(Ziua) egală cu noaptea. Echinocțiu, aequinoctium, equinox. De azi înainte zilele încep să fie mai scurte și nopțile mai lungi de 12 ore.
8:00 Cu doar câteva poze de calitate slabă nu pot să fiu sigur dacă tipul ăsta e Nelu Tătaru, las la decizia dvs..
12:30 Toky Tiny Apartments.
1:07 This guy looks familiar.
1:53 With three buzzers in place, there is a new mole mound right between two of them. I think they adapted. In the last months i had only two of them and moles were gone. This morning i've been very tired by the smokes that came from the ground and i inhaled in the last few days and slept a lot. While i was sleeping i heard a washer in the building. When i woke up there was mold from the wet floor (leaking drier's exhaust in the basement). I tried and open a window and the door but now the play in the distance a profound base that shakes the dust from the building.
5:18 Just came from Walmart, it smells like mold and dog poo a bit but at least not like worms from moles' larder. Every time i pull that phone from my pocket there is at least one setting changed. Files i thought i uploaded weren't there. Ok. Got it.
5:00 Truck would not start consistently last couple of times, though voltage at the plug in digital meter was 14.2 during trips. I went to Walmart to buy a super cheap battery, cause i don't think i will use it more than 4 years or as long a super cheap battery is supposed to last.
So i went to batteries' area, which is the furthest corner from entrance. A 5 minutes walk among shelves and ballerinas.
At the batteries. First there was this guy thrown face down to the ground, arranging something on a shelf. So i passed, went into the wine area to check if they had a brand i bought at Fred Meyer, which is in another corner of the store. There, a couple of old guys, he on an electric car, were counting beer cans which were just across the wines, kinda in my way. I kept checking that, they were still counting beer cans, for more than 10 minutes.
So i went back to the batteries in the other corner, the man was now kneeling, a customer was checking something on a terminal next to batteries, i grabbed one that looked like mine, above a label that said 54, i went to the checkstands, but when i scanned it it showed 88. It was a MAX, i was supposed to get a VALUE. So i went back to the batteries, across the store, zig zagging through the team of ballet dancers from Gwen Stefani's stage team, and this time i looked on the phone. Battery for S10 pickup at walmart, Ever Start cca 600 bla bla.
Seemed half inch bigger than mine which i had in the cart, but i knew there was some more room in the tray. So i payed 68, 12 was the core, returned mine, after i waited 10 minutes for the guy in front of me to finish buying a 2500 dollars cashier's check, the man had to call someone on the phone, the woman counted the money twice, etc.. I returned my old Exide for 12 bucks, went at the truck and tried to put the battery back (wanted to save the planet for a trip, so i pulled the old battery, went in the store, bought the new one, left the core and tried to install the new one all there). Slightly bigger, made if fit in the tray in the end. However. The connectors' screws wouldn't go in the terminals by hand. First one on the positive was easier to tight with my 8 mm socket, but the negative one, in a tight space, would not go in. So i thought i crossed the thread, pulled the battery out to look and guess what. It didn't have threads all around in the terminals. I could make it in the soft lead terminal on the positive, started one in the negative, but could not finish the hard to reach negative. Even if i did i'm sure it wouldn't have lasted. So i grabbed the battery and went back in the store. At the checkstand, when i told him, he said there's nothing wrong with it and he threw the battery on a side to look better. I told him that battery was not sealed, acid might leak acid on the counter, he wouldn't believe me. He said there was nothing wrong with the threads. However he accepted my return.
I went back in the batteries' corner and looked more carefully though i had not glasses. Took some pictures. I could only find only one battery that had good threads and went with it to the checkstand. My size, a 55 Amps one. 68 with 12 the core. But i didn't have the core no more and went to customer's service to figure things out etc. where there was a long line now. 15 minutes after, she said: "i don't care if i give you 12 bucks".
Kafka would have had an orgasm if he witnessed what happened to me today at Walmart, like any time. The good part. I made my miles through the store and in the parking lot because i slept all morning and didn't have a chance to go in the park.
6:02 Angela's sleeping, the screaming Japanese kids came in the back to scream. Exactly after 6 PM when they close the office so i can't call to complain. 6:49 I went to eat about half hour ago and they went kinda quiet. But now one of them rolled towards my balcony and stopped ft away while a helicopter few above.
7:01 They came right in front of the balcony, pulling grass, diggin holes. Somebody is smoking, cigarette smoke made it here.
8:16 Just figured why do Japanese ninja, covered in Japan as hikikomori come disguised as Mexicans to secretly invade western US. Lebensraum.
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