Saturday, September 25, 2021

September 25

12:-04 My blood sugar is slowly going down. The reason rate is so low when you stop eating carbs or even when you fast is because all the connective tissues in your body, which sum to several pounds, made of collagen, are loaded with sugar. It takes some time, weeks, or maybe months of no-carb diet to get rid of that sugar because connective tissues do not have lots of blood vessels going through, which would make them mechanically week.

I think i figured the cause for diabetes. Bad bacteria and/or mold in your gut. In my case, from the dog poo left to smell around building.

Dog intestinal bacteria is different from ours because they naturally eat very few carbs. If you are contaminated with it and eat carbs, those carbs turn to toxins and the emergency reaction of your body, which may become permanent if situation is permanent, is to pull immediately all sugar from intestine and store it somewhere. In the liver, eliminate through kidneys and if those two paths are overwhelmed, it stays in your blood stream and from there passes into the connective tissues.

Lowering of metabolism due to inflammation caused by pollution with dust makes things worse. The reason that bacteria is toxic for carbs eating animals may be the symbiosis between that bacteria and dogs, the benefit for dogs being they infect their prey with their droppings, make them sick and easier to hunt. This whole scenario is hard to beat unaided by modern science because it's evolutionary and science for some reason seem to be stuck in second gear, for decades if not centuries making and/or selling a myriad of sophisticated, expensive and unnecessary types of medicines.

The reason is the world is being run by thieves and religious nuts. I think neither of these categories are able to push for progress.

12:59 This guy looks like...

1:35 I went outside to eliminate any doubt, there is no smoke outside, there is light upstairs, the man, the robot's companion is smoking. Most likely not cigarettes.

7:08 I took Angela to work. Today, at 7. She works tomorrow too (Sunday). When i got back there was here in the alley a white pickup with Texas LPN "KZB" with a very loud speaker. Took my blood sugar. After 24 hours of no carbs, from 310 yesterday morning, 200 now.

7:25 Went and picked all the garbage from the mulch. Anything that may contain traces on food on top of the redwood mulch loaded with antibacterial tannin (it gives it  the color red) creates strains of mold that travel inside and make everything stink, especially after doing laundry ad midnight at apt 4 and drying with leaking pipes in the basement, with condensation and wetting and bulging of the floor in my living.

La al cîtulea congres, 4.874 delegați, 2 candidați, din care unul etern și unul curent pe ducă. I-au adus cu autobuzele?

8:00 Lost in translation? După decenii de libertate, media din România încă impune un fel de izolare prin traducerea greșită a știrilor internaționale. China de fapt a declarat ilegale tranzacțiile cu monede cripto  (bineînțeles, pe teritoriul ei).

Monedele cripto sunt de fapt niște softuri create de niște programatori anonimi, care nu au în spate rezerve valutare sau garanții ale vreunui guvern sau nimic altceva. Numeroși "finanțiști cu nume grele" de-a lungul timpului au criticat bitcoin și au avertizat că pot fi niște scheme piramidale (gen Caritas, FNI). Alaltăieri am postat un grafic asemănător, îngânare și aici?

8:24 Ingannare. Munți de gunoaie? Everești?

Deja vu. În graficul din dreapta iar se vede cum COVID-ul a făcut dinți. Și falcă.

8:33 Cassie awoken.

8:39 Giant Moon on the run. "Gotta go do some shopping!". (Ingannare or coincidence. They were playing this song on the radio when i took Angela to work).

There's got to be some carbs in the food i ate (sugar free meatloaf, egg, pickled cucumber, a bit of sugar free yogurt cause my blood sugar went 275 after i ate). Though i'm crashed but that is for not breathing right because of congested nose because of the mold. Not breathing right the whole night could lower metabolism as well?

9:13 Sincer, nu mă surprindea nici invers. Nimic nu mă mai surprinde prea des. Dar lui Cîțu îi trebuia un balon de oxigen ca să mai plutească până la sfârșitul anului și al bugetului și al lui Johannesburg.2:49 I ate one waffle with almond butter and went to sleep, sletp 2 hours and when i woke up i was 295. Went for a 3 miles walk and now i have 265. Never been that bad. I didn't take a reading in a long time and basically i was not dieting, drinking and exposed to dog droppings and dust, lately, a lot. BTW, on the last half mile of my walk i've been metsubushed by two gigantic excavators that move two gigantic  gravel mounts across 7/11. Nyunganarae? Ninja humour? Because of sharp invizible silica dust, now i got pains all over and craving a drink like a crazy.

3:04 Balon de oxigen, gură de aer.

3:07 Intrați în legalitate, plătind retroactiv alocațiile de când a intrat legea în vigoare, spuneți ce s-a făcut cu 16.5 miliarde prevăzute pentru alocații anul acesta, anul trecut, veniți cu o dare de seamă la fiecare minister. Dacă un polițist dă o amendă pe stradă, șoferul trebuie să meargă la ghișeu să plătească (sau mă rog, online). Dacă nu, intră la pușcărie. Dacă un președinte semnează un decret, e opțional?

Sau mai bine declarați-vă identitatea și plecați acasă.

4:08 Went to pick Angela. Fine invisible gravel dust from that construction site flies all the way here. As soon as i passed 7/11 i saw a fire engine in the distance, with flashing lights so i moved on the right lane, next to sidewalk where they were this group of sexy women wearing shorts. Then on  the radio they played I want to ride my bi-cycle. Then somehow i got behind a school bus that was out of any school bus routes, on a Saturday and a truck saying Clean Fleet driven by a Japanese. After so long, same day every day, i figured it can only AI assisted traffic. Similarly on my way back. In the complex a guy on a bicycle was turning his head all the time to make sure he was just ahead of me, all the way to here. Truck started to smell like coolant again though i don't see any visible leak. This is not a state, not a city, i live like the guy in the Truman show, on a setting. Thi
4:30 Some of the dust got on my vocal chords, my voice hoarsened.

11:36 No matter how much i write here, the guy upstairs seems to ignore it. At 11:36 he is thundering with the drier, though the drier pipe is clogged with condensation in the basement. He attempted several times to dry a load of laundry he did earlier today without realizing the thing is not working. I also emailed the management a couple of times about this issue and others.

11:40 Nu se înroșește, Germania e de toate culorile, ca papagalii hrăniți de Angela Merkel. Ca și în cazul României, ca și în toate țările, toți politicienii sunt niște papagali de multe culori.

11:49 It's time to bring this ship into the shore...

12:12 Smoke alert outside as i grabbed the guitar to practice a few intervals. Went and replugged one of the yesterday holes, but when i went for the next one, an SUV came promptly and they seem to never end getting out of it.  OK i got too more. Smaller, harder to find, less smoke then yesterday.

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