Saturday, October 1, 2022

October 1st

4:50 AM Trouble breathing like earlier today when we left around 6. I noticed a new mole hole, after the one i plugged 2 days ago. Haven't had those in months. When i came back around 2 i forgot. Then i had choking symptoms and dizziness. Went and covered the hole, the chocking smell has not dissipated yet, still have trouble breathing, concentrating, dizziness, like i had when i left at 6.

10:20 Woke after about 5 hours of sleep. Feeling better but there was smell of mold and cigarette smoke. Went outside, the mole hole is still closed. Picked a large number of debris from the yard, there is a again a truck (there are two identical) with grass and a garbage bin in it like it used to several months ago. At times i thought the owner of the two truck looked like him who in turn may be him. Or him.

12:26 As i went and picked those garbage items for the first time in a month dust situation around the buildings was acceptable, until a carpet cleaner van came at building E top level (here residents can call them) and now there's lots of invisible, stingy dust in the air. Got contaminated inside and out when i went to make some burgers on the patio.

11:42 10/02 Visually similar images.

1:10 An SMT stencil is like a mask with holes. You put it on your board and then apply soldering paste on it. Paste should go only through the holes. SMT machines done that mechanically, though the operator has to apply the paste, and then a blade spreads it on top of the stencil, squeezing it through the holes on the board. Then the board moves further and the machine put the parts one by one on with their terminals on the pads made by the wet paste. Then it goes into the oven and the paste is turned to solder.

The pencil gets contaminated with paste on the other side (on board side) and after a few operations and it needs to be cleaned with a role of special paper and a solvent or detergent.

The machine Angela is working at was once broken (before Angela) and they can't use the original cleaner and they instructed her to apply a mixture of alcohol and water. If too much of that is applied, the stencil stays wet and when it is applied on the board it does not contact the board but stays on a film of fluid. Because of that, when paste is applied, it goes between the board and stencil and sometimes creates bridges between the pads.

Angela was doing quite ok (more than 6 months at the SMT machine) until they came (the old burned out engineer) and changed the cleaning cycle from 5 to 3 boards, about two weeks ago. Then she started to get bridges between a few pads on about 1/3 of the boards, that need manual removal of bridges. Angela figured it out and told him yesterday. And guess what. He changed the cycle back to 3 boards but fiddled around with the machine for hours and changed all kinda parameters and now today she was just wiping out the boards with bridges and doing them again cause they were too many.

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