Monday, October 31, 2022

November 1st

4:10 După bâlbele amestecată cu o propagandă semi-analfabetă din timpul comunismului pe care le-am azit la școală, am crezut că exagerările cu privința romanizării dacilor au fost niște exagerări "în sus".

Citind acest articol foarte important pentru informațiile conținute, m-am convins că a fost de fapt invers.

Sunt mult mai multe elemente rămase nedescoperite și necercetate despre lumea daco-romană decât ceea ce știm noi. Am scris de multe ori cu frustrare despre lipsa documentelor din arhivele romane, transferate bisericii, care după apariția Sfântului Dominic, cu influențe clare budiste, a fost controlată de dominicani, dar am știut prea puțin despre tot ce e scris aici. Păcat pentru unele greșeli de tastare și limba rămasă puțin la nivelul celei de propagandă din timpul comunist, evoluată din cea interbelică bazată pe limba, cultura și lecturile din limba franceză.

11:38 A self checker supervisor at Fred Meyer i haven't seen before tried a grand slam on me tonight (trick). Staring at me while i was checking and after, i got so mad i almost forgot to pay before i started to load the checked stuff in the basket. What a scene would that have been. I was lucky with the machine which told me to pay in plain English.

Again when i came i had to pick something from the Amazon locker, two guys met with their car in the bottleneck created by my car parked for one minute in front of the locker. Though i hurried, i know i closed the little door after i picked my item, but when i looked back from the car just to make sure, the door was open so i turned at the locker to close the door again.

I've been real busy today with Angela being stuck in bed with a bad back pain, but my mind was functioning. I was thinking mostly at this poem written by second ranked Romanian poet, Lucian Blaga whose face is present on the 200 RON currency.

Though written in an semi-humoristic pseudo philosophical style, there is something in that poem i think makes everybody raise their eyebrow for a second, just to dismiss it in the next one as a joke. God didn't know what the Serpent whispered at Eve's ear, placing the Serpent on an equal of not higher level with God. We all know there are cultures and religions on Earth were sometimes snakes are revered or even deified, like in eastern India or Nepal. In Nepal and  India there is this Holiday, naga panchami when snakes are celebrated. An entire mysterious social phenomena called Naga Sadhu in India, Naga meaning snake in Sankrit. Hindusim by example criticizes Shivaism for praising snakes.

But in a poem written in a Christian or Judaic context, with Eve and Adam named, Serpent cannot be above God. As for Eve's eyebrow, i can think of something.

9:03 Have you seen Old Enough? I also once saw a clip from a movie where children in Japan were taught ninjutsu since 5 years old of course without even knowing.

3:14 Three huge semi-open sacks with clothes wet from rain on the "NO DUMP AREA". Several dog poops fouling the air. Nobody here cares except for me who took them to the dumpster. A number of people too high to be random (nobody moves around for hours at this time) got in my way, provoking, making me nervous. Our T-mobile phones started to act crazy again with areas of no signal in the apartment.

3:24 Pedofilul olandez.

8:11 Ate something, fed Angela, was quite relaxed, grabbed the laptop to read maybe write something, he/she/it out of nowhere started to stump and squeak, the result is now i got a sore throat due to dust falling from the joint between walls and ceiling (talking about the 3/8 inch panels of the empty wall and ceiling).

9:05 Moving around heavy objects, could it be he's moving out. However in the rhythm of my thoughts.

10:28 Ce-ți pasă ție chip de lut...

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