Monday, September 20, 2021

September 20

Re-enter The Dragnea, răul mai mic din politică românească, să umple vidul format între timp cu vechile obsesii. Totuși peisajul, limbajul, nu mai sunt aceleași de când el a plecat într-un concediu prin țara lui natală, Ungaria.

7:00 After i took Angela, when i came back there was heavy smoke around the apartment and one more mole network with mounds and open holes too close. I built another chaser out of a sollar one with two D batteries. That PCB had a tiny accumulator for working during night, i hooked two D size batteries in series (close to 3 volts) without removing the 1.5 V accumulator which blew after a few minutes in front of me, nothing really happened (also because it was inside an empty beer can where i assembled the whole thing). I was able to make it work after. No, i did not have to removed it from the PCB, it removed itself with terminals and circuits. All i had to do was empty the beer can with the pieces in the garbage. 11:00 I woke up after maybe a total of 7 hours of sleep and was dizzy from yet another type of smoke and went outside and covered a bunch of holes mostly up front that from a distance appeared to be made by squirrels, but they were too deep for that and. Not moles. 1:04 I had some meat in the fridge with the expiration date today so i had to cook it and while doing so a van (maybe delivery, maybe something else) backed up right on the other side of the wall where i was in the kitchen and they were unloading something and took to next entrance. What intrigues me is how the market goes up when i'm going out of site in the kitchen but i was too dizzy for the smoke to watch it until after.

There is no other door from this apartment to others. I am not going anywhere, nobody is coming here, nothing is being delivered here. So if they know what i'm doing, they can improvise something. Should i have waited to cook after market hours, market would have been 2.5% down.

4:36 He was in a bind 'cause he was way behind

7:04 Oare cifrele pandemiei sunt la fel de reale ca cele ale bugetului?

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