Sunday, September 19, 2021

September 19

Last night i went to Spirit Mountain. Was so tired i slept one hour in the truck. Battery connectors where loose, i tightened them when i left. Finally figured the squeak at the left wheel when backing up from the spot here at the apartment. I think the same bolt from the control arm is loose again. When i came back with the heavy rain and cheap tires (by the brand Venezia) i had trouble keeping the truck on the road, in some areas had to slow at 35.

4:29 Nici o fraudă în plus față de cele obișnuite. Singura chestie e că se cheamă cițy și are 3 milioane de asigurați (chiar m-am mirat dintotdeauna de ce pe Câțu îl cheamă de fapt Cîțu). Ca să mai uitați de autostrăzi și buget. Am mai spus și repet. Ăștia, ca să vă fure banii și pe dvs. cu totul, mai întâi vă fură mințile, subliminal. Asta e răsplata pentru Tiranon și faptul că românii s-au băgat în Ungaria în 1944. (Simbolic, fiindcă sovieții au fost cu greul). Sârbii au luat-o pe cocoașă din același motiv, Iugoslavia nu mai este, Cehoslovacia nu mai este, etc. iar românii au fost forțați să plece din motive economice. (click cu roata mouse-ului ca să măriți imaginea).
5:25 Just went and cleaned some wet bread crumbles from the stairs upstairs, being afraid of mold. But i did it with a painting brush, that was still smelling like paint. Now i'm paranoid about what if they saw me (no doubt about it) and say i wanted to make the stairs slippery for whoever.

11:02 I was searching for someone key to the whole story and one of the last pieces of puzzle in Romania, thinking i beat the moles with two mole chasers, modified to use two batteries only when an exhaust started. The vibration, within minutes, filled the place with a weird smell, though i am surrounded by three filters. I went outside and found, among others, a full can of beer blue lite that was slightly cracked, a used green bag from bottle drop returns, like someone grabbed after counting from there, other debris, mold starters on the red mulch, a one inch deep hole next to alleys that i don't believe belongs to moles, where most likely someone from a passing car stuck burning material by a ninja burning recipe. I tried to cover the whole but someone was passing. That stuff will burn inside ground for hours.

12:06 Dragged Angela (Sunday morning, really hard to convince her, especially under influence of that smoke) in the park to escape the peak. One my way there, a Tualatin Valley fire SUV with flashing lights and siren made me pull over (ingannare). Did not clear completely my mind with that walk in the park. When we got back while driving i saw the hood of my truck was popped. Impossible to have driven it like that all the way to and from Spirit Mountain last night or even this morning without seeing. That distraction alone together with the smoke (that was different now) was enough to make me forget check the sign at the door. Now Angela is trying to kill the aphids on the plant spraying cold water from the fridge. A kid is screaming in the backyard and alley. When i backed up from the spot and veered i heard the squeak again on the right side. Got to get under truck to torque that bolt. Got to find the torque spec for the battery connectors that keep getting loose. But now my biggest priority is to find that guy. And i think i found him but don't have good pictures. But i think i just might have found by chance somebody else (to check later). But i'm absent minded, thinking at one million other things while browsing faces.

1:34 I figured where the smoke was coming lately. The holes that i dug myself for the solar buzzers, which they removed. I was reluctant to cover those after i installed the new completely buried versions, since they were so hard to dig. I noticed the one they left, at the bedroom window, was very loose in its initially very tight hole.

Also. Went under the truck and was lucky to have a 21 mm socket which i used with three extenders to torque the bolt for the left control arm (bolt is easier to reach than nut). Specs seem to be in the 80s ft lbs, i put my short torque wrench to max which is 80, the extensions themselves gave up one quart of a turn, i think i did torque some but the wrench didn't click. I was also impaired by the smoke and embarrassed by that kid who was staring at me while small jets were flying very low above.

They played the same old trick like they do in this situation. They brought a small green pickup with the bed in the door of the first garage, with the cabin close to my truck, having a kid on the passenger side. Decided earlier to leave because of smoke which may be subsiding later today, but still got to figure the size of a socket for the nut for the other bolt, could be 19 or 17, so i try to torque that one too.

2:33 Smoke have subsided but we're about to leave. Just remembered something. Last night at the Liquor Store at the Market something in Grande Ronde the guy tapped my card 3-4 times and inserted it a couple more. The sell kratom there. At the counter, talking for minutes, a drunk guy with a mask who asked all kinda stuff and kept there like 10 minutes while in store entered a woman with two kids all weirdly dressed. The drunk's guy voice seem Tom Cruise's.

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