Showing posts with label publications. Show all posts
Showing posts with label publications. Show all posts

Friday, November 16, 2012

Can't Get Weirder Than That

Something really weird happened on Veterans Day in Texas. It's been in the news for a week now. And obviously, we don't know what really happened yet and probably never will. I looked on Google News a minute ago and they are as right now over 1400 news articles on this "story"so far. By the time you are reading this post they will be more. Until one day when this news is going to die.

What we know so far.  "speed limit through Midland was increased last year from 40 mph to 60 mph in order to facilitate not blocking traffic. Also the eyewitness says the crossing gate came down right on the people, so clearly that was functioning". From a comment taken from here. It's been a week and yes, the Police ID'd the victims so far. No word on the guilty. While we assume attempts are being made to "re-conciliate" everybody involved until they go quiet.

The crossing gate came down on the people. And there is no sensor to show that and attempt to stop the train. Also probably no sensor to pick any car that by technical reasons have been caught on the rail while crossing gates are coming down.

So far i was saying to myself this is the weirdest damn thing i've read in the news lately. Then i went and opened the first link given by Google. This one. "Texas had 822 railroad crossing accidents during the three years ending in December 2011".

Lately i've been browsing job offers. For the better paying state jobs and not only, there usually are long descriptions impossible to read and understand. So many requirements i've never heard of that discourage me from even finishing reading the description. Sometimes i'm wondering if those requirements can be matched by a single individual.

But somehow i started to believe the longer the description the better is that job being "protected" from outsiders so it can be given to whoever.  There is no other explanation for what is happening there. A lot of people working for the state of Texas are not doing their jobs. I'm just curious, how many rail crossing accidents that had not made "the news" happened there since this one?

And then i realized. They shouldn't even call those "the news". They should call them... i don't know, the bait?

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I was hesitating for a long time to go on Facebook. Finally i got a choice. One day i went and created a Google+ account using the same password as for gmail. Very convenient. It is like Facebook with more functionality and probably a bit more complicated. I has about 5% of the number of Facebook users. You can add Facebook contacts in it but i don't have any. Anyways. If anybody wants to see my Google+ just click on the big red g+ on the right side of my blog.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Parallel Reality Media Shows

It is a current practice to manifest media events with huge emotional value, often fabricated or created as needed, that semantically mimic real current events with no causal relationship whatsoever among them, the parallel and real events, and ultimately creating strong thinking patterns based on emotions that will influence the subjects' decisions regarding the evaluation of the targeted real events, without even mentioning them.

By example, you can increase, diminish or even ruin a political figure's reputation just by projecting some causally unrelated news that are very closely semantically related to what the subject is or was doing in his life without even mentioning that person.

Sometimes it is enough just to mention keywords built from past news that will trigger a whole mental process of acceptance or rejection or reloading of a certain political symbol or focus point of then current political paradigm.

It is impossible for any law enforcement institution to prosecute or sometime even to detect such activities.

And by the still legal means of the polls, or "other, more modern feedback tools"  they will know if the public is starting to realize what's going on and will gradually retract those news and replace them with ever more subtle ones.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Change Is The Only Constant

I've just been reviewing - briefly - this article
And it seems they are many that bought Kuhn's ideas. And perfected them. And here's the exploit: Statistically, we all see only one slice of the social reality or the paradigm shift, as they call it at a certain time. For reasons that we are busy with our such perceived comfort. Or by reason of learned behavior. Or by reason of artificially created focus points. Or simply because we are not sociologists but only live in the society... Our bad luck is that many of us choose to look in the expected direction at the expected time and sometimes even applauding collectively and approving the whole shift without knowing it as a whole. Never-mind some are changing facts and rules on the fly or tearing holes in the fabric of reality or current paradigm shift in those unobserved gray areas and creating new shifts as long as we're not looking. To us the casual observers it remains the same shift as long as we didn't know it as a whole. And in the case somebody after a great deal of effort is pointing a few of us to look into those gray areas, they can adjust or insert other previously nonexistent gray areas and still make the shift appear whole. (Here, as an example and proof they are following this theory, the on demand fabricated news often with adjacent but not directly related events, for creating confusion). It is not the same shift anymore. But to us it seems as actually it is as long as we didn't know the whole from the beginning and accepting the new additions. As long as we are buying it.

Or simply eliminate or move the few or the some. For our comfort.

They can even create the appearance of two completely different shifts out of the same one to different individuals or groups of different cultures or embraces or simply of any difference including of space or time or if they look into different areas or if they think and act on cultural or biased assumptions instead of learning the rules and the facts of the paradigm shift.

We should never forget, for the shifters change is the only constant.

02/01/2013 1:56 PM PDT

It just occurred to me that in order to successfully deal with reality especially in unknown surroundings one should continuously build dynamic models, adding and subtracting information from the current model. Sometimes he/she even has to switch models in a blink of an eye due to sudden change of scenery, the entering of another entity, etc.

Obviously we have to forget classical sociology when we try do add the concept of scene in reality modeling. Physics, physiology, statistics, perhaps geometry and sociology together are at place here. Can we apply the idea of paradigm when we describe an instantaneous, ever-changing model of the surrounding reality? By definition, is the opposite. However, is the same concept, only applied dynamically. Or maybe it only looks dynamically as we slice reality, or the bigger picture, in order to deal with it one scene at the time?

The ideea that some people got into the habit of entering one's current paradigm through the back door, totally artificially, intentionally, usually pretending legitimacy but introducing some obvious, apparently benign, weird events in order to distract him/her and change his/her final decision on how to deal with it or if he/she is going to deal at all is intriguing to me right now and actually motivates me to write these. I'm convinced that some occult practitioners or even entire social groups have learned to do things by manipulating one's paradigm especially when the subject cannot react and creating all kind of effects, some possibly at distance.

Let's take an example here. Crossing one's path when unexpected and usually the subject is overlapping current monotonous activities like walking or driving with other activity like distant thoughts. When done obviously intentionally and while the subject knowing that statistically that event shouldn't happen at that moment, it violates one's privacy and current reality model forcing him to try to resort at a larger model in which the described action would fit. And while he is trying to do this, the intruder can escalate it even more, by introducing more elements and information like an unexpected gesture, reveal more clothes' color, facial expressions usually justifiable later but never at the present to the subject's mind, or noises or language, escalation that would end in crushing one's ability to deal with in that moment and become totally distracted, disoriented and in a trance like state of mind. This collapse of one's ability to understand what's happening and puts his mind in a sort of slave-like status, in that moment accepting any input as suggestion (if not giving in to uncontrollable emotional bursts that can pull the subject out of this type of cognitive trap but usually risky as the intruder is ready to interpret it as aggression towards him.) Thus unprovable reprogramming of the mind can occur. However, i believe next to every model acquired in ones collection of models known as education this way there is a flag that says "learned on distress" and could be accessed in a process similar to psychoanalysis or clearing of engrams.

Such intrusions sometimes can be used during the waiting time before a meeting or a conversation, when the subject might even try to prepare him/she-self, with carefully arranged, avoidable in the last second accident-like situations usually in the last intersection before the meeting place, or simply two or three people acting weird together in front of the subject in the waiting lounge before the meeting, putting in him in a distracted state of mind and making him more suggestible, depending of what their intentions are.

It may very well that the person that intrudes this way in one's privacy apparently don't even needs to go much out of his/her way to do this, along or close with his normal routine, this way being almost impossible to prove anything. This of course if there is a distribution of such tasks within the members of a group. Or could this be an instance of actions of individuals guided by a "collective subconscious"?

Although this always seem to happen unexpectedly, when analyzed, even carefully, these events are always justifiable down to a certain level, giving for the distracted mind, in that moment even more frightening experiences, looking like a never ending string on coincidences that target him. Only when carefully, objectively analyzed, sometimes the trick can be revealed, but usually with addition of more information and time and effort, sometimes with the entering of more characters pretending helping analyzing and often being covered up with similar events, creating a similar type of effect, so the instance cannot be easily turned as a complaint to the outsiders. Usually one easily discredits him/her-self if he tries to do this in a hurry, because of confusion of elements from two different but very similar instances.

Other examples can go all the way to introduction in the ever changing, continuous local news show of shocking elements, carefully chosen from the otherwise statistically normally distributed local events, matching some groups or even individual's state of mind, although in a twisted and toxic way in order to change minds and creating some sort of virtual, parallel, mocked reality.

(One particularly other  good example of reality recognition manipulation is parallel talking. You can talk to a person who for some chosen reason prefer not to talk to you directly about a subject, but starts talking using phrases composed in such way that they contain for the much part the information they want you to catch, without even touching the subject. Usually in the last part of the phrase you realize they are talking about something else. It also gives them the advantage of seeing you reacting at those informations without much risk, other than an "unjustified emotional burst" that he/she might even be prepared to take advantage of by claiming agression. Parallel talking next to intentional mistakes that pretty much do the same job as describe above has become lately very widely used in media. However they cannot impact you on a subconscient level as privacy cognitive intrusion through unsuspected action as described before because they come pretty much when you are expecting some sort of input from that source, whatever it may be. Or even people talking in front of you on a phone, conversation that you don't usually pay attention to and then asking you a question that might be influenced but what you just heard)

(Sometimes the newcomers are "embraced" at first invoking some moral principle they presumably abide by and let him get used to. Then unconsciously, suddenly or constantly they introduce some unrecognizable elements into his/her already learned paradigm forcing him/her to get assimilated or enter in a state or permanent confusion, discomfort or even distress and desire to leave, for no definable reason. But this is the more common, happier case.)

Sometimes the subject him/her-self is active participant or made to look so, by synchronization of intruders with his/her activities, and creating a false sensation of causality, feeling of embarrassment or even guilt, which is furtherly exploited in creating distraction, disruption, trance and reprogramming, or psychosis and/or emotional bursts. Or even more troubling, something like erasing one's thoughts with overlapping, or entrainement with very similar ones, but belonging to others, making one forgetting or bowing his own self?

Could this influence others' mind at a distance through some unknown bio-transmission mechanism, like emitting a distress or even a surrender call? I don't know, but statistically, by the number of these practitioners and instances encountered, it is an indication that it is done so.

But if there are some religions that include these kind of practices in their un/declared rituals, could they still use them in the larger society on basis of the principle of the freedom of religion, since it is obvious that they could significantly interfere with the whole?

Could this kind of experiments prove indeed the existence of a collective mind or a social integration on an unconscious level? Maybe temporary. Maybe on subconscious level on lower educated individuals. Or maybe between close relatives or larger DNA alike ethnic groups. Or maybe the existence of an unknown or unrecognized bio-communication system that can work best when one is in a very acute state of mind or total relaxation.

Friday, September 7, 2012


Pentru cine încă îşi mai bate capul să înţeleagă ce se întâmplă în România. Pentru toţi oamenii de bun simţ care par încă să existe după unele comentarii de pe forumurile pe articole din ziare. De obicei nu mă gândesc mai mult de 5 minute dacă să scriu ceva. Ceva ce de cele mai multe ori îmi stă pe suflet de mult timp. În schimb după ce am citit ieri Caţavencu ( am vreo 10 ore de când mă gândesc dacă să scriu ce urmează. Dar cu o paranteză aici, se vor diminua multe speranţe dar nu şi şanse. În ideea că orice informație suplimentară poate să micşoreze iluzii şi să mărească şanse.

Dacă e adevărat ce scrie aici, atunci trebuie să adăugăm şi următoarele:

Cine a cumpărat cartea poate să confirme sau nu.

Nu mai rămâne decât să adaug: după ce PNL se va declara învins de sine însuşi ca PNŢ atunci românii vor trebui să se gândească care va fi ultima lor scăpare, partidul u-nick care să vegheze la bunăstarea noastră. Că nu mai avem loc nici în partidul piraţilor.

Friday, August 31, 2012


Last night i was listening to Coast to Coast yet again as i do almost every night. George Noory either has a very monotonous voice or uses some filters as Art Bell did. LOL Bel. It helps me fall asleep guaranteed every time. But this time it was too exciting to go there. He was talking about chupacabras with Linda Moulton Howe. They were interviewing a woman from Missouri who actually saw one that has been shot. You can see here below all the details. Could these chupacabras be more than hairless coyotes as they seem to me?

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

George nu mai vede nici un ban….

De câte ori trebuie să spun? Mi-am făcut blog din cauza Simonei Tache... Sau nu invers ea şi-a făcut din cauza mea pentru că primul meu blog, cu care am dat-o în bara tare şi am luat-o şi pe cocoaşe a fost cândva în toamna lui 2006 înainte sau în timpul vizitei lui Băse în SUA, în ziua când s-a dat şi Tări pe motor. Deci prin 2010 cred am intrat să comentez pe blogul Simonei Tache, cu numele Gheo şi... Şi de la aia era să mi se tragă ceva, nu mi s-a tras, iar până la urmă am devenit prea disturbing pentru ea şi m-a dat afară, cândva anul acesta, după ce am fost banat un timp din motive tehnice necunoscute şi am revenit. Când i-am şi zis de altfel, bă tu nu eşti Simona Tache eşti Timona Sache, nepoată a lui Vântu şi acu zic şi eu posibilă alter ego al Anei Maria Vlas. Iar în timpul acela când am fost pe afară m-am gândit ia să-mi trag eu mie un blog... Pe atunci nu eram aşa expert în paradigme dar totuşi am simţit aşa ceva neplăcut la coincidenţa acestei postări. (Nu sunt eu acel George care comentează la acest post) Voi toţi ce ziceţi?

Şi ca să nu uit, apropo de datul în bară, am impresia că Pontiful şi al său Antonescu sau invers se pregătesc s-o dea în bară (aici chiar trebuie o virgulă) cu finalizarea unicului scop rămas logic al acestei lovituri de concediu pentru Băsescu adică de a ne aduce nouă confuzii în cvorum, pentru următoarele alegeri.

A şi "codul" cu care se "înrămează" alt site într-un blog. Între ghilimele se poate pune orice site, cu mici excepţii, de exemplu nu merg căutări de imagini de pe pe google. heigth şi width reprezintă mărimea "ramei" în pixeli. Mai sunt şi alţi parametri care nu i-am folosit. Sau un video de pe youtube. Youtube generează la cerere acest cod dacă se apasă butonul Share de sub video şi apoi Embed. Se copy şi apoi paste codul în blog sau pe orice site dacă permite uşor editare HTML, probabil şi pe facebook (da uitaţi aici , după ce se apasă tabul HTML (la blogger, nu ştiu la WordPress cum se face, probabil foarte asemănător). La video se pot modifica de asemena heigth şi width sau ceilalți parametri, şi la fel probabil mai sunt şi alţii.

<iframe height="700" src="" width="700"></iframe>

<iframe allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" frameborder="0" height="525" src="" width="700"></iframe>

Nu e nimic magic.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Idiots

The author of the first article in Romanian forgot to bring to Romanians' attention one of the most important paragraphs in the original article, "None of Romania's universities are ranked among the top 500."

I wish The Economist the best of luck in deciphering the complexity of this issue. I'm sure with the today's advancements in psychology, sociology and other disciplines many of the scholars of their own major universities could explain for us many of the aspects of the phenomenon, given time and motivation. And maybe they are already doing it for private or privileged entities, for the right compensation.

But the author just tackle the issue and brings to us only the short term with possible economic effects implications leaving place for many interpretations and of course, as many other press articles do, with no suggested solutions.

We are also noticing here the irony of the question in the title quoting a president that he uses himself a very old and advanced type of twisted psychology pointing sarcastically a problem that himself helped create.

Nobody is an idiot. But people, many times do exploitable, idiotic things. Sometimes on subconscious demand.

However, there are enough people in Romania who may understand well this problem but choose not to talk or whose silence have been bought or whose voice have been covered by well targeted noise or corrupted by political forces  that make confusion, corruption, mass ignorance, some of their tools in taking over that country.

Interestingly enough, i think they also have some kind of philosophy that covers their own conscience, thinking slowly eliminating "the garbage" or those who give in to the pressure of corruption they create, or "bury themselves" in sweet ignorance, for the future good of the country, (but not necessarily the people of the current generation) ("Uneori ca să îţi salvezi poporul trebuie mai întâi să salvezi ţara") (We all so well heard that for generations... "Generaţii de sacrificiu").  And when they do not fully succeed, they threat, frame and blackmail, trying especially to show to their own that is doable.

But if somebody would ask me i would say the problem has even deeper roots. It starts simply with the interdiction of talking of certain things, during the harshest period of the communist era. People were fearing their own family members as being possible informants. Once the habit formed, in a generation or two they relaxed the repression and started using softer methods and made the country look in many aspects similar to western countries and the habit was handed down throughout generations and changed form and became part of the culture. I don't know if it's not too obvious what i will try now to say, but by not talking about certain things in time generations stopped thinking at those things and those things were so related to the exercising of the most basic of human activities or rights that it lead to an atrophy of some area of personality for entire generations.

For reasons that may be known to the authors of the original article, Romania, thanks in part to its above quoted president is more visible internationally than other ex-communist countries but i think is safe to assume the phenomenon is similar.

It is also possible that Romania was somewhat treated specially and prepared for the future within the eastern block due to its potential as being a closer resemblance with western European countries and civilizations.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


I know some people would do anything to make me stop writing on this blog. But i wouldn't write about Romanian politics anyway anymore, i already decided that. At least for a while. Maybe i should start writing this like a log.

I really hoped things would somehow get fixed, maybe get a job, maybe some money from people who owe me and never had to write this here. But that might very well never happen.

I barely got out from a "road rage" incident when a 70-80s black Chevy with modified suspension and exhaust and huge tires was trying to back-up from the alley where i live, ocuppying both lanes and making big noise and smoke almost climbed on my little S10. There was a "witness", a guy with a dog in a black T shirt with some white drawing on it nearby. I can imagine what would have happen if i was tried to confront the guy. I just passed him and went to the other alley.

But this is just the last incident. I was thinking maybe i should start to say how i got here in the first place. But the story is too long and now i would try to write it backwards. Earlier i tried to drive to the only open liquor store after 8 about 6 miles from where here where i live. Every intersection, an opportunity for accident. On the freeway, there was like 10 cars trying to aggress me, it's too long to remember and write it here but it was worse than usually. Every time is. Subtle enough not to raise suspicions to unaware people though. If there's anyone left. At the store, in the line, in front of me, a white guy with shaved hair was talking way too much with the cashier, buying and unbuying things, packing and unpacking until behind me grew a line. Earlier i saw a woman with a wet, cold, just pulled from the fridge gallon of milk in her hand buying liquor. I salivated instantly because i drink lots of milk. Etc. Then he synchronized and drove on the alley in the parking lot in front of me with a 30 year old car. All the turns until i got on the boulevard. I didn't even start the ventilation in the car. On the way back the same show. It's good though today not every time when i turned my head i saw someone drinking or sucking from a jug. Cause this was the last trend of the last  year. If i passed someone with a smoking car and look at him/her he would pull a jug with drink and start drinking with big thirst.

Before that. This whole apartment where i live sometimes i think it was build from recycled stuff and designed especially to get people sick. Especially the exhaust from the cooking stove that instead of going vertically and through the roof and then a few more feet upwards like a chimney, it goes almost horizontally about 7 meters to the other side of the roof and opens inside the attic where there is a flat vent. Even if it pushes the odor from the kitchen outside, the flow sticks to the building and comes back through the windows. Many times i said i wouldn't use it but sometimes i forget. And when it's hot the temperature in the attic goes to 110 F and more and everything there is in that 6 inch x 7 meter exhaust rots and smells really bad. It happens only in the afternoon when it gets hot and if i forget to start the fan and push some air in it i get sick before i realize it because the smell grows gradually. And if a plane passes by it vibrates and some of the stuff gets pushed inside the room. And i only realized this today. Or maybe i did before but i wasn't sure or i forgot. Don't get me wrong, i have a good memory but there's too many things going on. Then i leave the place because i'm so sick but just by driving around i get some fresher air and then come back later when it's cooler. But because of what happens on the streets i usually forget why and how seek i was when i left. About a year ago i closed the joint between the exhaust and the vent under the roof so the stuff cannot get back into the attic and goes all through the vent and put a one way valve on the end near the stove but on hot days like today it doesn't really help. But the vent is still flat and doesn't have a chimney. It only helps if i cycle some fresh air for about an hour through it. Today i put some enzyme from the pet store that decomposes stuff and has some deodorant in it.

In short, i spend hours every day just to clean or fix the place. Most of the time i'm sick because i'm sensitive to smell and also sick to the stomach. But it always happens in the afternoon when my next door neighbor and my wife are at work and i'm alone. Sometimes i feel like fainting or paralyzed to my spine. My wife lost some of her sensitivity to smell because of the chemo back in the fall of 2004, but she wasn't so sensitive in the first place. It's between a half time and full time job every day in a very bad environment. Not counting the trips at home improvement stores and the thousands of dollars i spent and hundreds of receipts i try to keep. I just finish fixing one stinking obnoxious thing then another one starts. I will try and continue to write this backwards but right now one of my neighbors maybe the one that's a real estate agent, the one who dug a whole withe her Mercedes power steered wheels in the asphalt, by turning the wheels to the right after the car is stopped make some really weird noises that seem synchronized with my keyboard or something. Sounds like moving stuff around but i'm not sure. She does that frequently when she's at home. Monday she "forgot" the TV on all morning after she or somebody else made a big noise and woke me up at 6 am after 5 hours of sleep. That day and the following i was really like a zombie.

Yesterday no Tuesday was gardening day at my neighbors. By the pool. Almost 5 hours two power tools of over 100 dB each in the same time where trimming and blowing the fences and bushes. My ears where hurting, literally. And my brain was scrambled inside.

And then there's my down stairs neighbor. The Italian looking guy. The apartment underneath is vacated since last September. One more level down. The guy smokes some slow burning natural untreated cigarettes that smell really really bad. When he leaves for work i think, before noon, he opens the bedroom window and then i have to close mine. Depending on the wind, sometimes it comes from the other way, from the kitchen. I have to be very careful opening the windows cause it can get worse.

A few days ago i looked at a small ball of mineral insulation from the attic with a strong magnifying glass. Actually with a camera lens pulled out of the camera. Among fibers i say tiny maybe a few hundredth of a mm tar or rubber particles, or both. That explains the hellish smell of the attic, combined with cigarette smoke. Especially when it gets hot like today at 110F. The tiles of the roof are made of bitumen and sand. There's washed out bitumen and sand from the tiles in the gutters.

By the time my wife got home a quarter to midnight i almost fainted. I opened the balcony door to get some air and the neighbor was having a glass of some alcoholic drink visible on the side of the balcony. I opened the bottle, poured myself a shot of rum and tried not to faint until my wife gets home. Then when she entered the door a few minutes later i got better as i always do. Drink or not. Then she got mad and threw my 12 dollar bottle of rum i risked my life for in the sink. She never done that before. I didn't want to argue too much especially because the voice of the neighbor in the balcony speaking on the phone "got scared". I went to the supermarket and bought some beer, again avoiding a cohort of mostly small and old and smelly cars that were showing out of nowhere at this hour in every intersection. All liquor stores are closed after ten. I was actually tempted of stopping and enter in a bar, i saw the Lure was opened. Never been in a bar before since 1995 when i came here. Only once in a restaurant where they serve alcoholic beverages. No, i once had a beer at Spaghetti Old Factory.

But now i don't feel like drinking anymore. Maybe watch some TV and go to sleep. Ok, i opened a bottle of beer and reread and corrected typos and mistakes of what i wrote before. Now i think i begin to feel like a philosopher again.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

They Call It News

For the little information that will verify in the future we have to daily scrap through mountains of informational junk some call it news most of the news are made of. And that's only because we are impatient about our future and try to foresee it. Is that an exploitable sin?

Here some examples of weekend inevitable weirdly news that will never be significant in our lives yet is occupying our minds, perpetually right now...