea anterioară prin săgețile din dreapta care deschid anul, luna, căutare pe cuvinte cheie sau titlu dacă vi-l amintiți), a apărut astăzi Cîțu în compania lui Piedone, tot așa, o metodă veche de-a lor de a-și spăla propria imagine. Adică, aparent, s-a murdărit de Piedone, dar în realitate s-a spălat, lumea se gândește că iată, Piedone e mult mai rău în comparație cu orice prim ministru din lista aceea destul de lungă pentru un singur președinte.

DEX dă la îngânare etimologie latină dar nu știm data când a intrat în latină acest cuvânt, înainte sau după Atilla.

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