Showing posts with label Băsescu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Băsescu. Show all posts

Monday, July 1, 2013

BBC Correspondence

On the date and time written below i received a confirmation letter form BBC following the filling of a form on their site (can't remember which). I know it had a 350 character limit. This is what i wrote in there (i hate email forms because they cannot be forwarded or easily reproduced and they generally do not behave like email).

"About the last referendum in Romania; the numbers simply don't add up. 19,0 [population INS] - 19,0 * 0,242 [24.2% under 18 (from US, in Romania unknown)] = 14,402 [right to vote]; 14,402 * 0,462 [turnout] * 0,875 [yes] = 5.822 # 7,4 [media]. Worried about the maths abilities of Romanians after 23 years of freedom. If i am wrong and why EU is silen"

From: BBC Audience Services <automail"">
Date: Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 9:06 PM
Subject: Email confirmation
To: "Mr. George Ion" <george"""">


Thank you for contacting the BBC.

We will reply to your enquiry if we can but cannot promise to answer everyone individually so hope the following information is helpful:

Information about particular programmes and when they will be transmitted or repeated is available at (please note our schedules are only confirmed for 7 days in advance).

You can find more information using our search service at, and information about the BBC at

If you asked about available BBC DVDs, books or other products please check with local or online retailers to see if they have been or will be commercially released.

For information about receiving TV or radio or dealing with interference issues, please visit

Thank you for contacting us.

Best wishes

BBC Audience Services.

NB: Please do not reply to this email. It comes from an automated account which is not monitored.

Today i finally received an answer

From: <bbc_faq_website"">
Date: Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 4:25 PM
Subject: BBC Audience Services - Case number CAS-2174909-D9M0F5
To: George Ion <george"""">

Dear George

Reference CAS-2174909-D9M0F5

Thank you for contacting the BBC.

The role of this department is to respond to comment, query or complaints concerning programmes on any of the BBC's national, regional and local television or radio services broadcast within the UK. We also deal with issues related to BBC's policy.

As it’s not clear from your correspondence that your comments have any bearing on the BBC or reflect directly on its output, we’re unable to help you further.

Thanks for taking the time to contact us.

Kind Regards

Paul Graham

BBC Audience Services

NB This is sent from an outgoing account only which is not monitored. You cannot reply to this email address but if necessary please contact us via our webform quoting any case number we provided.

Following their answer i went to BBC news submitting page and i filled yet another email form with approximately the following content. Some phrases are voluntarily censored. But for that, i did not receive any confirmation.

 "Reference CAS-2174909-D9M0F5

Thank you for contacting the BBC.

The role of this department is to respond to comment, query or complaints concerning programmes on any of the BBC's national, regional and local television or radio services broadcast within the UK. We also deal with issues related to BBC's policy.

As it’s not clear from your correspondence that your comments have any bearing on the BBC or reflect directly on its output, we’re unable to help you further.

Thanks for taking the time to contact us.

Kind Regards

Paul Graham

BBC Audience Services"

Following my 350 character "letter in a form", (i cannot remember which form).

"About the last referendum in Romania; the numbers simply don't add up. 19,0 [population INS] - 19,0 * 0,242 [24.2% under 18 (from US, in Romania unknown)] = 14,402 [right to vote]; 14,402 * 0,462 [turnout] * 0,875 [yes] = 5.822 # 7,4 [media]. Worried about the maths abilities of Romanians after 23 years of freedom. If i am wrong and why EU is silent"

Since the last referendum in Romania, i've been intrigued by the following:

Lack of clear numbers regarding as the total numbers of persons with right to vote in Romania, deriving from the 2011 census. On their official governmental site there are only preliminary results and a vague total number of Romanian population. However within the last few days are given deadlines for completing those numbers.

It is troubling a referendum has been done last year without knowing the exact number of people and people with the right to vote. It is not clear to me what numbers they used to calculate the result. However, from my educated guesses, and putting together whatever appeared in media, those numbers do not add up or verify simple arithmetic calculations as in above "equation".

Since Romania is member of the EU and EU has not said anything regarding the irregularities of the last referendum, i am worried as well... well there are numerous legal, moral and ethical question on this subject as well.

Since i am alone in this as nobody followed up with direct answers to my fb posts regarding this issue, i am also thinking i may be wrong and i am missing some numbers. I used the preliminary numbers from the INS site mentioned above as 19 million total population and the percentage for people under 18 from... the US population, which for 2010 is 24.2%. From this i calculated an estimated 14.4 million with right to vote. Applying the percentages for numbers of voters present and numbers of voters who said yes that stabilized lately in media, results a total of 5.822 million yes votes, that contradict the number as well more repeated in media, of over 7 million yes votes.

Being and English speaker (as a second language) and a constant reader of i thought i should signal these findings that do not match any other analysis i've seen so far in any type of media as being a very worrisome deviation from standard democratic practices in Romania and EU.

If the calculations above are, there are very serious questions... well, you get the picture.

I did not want at first to fill out this information on a form as a news tip but i see no other way since BBC due to its nature as being a news agency cannot deal with this issue in other ways but i also was not sure of my calculations.

But doing this i let you decide whether this is a newsworthy issue or BBC should deal with this information in other ways, such as submitting it to EU decision structures i am only vaguely familiar with in case you decide my calculations are correct.

What worries me most about the above numbers is they confirm a theory that one can easily build by following online media from Romania in the last years, and that is the country is being subjected to enormous unprecedented political, economical, psychological and mediatic pressure with the obvious (to me) purpose of making as many people as possible leave that country and making it permanent and in the same time using the confusion created by the modification of electoral numbers in order to falsify further elections or referendums as sole purposes of admitting that country in the EU.

According to the news site, only last year over half million Romanians left the country.

If this "trend" continues and the "political" factors seen on Romanian media scene are continuing to try and hide it, in a few years there will be not enough native Romanian population in Romania to justify the naming of that territory.

[two rows missing]

I am also wondering if the EU leading countries do not give in into lobby from their part [a few words missing] and decide to turn a blind eye and breaking UE legislation regarding the organizing or supervising of census, referendums and elections in its member countries. But since i am not familiar with international law nor with how far EU legislation is going regarding the supervising the democratic processes in its member countries, i simply do not have a clue.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Heads Down!

As heard in early 80s. Original in Romanian, slightly modified for English.

Booly dies and goes to Hell. A little devil gives him a tour of Hell and shows him the rooms he could chose from.

The first room, huge boilers of tar. He passes on that one.

The second room, huge boilers of sulfuric acid. He passes that one too.

The third room, a huge bowl of shit in which the sinners where standing up to their necks and smoking.

Booly quickly picks the third room. He hops in the bowl, lights up a cigarette and in a couple of minutes another little devil comes in and says:

- Come on guys, break's over, heads down now!...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

George nu mai vede nici un ban….

De câte ori trebuie să spun? Mi-am făcut blog din cauza Simonei Tache... Sau nu invers ea şi-a făcut din cauza mea pentru că primul meu blog, cu care am dat-o în bara tare şi am luat-o şi pe cocoaşe a fost cândva în toamna lui 2006 înainte sau în timpul vizitei lui Băse în SUA, în ziua când s-a dat şi Tări pe motor. Deci prin 2010 cred am intrat să comentez pe blogul Simonei Tache, cu numele Gheo şi... Şi de la aia era să mi se tragă ceva, nu mi s-a tras, iar până la urmă am devenit prea disturbing pentru ea şi m-a dat afară, cândva anul acesta, după ce am fost banat un timp din motive tehnice necunoscute şi am revenit. Când i-am şi zis de altfel, bă tu nu eşti Simona Tache eşti Timona Sache, nepoată a lui Vântu şi acu zic şi eu posibilă alter ego al Anei Maria Vlas. Iar în timpul acela când am fost pe afară m-am gândit ia să-mi trag eu mie un blog... Pe atunci nu eram aşa expert în paradigme dar totuşi am simţit aşa ceva neplăcut la coincidenţa acestei postări. (Nu sunt eu acel George care comentează la acest post) Voi toţi ce ziceţi?

Şi ca să nu uit, apropo de datul în bară, am impresia că Pontiful şi al său Antonescu sau invers se pregătesc s-o dea în bară (aici chiar trebuie o virgulă) cu finalizarea unicului scop rămas logic al acestei lovituri de concediu pentru Băsescu adică de a ne aduce nouă confuzii în cvorum, pentru următoarele alegeri.

A şi "codul" cu care se "înrămează" alt site într-un blog. Între ghilimele se poate pune orice site, cu mici excepţii, de exemplu nu merg căutări de imagini de pe pe google. heigth şi width reprezintă mărimea "ramei" în pixeli. Mai sunt şi alţi parametri care nu i-am folosit. Sau un video de pe youtube. Youtube generează la cerere acest cod dacă se apasă butonul Share de sub video şi apoi Embed. Se copy şi apoi paste codul în blog sau pe orice site dacă permite uşor editare HTML, probabil şi pe facebook (da uitaţi aici , după ce se apasă tabul HTML (la blogger, nu ştiu la WordPress cum se face, probabil foarte asemănător). La video se pot modifica de asemena heigth şi width sau ceilalți parametri, şi la fel probabil mai sunt şi alţii.

<iframe height="700" src="" width="700"></iframe>

<iframe allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" frameborder="0" height="525" src="" width="700"></iframe>

Nu e nimic magic.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Băsescu vodă cel nebun

(Un mic eseu despre simbolism)

Băsescu şi ai lui: L'état, c'est moi! Après moi, le déluge!

Împreună cu al său ministru suveran Ponta, cu al său Ioan Rus şi chiar cu temporalul Antontescu, al cărui nume vine din trecut şi sună şi futuristic în acelaş timp, au adus ţara pe noi culmi ale ruşinii şi care după tot ce au făcut ne fac pe toţi să credem că România nu mai poate exista fără ei. Am devenit toţi şantajabili în iluziile noastre.

Am ajuns acum să regretăm chiar şi vremurile când România era condusă de înaintemergătorul actualul puşcăriaş Nasty cu sau fără ouă care totuşi ne număra pe noi corect la referendumuri. Naivitatea se plăteşte dar vina sa cea mai mare a fost că ne-a făcut să înţelegem de unde vine pseudonimul unei cunoscute dive americane. A şi l-a arestat şi pe Bivolaru. Sau puşcăria e poate doar o versiune de asigurat securitatea personală mai ieftină, ca probabil în cazul Anei Maria Vlas.

Iar restul zilelor noastre, care începe azi, după o cunoscută expresie americană, depinde numai de imaginaţia lor, a celor fără ruşine care de fapt nu au altă treabă decât să proiecteze visele lor diurne asupra noastră.

Toghether with his minister suveran Ponta, with his Ioan Rus and even with the temporal Antonescu whose name comes from the past and sounds so fu-turistic in the same time, they brought our country on new levels of shame and after all they've made us all believe that Romania can not exist anymore without them. We became all blackmailable in our illusions.

We came to regret even the times when Romania was lead by their forruner current jailbird Nastase with or without balls, who was counting us though correctly at referendums. The naivety costs but his biggest mistake was to reveal to us all the meaning of a well known American diva Nick name. And he arrested Bivolaru too. Or maybe jail in this case is just a cheaper way to ensure his security, like probably in the case of Ana Maria Vlas.

And the rest of our lives that begins today, according to a well known American expression, depends only of the above mentioned's imagination, of the ones without shame or honor, that have no other job but to project
their daydreams over us.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Idioţi sau manipulare?

Până când vom inghiţi toate aceste idioţenii din presa română care aduc atât de mult cu o manipulare crasă, care promovează prostia şi au ca scop tâmpirea românilor, în special a tineretului

Nesemnat, Mediafax

Cum să traduci lovitură de forţă cu lovitură de stat? De aia nu au pus animalele titlul original in franceză...

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Minimalism, Racism, Witchcraft

Minimalism is good in certain situations especially in art or when trying to isolate a causality chain but one should be careful when thinking and building theories which is actually reality modelling when the tiniest missing argument can lead to the opposite of the true model.

I'm thinking here about racism, which is an example of reality modeling that emerges only from frustration and wrong thinking after a day's, week's, month's or lifetime brain exhausting self exploiting joy denying work and it is a cheap way of releasing that frustration by thinking yourself a philosopher, judge and executioner or helper and falling into the temptation of over minimalism, when tired and missing the physiological capacity of thinking clearly and trying to eliminate the tiny, parasitic, "not important" points.

Or in some categories that don't even work, it's just the bad habit.

And no theory or philosophy could ever model the unpredictability of one thinking consequentially thus changing his mind every time he turns his head and see something that wasn't in his mind a second before and the using of "well proved, memorized, situation solving" recipes which are actually models of situations that lack the refining through generalization and proven by logic.

And pointing the finger at those predictable as being idiots. They are only consistent which is the first step towards being reliable.

And no witchcraft system which is only a collection of mind, physiology and laws of biology exploiting techniques according to the above described long time acquired recipes could ever replace a verified, standing philosophical system built on logic even if not complete or only partially true.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Mândră Corabia, Meşter Cârmaciul

Şi ce subliminal cânta...

Sunt mai multe corelaţii de nume în melodia asta foarte devreme în istoria comunismului în România, în care dacă vă amintiţi totul era planificat. Pe cât timp planificat? Asta încă nu ştim exact...

Dar ascultând am dat în alt subiect, mi se pare mie sau nu vocea Doinei sună ca un ... theremin iar basul şi schimbările de chei din cele două melodii sunt cam la fel?

"A bashi-bazouk or bashibazouk (Turkish başıbozuk, or delibaş, literally "damaged head", meaning "free headed", "leaderless", "disorderly") was an irregular soldier of the Ottoman army. They were particularly noted for their lack of discipline."

De ce: Când avea câţiva ani, destui ca să-mi amintesc, bunicul meu adoptiv din Storojineţ, "Buţu" (de la bunicuţu) Dumezeu să-l ierte, care vorbea 4 limbi, română, germană, rusă şi ucraineană şi a fost 6 ani în război, când de-o parte când de alta, imparţial ca tot românul, de câte ori eram obraznic aşa îmi spunea, başbuzuc. Termenul nu ştiu de ce mă ofensa foarte mult şi mi s-a săpat undeva într-o cale neuronală şi câteodată iese la suprafaţă, mai ales când citesc ştiri din România de azi şi nu numai.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Ciudăţenii cotidiene, Daily Weird

Azi am descoperit că vibraţia de la frigiderul uriaş de 25 ani se transmite prin podea alături în baie unde face să vibreze uşile de sticlă culisante de la cadă. Uşa de la baie este formată din două placaje care dacă le apeşi uşor cu un deget se deformează cam un cm. Pereţii din jurul uşii de la baie panourile adică nu sunt strânse bine în perete am impresia că le lipsesc nişte şuruburi şi vibrează şi alea pe mai multe frecvenţe, toate joase în jur de 10 Hz. Chiar la Bacău ţin minte podeaua de la bucătărie când călcam se mişca puţin.

Am impresia că orice casă vibrează, mai ales astea de aici care sunt din schelet de lemn cu panouri de ghips dar dacă nici nu sunt strânse şuruburile alea de panouri sau lipsesc şuruburi... La balcon este o uşă culisantă de sticlă uriaşă cu o pereche statică total de 2 pe 2 metri care şi alea dacă le apeşi cu degetul se deformează. În dormitor este o debara cu uşi culisante din PFL de 5 mm cât peretele de lângă baie, care vibrează şi aia.

Ştiam de câteva zile că pereţii vibrează şi am făcut legătura cu apăsarea din ureche şi ameţeala şi dorinţa de a pleca din casă dar nu am făcut legătura cu uşile culisante de sticlă de la cada de la baie şi frigiderul decât ieri seara, când a pornit frigiderul şi am simţit apăsarea aia în ureche şi dorinţa de a ieşi afară.

Plus că frigiderul vibrează şi pe ultrasunete, tot timpul îmi ţiuie urechile. Deşi am izolat zona în care se face detenta freonului şi în genereal toată suspensia circuitului freonului cu cauciuc siliconic din ăla scump pentru izolat marginea la cada de baie. Scăzuse mult atunci, dar acum mi se pare că a revenit iar la un nivel maxim. Tot spatele frigiderului este închis acum cu PAL fonoabsorbant cam la 20 cm distanţă şi eu aud acum armonici mai joase de la ultrasunete poate peste 10 kHz cam la 20 dB la vreo 4 metri de el. Acum când scriu rândul acesta au scăzut brusc cam la jumătate. Oare să aibă vreo legătură cu maşinile vecinelor de scară care parchează totdeauna strâmb, dar numai în 2 sau 3 poziţii, mereu aceleaşi, cu precizie?

Deci azi am tot mutat frigiderul prin casă, este lângă peretele de la vecini ca să pun nişte PAL fonoabsorbant sub el şi în spatele lui şi ghici pe cine cred că am văzut ieşind de la scara vecină, cu perucă blondă, şi s-a urcat într-un minivan după care s-a urcat în altă maşină, o Hondă mai mică şi mai veche şi a plecat deşi am impresia că venise cu o a 3-a maşină, un Dodge gri din ăla nou lăsat pe jos?

Aceeaşi persoană cu care cred că am vorbit azi pe la 11:30 la Allied Waste Services, când am sunat să-i întreb de ce a venit camionul la tomberon a doua oară în aceeaşi zi?

A şi am uitat să spun, la un timp după ce m-am mutat am vrut să cumpăr alt frigider din banii mei dar agenţia imobiliară de la care închiriez apartamentul nu a fost de acord. Acest frigider valorează 0 dolari adică e un junk.


Today i discovered that the vibration of the 25  years old huge refrigerator is transmitted through the floor and across the wall in the bathroom where it makes vibrate the glass sliding doors from the tube. The bathroom door is made out of 5mm fiberboard that easily deforms about 1 cm if you press lightly on it. The panels on the walls around bathroom door are not close enough to the frame and i am under impression there are missing or loose screws under paint, and they all vibrate on several frequencies, all under 10 Hz. I remember at Bacău, last place where i lived in Romania the floor in the kitchen was moving a little too when i was walking on it.

I am under the impression that any house vibrates, especially here where are made of wood frame covered with gypsum (drywall) panels especially if the screws are not tighten all the way or missing... At the balcony there is a huge sliding door paired with a static window that deform easily if you press with the finger right in the middle. In the bedroom there is a storage with huge sliding doors covering all the batthrom wall made of 5mm fibreboard that vibrate as well.

I knew for a few days now that the walls are vibrating but i couldn’t make the link with the pressure in the ears and dizziness and the urge to live the place until last night when the fridge’s compressor started and i started feeling the pressure and the need to live.

Today i moved the fridge around so i can install some fonoabsorbant (loose fiberboard) panels underneath and around the back of it and than guess who i think i saw leaving from the other entrance of the building, where my neighbours on the other side of the wall next to where the fridge is are, with blonde wig and got into a minivan than switched into an older, smaller Honda and left although i think she came into one of those newer, low, grey Dodge?

The two entrances and the corresponding apartments do not communicate, at least at the upper level, where i live, from what i know. The weirdest part is the apartment right beneath me is vacant since last September with the blinds tightly covering the windows so no light can go in our out and i didn't see anybody getting in or out either for so many month.

I forgot to say that shortly after i moved here i wanted to buy another fridge from my own money but the real estate agency that i rent from did not agree although this fridge is not worth any money, being a total piece of junk.

There is at least one distinguishable harmonic from the @4 Hz main frequency but i don't have the necessary instruments to investigate what that frequency is. Maybe if i had a video editing program installed, maybe i should try download one. Probably is a frequency most harmful when vibrating out of phase with Earth electric resonance frequency, the so called Schumann frequency, at 7.89 Hz, that would be the double of what i'm counting using the clock from the wall? The sliding door have a metal frame as well so...

Maybe that's why they're slamming the doors for... To kick start a vibration that is out or in phase with Earth electric standing waves?

Now i read in wikipedia that 60 Hz is the eighth harmonic of the Schumann. Why in Europe they use 50 Hz and in the United States 60? Which one is healthier?

Somebody please tell me what the hell is going on...

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Synchronization In The Human Cardiorespiratory System

Synchronization In The Human Cardiorespiratory System

Carsten Schafer,1,* Michael G. Rosenblum,1,† Hans-Henning Abel,2 and Jurgen Kurths1

Department of Physics, Potsdam University, Am Neuen Palais 10, Postfach 601553, D-14415 Potsdam, Germany

Department of Cardioanesthesiology, Stadtisches Klinikum Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany

Received 17 December 1998

We investigate synchronization between cardiovascular and respiratory systems in healthy humans under free-running conditions. For this aim we analyze nonstationary irregular bivariate data, namely, electrocardio-grams and measurements of respiratory flow. We briefly discuss a statistical approach to synchronization in noisy and chaotic systems and illustrate it with numerical examples; effects of phase and frequency locking are considered. Next, we present and discuss methods suitable for the detection of hidden synchronous epochs from such data. The analysis of the experimental records reveals synchronous regimes of different orders n:m and transitions between them; the physiological significance of this finding is discussed. S1063-651X 99 12407-3

PACS number s : 87.19.Hh, 87.17.Aa, 05.45. a

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Surpassing The Limits of Offense

When i first came to US i got paranoid about an expression. Take care. It is an affectionate, familial form of letting someone know you care for them, used mostly in temporary, daily separation salutes. But to me, in the hurry (of translating) given by the multitude of initial traumas and stress due to the move, it sounded like a threat. (Now i know it was all "simulated, anticipated and under control").

Similar to what i felt yesterday when i saw on a "Oregon Cultural" vanity plate. B CARFULL. It shouldn't have affected me if even if i know it was not by accident that guy psychologically cornered me on the street.

But i see nowadays people getting and acting like being offended, by things that i say in the supposed intimacy of my living place.

Isn't this kinda of passing a new limit of hysteria, to get offended by overhearing and showing it, waiting for more reactions, in an endless "controlled" echo-logical, self-sustained loop (not to say by eavesdroping, because i might fall in a different keyword category)? Kinda like in organized stalking?

I was thinking adding the word mindless to the above phrase but i feel like it's already getting too complicated. But i think i learned a lot about what consequential behaviour is, which is probably a cousin of casual behaviour and the significance of the stage name of a Black Eyes Peas member, Will.I.Am.

And then something else came to my mind. A song i heard so many times while holding for Sony Customer Service Reps. in Laredo, Texas.

And then i realized, that's why so many people have GPS today, in their cars, on their smart-phones, cameras, everywhere.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Keep Portland Weird

"Wyrd is a concept in Anglo-Saxon culture roughly corresponding to fate or personal destiny. The word is ancestral to Modern English weird, which retains its original meaning only dialectically."

Ethics in Germanic Neopaganism are guided by a concept of personal ørlög or wyrd, encompassing the notions of both fate and luck. The belief in Wyrd — a concept of fatalism or determinism,[12] similar to some Graeco-Roman concepts of destiny is a commonly held belief amongst most Germanic Neopagans.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Organized Stalking

"Groups that participate are organized vigilante, cult style right-wing hate groups. Unfortunately, to make matters worse these groups are protected by police officers who are actually members of right wing extremist groups. Of course not all police officers participate, but rather than expose one of their own officers who are members or know these groups personally, they will remain silent. The officers who do participate will go as far as making a victim appear insane or mentally ill to shut them up, and destroy that persons credibility so no one will be able to defend themselves. They do this by using the power of law enforcement, and taking a person against their will, to a hospital that will give them a psychiatric exam. Corrupt psychiatrist also lie, and cover up the crime as well. Now that they are powerless, none will listen. Further destroying the targeted individuals reputation." 

What authority in its right mind would accept those exists, anyway.

But what is described above is children's play.

Here are a couple of examples of what's happening to me on daily basis. There are rare moments when i don't hear above or see a plane from the windows, most of the time with the engine revved up and flaps down all the way, making the most possible noise at the lowest speed. One can use the site to see what's happening at any moment in the past except for the last two hours during day time above the Eagle Crest dr at the western border between Lake Oswego and Portland, Oregon. The speed for a craft is not displayed, but from the map scale and the timer you can easily figure the speed, which sometime gets down to 70-80 mph, above highly populated areas.

I'm going to describe below the flight of too helicopters i saw (and heard!) today. And i will try to continue to keep track on any violation on this blog.

One in the parking lot an WinCo Foods, Tigard, Oregon, and the other above the parking lot where i live, Lake Oswego, Oregon, the last one barely above the trees. WinCo is at about 300 ft above sea level and where i live i am at about 700 feet and the helicopters were at about 1100 something in both cases according to the webtrack site that unfortunately does not have the elevation of the terrain into the database like Google Earth. I didn't want to use the camera to give them the opportunity to say that i might use the flash bla bla. "Over congested areas, which could mean a city or a populous open-air event such as a football game, the FAA requires a minimum safe altitude of 1,000 feet above the highest obstacle within 2,000 horizontal feet of the aircraft" . "Because helicopters have the capability to hover, the FAA grants them a considerable exception to minimum safe altitude rules. Helicopters may operate below the minimums provided they are not endangering persons or property on the ground and as long as they are in accordance with any specific routes or altitudes prescribed by the FAA in particular areas, such as controlled airspace over cities or around airports." But the last helicopter almost touched the trees and the cell phone tower on the top of the hill about 300 feet W from where i live and that is at about 1000 ft.  And the one at WinCo honestly seemed at about 300 ft above the store, and would not the first time when webtrack is mistaking. Click on the pictures to see them enlarged.

There was a construction job going on across the street for about two weeks. Actually i can hear a hammer right now.

The garbage company does not take care of the dumpster that is 30 feet from my window. I cleaned it last week and put some dolomite mineral at the bottom for disinfection and in a few hours it 25% of it was filled with open, spilled bags of garbage already fermented probably coming from somewhere else. I wrote in an email about it and yesterday i saw it was filled with nicely closed white bags all the way to the top so no one could see what happened. Every morning when i have a meal ready to eat for me when i'm alone or with my wife, at any hour, the truck of the garbage company comes, hits the bumper speed in front of the window, shakes the house and then empty the dumpster 30 feet away. No matter how little dust is on the walls, some falls into the food.

The people at the apartments across the street cut a couple of big trees, two to three weeks ago milled them and the left the mulch in two big piles about 5 ft tall next to the side-walk. After 3 weeks, they stink like yeast, so is everything inside the apartment.

And sometimes at night some people are burning garbage or probably even drugs in stoves, or in cars in the neighbourhood. Some times my cars smell strangely after i drive them, i suspect somebody puts things on the exhaust so when it gets hot start smelling to say i am doing it so they have a "reason" to retaliate. The Police once told me that in the building some people have medical marijuana permits and that's the reason of the strange smell that gets into my apartment. The apartment is filled with cigarette smoke from the ground level neighbor anyway most of the time. One night when the place was filled with smoke i went outside and saw a garage with an opened door. When i looked inside, there was a round heater glowing red and a small pile of some substance smoking on the concrete floor. That's where the smoke was coming.

There is always a larger than normal number of cars on the street or patrolling in the parking lot. Delivery or various service trucks that get "lost" or "looking for an address".

But for all this to happen, they probably need feedback. Accelerometers from computer hard drives or mice can make good sensors. They can even be used to input very limited but decisive information in you computer instructing it to start a certain program giving them "more reasons to retaliate". If they have access to an apartment for invented reasons, they can install software on the computers that can do or track various things including sounds, vitals signs or EM fields. Environmental EM frequencies can be used to activate any microphone in any device, especially when turned off. A simple wire hanging loose can become a microphone activated by environmental residual EM frequencies. Cell phones can be easily hacked. Etc. Some of these things probably happen at different levels in their organizations and probably the lower levels don't know some of them.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Băsescu şi flota

Cred că ştiu ce a făcut Băsescu cu flota. A vândut-o la preţuri normale şi a băgat banii în corupţia din România băi frate şi cât a fost primar la Bucureşti şi-a construit în linişte viitorul de preşedinte. Nu vă speriaţi că am impresia că nu mai scăpaţi vreodată de el şi de ai lui. You can't escape the başçavuş escu.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Damage Assessment

Cineva să mă trezească şi să-mi spună că am visat...

"   (3) România este stat de drept, democratic şi social, în care demnitatea omului, drepturile si libertăţile cetăţenilor, libera dezvoltare a personalităţii umane, dreptatea si pluralismul politic reprezintă valori supreme, în spiritul tradiţiilor democratice ale poporului român si idealurilor Revoluţiei din decembrie 1989, şi sunt garantate." Consituţia României din 2003, art 1, par 3.

La 22 de ani de civilizaţie, eu zic că ar trebui să tragem o linie şi să ne numărăm, câţi în ţară, câţi afară, câţi revoluţionari, câţi kgb-işti, câţi primari, câţi mafioţi, câţi scriitori, câţi ţărani, cât pământ, какой стране.

Acu vreo 2 săptămâni am intrat să chat-uiesc cu o tipă din Italia pe care nu o cunoşteam. Avea în jur de 27 ani şi era şef la un restaurant. Am întrebat-o chiar aşa, câţi subşefi are, şi ea a zis că o mai ajută mama patronului, iar treaba ei era să facă mâncare la 60-70 persoane de 2 ori pe zi. Dar conversaţia nu a continuat mult fiindcă tipa nu prea era confortabilă cu română scrisă, confunda cunvintele cu cele din italiana. Am încercat italiana şi a întrerupt conversaţia. Caz fericit zic eu după ce am văzut prin presă de prostituţia exterioară.

Şi atunci mi-am amintit de celebra replică a primului monstru marin al ţării, imortalizată de memoria digitală colectivă. Apropo, inserez aici o imagine din vechile paginii aurii, care poate să ateste originea sănătoasă a tovarăşului.

Şi am început să mă întreb. Dacă s-ar putea face ceva pentru sufletele acelea rătăcite. Un blog colectiv, un site, un ceva. Poate chiar la ministerul de externe, gen cum s-a deschis unul acum la ministerul învăţământului, pe alt subiect de care media tace foarte mult. Să spună fiecare ce cunoaşte despre problema asta. Să o dezbatem public. Poate intră chiar ELE să comenteze. Nu putem încerca să rezolvăm nimic dacă nu ştim cifrele exacte.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


În răspuns la

Nu pot să scriu asta ca un comentariu în acel Hyde Park românesc ( că nu ştim cine/dacă ne aude sau ne citeşte. Şi s-ar putea să iasă chiar mai lung decât un comentariu.

Deci să trecem la treburi serioase, dimineaţa, cu mintea limpede şi anima goală, dacă ne ajută glicemia şi mai lasă vecinii(le) uşile din trântit. Ok, cea cu Mercedesul a plecat, în scârţâit de curea de alternator. Mai e Jeepul şi după aia e linişte.

Mi-am notat în vocabular cuvintele neştiute din articol, din care unul îmi stăruie în memorie. Din alea care îţi pun de obicei piedică în elanul gândirii într-un text. Ubicuu. L-am auzit şi pe la noi. Gata, pe ăsta îl caut în dicţionar. Un alt cuvânt pentru omniprezent. O fi vreo nuanţă acolo dar nu avem timp.

Începusem ieri să scriu într-un comentariu. M-am gândit la chestia asta mai demult. Cândva, în şcoala generală, ne-au învăţat despre inducţia matematică. La şiruri. Deci pui o ipoteză şi o verifici pe următorul termen. Cred că pentru oameni disperaţi, care nu mai au altă şansă, se poate încerca şi la istorie.

Când nu mai putem descâlci ce au făcut înaintaşii noştri, nu de alta, dar ca să nu o repetăm, vorba înţeleptului. Ca să ieşim din ciclu. Când nu vrea să ne spună nimeni nimic.

A şi să nu uit. Apropo de cuvinte. Ele pot să ne spună multe despre trecut. Din etimologia unui cuvânt (nu) poţi rupe istoria formării lui. Într-o zi când nu aveam ceva mai bun de făcut m-am uitat prin dicţionare. Acu este google translate şi ne ajută el. Oare nimeni, chiar nimeni nu a avut nimic de spus până acum despre etimologia numelui fostului omniprezent? Atât de omniprezent că ni s-au saturat creierele la toţi, numele lui devenise un cuvânt comun care a săpat cărări adânci prin creţii creierilor noştri şi aşa aburiţi şi nu s-a mai gândit nimeni la ciudăţenie. Dar cei din lumea liberă nu s-au gândit?

Ia să scoatem şi spell check-ul automat că se blochează cursorul. Gata.

çavuş|ro|%C3%A7avu%C5%9F = sergent, se pronunţă ceauş pentru cei ce nu vor să clicăie

nu ne putem abţine aici să aducem în atenţie şi alte câteva cuvinte turceşti dacă tot eram la google translate

başçavuş|en|ba%C5%9F%C3%A7avu%C5%9F = sergent major

Yüzbaşı|ro|y%C3%BCzba%C5%9F%C4%B1 = căpitan

manì. (ăsta nu era în google translate dar ne bazăm puţin acu şi pe

şi e o listă întreagă de grade din armata turcă care au ca rădăcină cuvântul çavuş, iar baş (LOL) înseamnă ceva ca şef in turcă! (Unde întoarcem capul dăm iar peste politică, nu se poate fără ea)

Gata nu vă speriaţi nu vreau să învăţăm aici împreună limba turcă ca Iorga de la Bucureşti la Giurgiu. Dar cred că v-aţi făcut o idee de ce vreau să spun. O listă mai lungă, de vreo 400 de cuvinte, o voi pune într-o postare separată, chiar uitasem, o am undeva, după un query pe site-ul Da, @400 de cuvinte din fondul lexical de bază românesc provine din turcă, cam cât din slavă etc.

Cu toate că numele mic al ubicuului a fost Nicolae, care e grecesc, chiar foarte comun în Grecia LOL de câte ori aud numele ăsta îmi aduc aminte de replica din film: ”Taki, Sophie, Kari, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, uh, Nikki, and I am Gus” Hă hă hă hă hă iar numele lui ta-su a fost Andruţă, clar grec, da să nu uităm că şi grecii au fost sub turci, chiar puţin mai mult şi mai aproape decât noi.

Deci aplicând metoda inductivă cu aceste nume în gând şi gândindu-ne că Imperiul Otoman se mai chema şi Sublima Poartă, mai gândindu-ne că poate aceste nume chiar sunt nişte simboluri subliminale similare cu cele folosite de masonerie, dar întoarse pe dos, către vechiul răsărit, hai să construim ipoteza.

Comunismul în România la început a fost clar, ocupaţie, dar după aia, de ce nu, reciclat de locali şi folosit pe post de limbă de ceas pe care o întorci înapoi cu vreun secol şi încerci să restaurezi vechea ordine atât de înrădăcinată pe tulpina culturii româneşti, facând asta sub perdeaua prăfuită a dictaturii, după marea curăţenie făcută deja de sovietici.

Oare aşa o fi fost şi la ruşi, cu Stalin după Lenin?

Postarea domnului sus linkat m-a luat înainte, aveam două postări de scris despre chestia asta, una despre influenţa limbii turce în limba română şi alta despre originea comunismului. Asta sunt eu, nu mă pot abţine, bunicul meu îmi reproşa mereu că sunt nerăbdător. Dar am răbdat destul...

Şi oricum, articole/postări despre originea comunismului se scriu tot timpul în România, de 20 ani.

Deci uitându-ne la articol, (apropo, ”sursa puterii" nu era monolitul de partid ci armata de ocupaţie şi după aia securitatea). Conform ipotezei mele, ”moştenirea leninistă” normal, nu mai trebuia căci oricum nu mai vroiau ei să facă comunismul ci alte chestii totalitare. Normal că cei din lista deviaţioniştilor au fost eliminaţi fiindcă ei poate au fost comunişti (nu vreau să dezbat prea mult, toată lumea ştie că comunismul e o fomă de masonism). Dar cel mai bine verifică ipoteza mea fraza ”Ritualuri bizantine de glorificare erau astfel contopite cu pretenţii de ortodoxie marxist-leninista”. QED, nici nu mai merg mai departe.

Pentru cei cărora ce am scris mai sus le va suna a politică, am mai scris aceleaşi chestii cu ani în urmă, poate nu sintetizate astfel, în multe emailuri pe la prieteni.