Showing posts with label reality theory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reality theory. Show all posts

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Keep Portland Weird

"Wyrd is a concept in Anglo-Saxon culture roughly corresponding to fate or personal destiny. The word is ancestral to Modern English weird, which retains its original meaning only dialectically."

Ethics in Germanic Neopaganism are guided by a concept of personal ørlög or wyrd, encompassing the notions of both fate and luck. The belief in Wyrd — a concept of fatalism or determinism,[12] similar to some Graeco-Roman concepts of destiny is a commonly held belief amongst most Germanic Neopagans.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Clear Channel, San Antonio, Texas

Very few know that the most important radio stations in Portland, Oregon are owned by a single entity, based in San Antonio, Texas. I didn't do any research to see how customary is this in the US but to me is odd. Anyways, that wouldn't be any problem to me if the themes of the songs would not be synchronized among stations and with some people activity and even thoughts, in real time. The playlists of the past are there to prove it.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Organized Stalking

"Groups that participate are organized vigilante, cult style right-wing hate groups. Unfortunately, to make matters worse these groups are protected by police officers who are actually members of right wing extremist groups. Of course not all police officers participate, but rather than expose one of their own officers who are members or know these groups personally, they will remain silent. The officers who do participate will go as far as making a victim appear insane or mentally ill to shut them up, and destroy that persons credibility so no one will be able to defend themselves. They do this by using the power of law enforcement, and taking a person against their will, to a hospital that will give them a psychiatric exam. Corrupt psychiatrist also lie, and cover up the crime as well. Now that they are powerless, none will listen. Further destroying the targeted individuals reputation." 

What authority in its right mind would accept those exists, anyway.

But what is described above is children's play.

Here are a couple of examples of what's happening to me on daily basis. There are rare moments when i don't hear above or see a plane from the windows, most of the time with the engine revved up and flaps down all the way, making the most possible noise at the lowest speed. One can use the site to see what's happening at any moment in the past except for the last two hours during day time above the Eagle Crest dr at the western border between Lake Oswego and Portland, Oregon. The speed for a craft is not displayed, but from the map scale and the timer you can easily figure the speed, which sometime gets down to 70-80 mph, above highly populated areas.

I'm going to describe below the flight of too helicopters i saw (and heard!) today. And i will try to continue to keep track on any violation on this blog.

One in the parking lot an WinCo Foods, Tigard, Oregon, and the other above the parking lot where i live, Lake Oswego, Oregon, the last one barely above the trees. WinCo is at about 300 ft above sea level and where i live i am at about 700 feet and the helicopters were at about 1100 something in both cases according to the webtrack site that unfortunately does not have the elevation of the terrain into the database like Google Earth. I didn't want to use the camera to give them the opportunity to say that i might use the flash bla bla. "Over congested areas, which could mean a city or a populous open-air event such as a football game, the FAA requires a minimum safe altitude of 1,000 feet above the highest obstacle within 2,000 horizontal feet of the aircraft" . "Because helicopters have the capability to hover, the FAA grants them a considerable exception to minimum safe altitude rules. Helicopters may operate below the minimums provided they are not endangering persons or property on the ground and as long as they are in accordance with any specific routes or altitudes prescribed by the FAA in particular areas, such as controlled airspace over cities or around airports." But the last helicopter almost touched the trees and the cell phone tower on the top of the hill about 300 feet W from where i live and that is at about 1000 ft.  And the one at WinCo honestly seemed at about 300 ft above the store, and would not the first time when webtrack is mistaking. Click on the pictures to see them enlarged.

There was a construction job going on across the street for about two weeks. Actually i can hear a hammer right now.

The garbage company does not take care of the dumpster that is 30 feet from my window. I cleaned it last week and put some dolomite mineral at the bottom for disinfection and in a few hours it 25% of it was filled with open, spilled bags of garbage already fermented probably coming from somewhere else. I wrote in an email about it and yesterday i saw it was filled with nicely closed white bags all the way to the top so no one could see what happened. Every morning when i have a meal ready to eat for me when i'm alone or with my wife, at any hour, the truck of the garbage company comes, hits the bumper speed in front of the window, shakes the house and then empty the dumpster 30 feet away. No matter how little dust is on the walls, some falls into the food.

The people at the apartments across the street cut a couple of big trees, two to three weeks ago milled them and the left the mulch in two big piles about 5 ft tall next to the side-walk. After 3 weeks, they stink like yeast, so is everything inside the apartment.

And sometimes at night some people are burning garbage or probably even drugs in stoves, or in cars in the neighbourhood. Some times my cars smell strangely after i drive them, i suspect somebody puts things on the exhaust so when it gets hot start smelling to say i am doing it so they have a "reason" to retaliate. The Police once told me that in the building some people have medical marijuana permits and that's the reason of the strange smell that gets into my apartment. The apartment is filled with cigarette smoke from the ground level neighbor anyway most of the time. One night when the place was filled with smoke i went outside and saw a garage with an opened door. When i looked inside, there was a round heater glowing red and a small pile of some substance smoking on the concrete floor. That's where the smoke was coming.

There is always a larger than normal number of cars on the street or patrolling in the parking lot. Delivery or various service trucks that get "lost" or "looking for an address".

But for all this to happen, they probably need feedback. Accelerometers from computer hard drives or mice can make good sensors. They can even be used to input very limited but decisive information in you computer instructing it to start a certain program giving them "more reasons to retaliate". If they have access to an apartment for invented reasons, they can install software on the computers that can do or track various things including sounds, vitals signs or EM fields. Environmental EM frequencies can be used to activate any microphone in any device, especially when turned off. A simple wire hanging loose can become a microphone activated by environmental residual EM frequencies. Cell phones can be easily hacked. Etc. Some of these things probably happen at different levels in their organizations and probably the lower levels don't know some of them.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Acting on Wrong Assumptions

"What a tangled web we weave"

Implying or creating time synchronized information that is not related to but makes it statistically reasonable for someone to believe something that is not real, isn't similar to tempting?

Knowingly creating situations that are statistically more likely to cause someone to fail in their actions, or damage to their health isn't similar to persecuting?

Creating or bringing in the spotlight events or information similar but unrelated with other events with the purpose of creating confusion,  hesitations, misinterpretations, lowering resolve or forgetting, isn't that misleading?

Creating a string of events that verify each other and storing all the information created with the purpose of justifying one of them, usually the most important, in case it succeeds, can't event think of a definition here.

Breaking daily and hourly numerous other laws in the process of committing all of the above.

How many times these misdoings are multiplied over the years and if they are many people involved and everything is coordinated so the above mentioned informations and situations are integrated into the larger picture of an entire fake reality with the purpose of verifying each other down to a certain level?

What kind of society is the one that allows all this happen within its structure of authorities?

Băsescu Look-Alike

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Arteries, Blood Volume

If with age or disease arteries narrow down to 50% in diameter as they say, that means 2/3 in space volume inside the artery that means that those people have up to 1/3 less blood than normal people, (veins do not narrow or dilate accordingly, half of the blood is stored in arteries). Never heard of anything like this, there must be something wrong with this theory.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Cowboys & Indians

About maybe 5 years ago i had an email signature that sounded like this:

"It's easy to win when you own both teams".

I kept that signature for about a year or so despite some cries from my "friends" to remove it. Until myself i got bored with it.

Kinda like when i was kid and i was playing villains and deputies with my childhood friends in my home-town.

We were splitting in two teams by affinities and who knows by what other completely childish criteria and started chasing each other, nobody was getting hurt, all that mattered was the action. Maybe just our throats after all that yelling. And all the neighbours were ignoring us, it was our escape in doing all the crazy things we couldn't normally do. It was a privileged time.

But it's bad for you when you're not enrolled in none of the teams and have to play the role of the ball  in a game or that of a yo-yo that you buy in a toy store. And you have to also look sad and/or mad all the time which in a situation like this only comes naturally.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

We Are Not Running This Show

A multiple user conversation thread of comments on an article or on a blog post is the ultimate communication nightmare. There are endless possibilities. One can apparently answer to somebody's comment but choose words and expressions by which he actually answer to somebody else's or change the original sense of the post or of one of the comments in the thread.

This can go even further when somebody can post an article or a tweet with a totally different subject or area but insert in it words or expressions by which he can answer directly or subliminally to a targeted post or comment.

Or even further, one can anticipate somebody's post or behaviour and create a post, comment or even a news event before that person's actions, that can, beforehand, nullify, deny or even imply that a person is causing the event since they knew what you were going to post.

It all depends on the publisher's true intentions, and who has the bigger picture, more means and workforce. It may be that social networks were intentionally created with this purpose, by people who are ahead of average us and are baiting us into going into this global one to one, one to many and many to many communication race that only they are prepared for.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I Can Read Your Mind

Don't think sorry's easily said
Don't try turning tables instead
You've taken lots of Chances before
But I'm not gonna give anymore
Don't ask me
That's how it goes
Cause part of me knows what you're thinkin'

Don't say words you're gonna regret
Don't let the fire rush to your head
I've heard the accusation before
And I ain't gonna take any more
Believe me
The sun in your Eyes
Made some of the lies worth believing

I am the eye in the sky
Looking at you
I can read your mind
I am the maker of rules
Dealing with fools
I can cheat you blind
And I don't need to see any more
To know that
I can read your mind, I can read your mind

Don't leave false illusions behind
Don't Cry cause I ain't chnaging my mind
So find another fool like before
Cause I ain't gonna live anymore believing
Some of the lies while all of the Signs are deceiving

Since they can read it they probably can also write it. So it's a RAM thingy.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


χάρισμα -  "favor freely given" or "gift of grace."

It is the unconscious power that one has over somebody else's will. There is submitting charisma and submissive charisma.

It comes from the facial features. Any facial feature that is slightly exaggerated or asymmetrical, thus being perceived by the observer as viewed from an angle, usually from below.

A big chin is one of the first qualities that gives the perception of viewing a face from below. A child being held is having a point of view that gives the impression of a bigger chin of a person that is otherwise "normal".

A mustache gives the impression of a bigger chin by fooling the perception into thinking the mouth is higher on the face. A beard actually enlarges the viewing perception of the chin. An asymmetrical eye or eyebrow and a big chin gives the impression of viewing the face from an angle below.

All of the above gives the charismatic person the power of the mother that holds her child from the mere fact that some facial features of the charismatic leader are perceived as seen from the position of the child being held.

It also comes from attitude. A calm and reassuring attitude is the second condition of the charismatic "leader". I put here the word leader between quotes because a charismatic person needs more qualities to be a leader.

There are many people whose charismattic qualities are nullified by the lack of reassuring attitude.

This is also obvious if we refer to the same proposed theory, of the submission of a person by seeing a face as a child being held by mother.

But most of the charismatic people realize sometimes in life that he/her posses this quality and fall into the temptation of using and end up depending on it.

When people with little education try and exercise their charismatic qualities over those with more education sometimes are being rejected by the failed subjects and often labeled as trying to patronize or having a patronizing attitude.

The opposite is also true, men looking for women prefer a smaller chin or elevated eyebrows as a person would appear to have if seen from above.

Usually what happens nowadays, innate charismatic persons are being hired by others, usually becoming "politicians" with the only purpose of projecting an image of a leader and news breaker to the submitted crowds. (There is an interesting discussion here, as real politicians could be in fact all hired charismatic persons, and in rarer instances they might have learned to use their charisma for themselves)

I put the picture below as an example as i wrote this with this face in my mind. I read so many negative articles about this gentleman that is impossible for me not believe that his sole quality for the proposed function is charisma.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Hanno toccato la Luna

În sfârşit a apărut traducerea în italiană a acestei melodii (data postării). Cred că vorbesc în numele tuturor românilor dacă vreau să le "mulţumesc" aici tuturor dj-eilor care au difuzat această melodie când am fost în România în 2004, fără să aibă cea mai mică idee despre versuri. Nu are rost să-i mulţumesc lui Nino, fiindcă el probabil ştie ce-a făcut. I-am scris atunci un email pe care îl mai am cred şi l-am întrebat de traducerea în italiană sau o limbă "de circulaţie" iar el mi-a răspuns cu o scrisoare generică, plina de patriotism local, în care printre altele spunea că nu înţelege de ce lumea vrea să cânte mai mult în italiană (eu l-am întrebat doar de traducerea versurilor). Acum poate va răspunde, dar bănuiesc că la fel ca mulţi alţii, indirect şi pe alte canale. În schimb prin acel email am devenit fan oficial al său, fără să vreau, şi am rămas aşa probabil până când dintr-un motiv tehnic nu am mai primit acel newsletter sau am signed out, nu-mi amintesc. Pe atunci am fost intrigat de cât de mult s-a dat la radio în România această melodie în vara lui 2004 în ciuda faptului că nimeni nu înţelegea versurile, în afară de câteva cuvinte.

Aceste fotografii au fost făcută de mine la biserica ortodoxă românească din Oregon City. Tipul se numește Tudor Toader, am fost coleg cu el la AVX. El seamănă mult cu Nino d'Angelo și îmi spunea fratello dar când încercam să vorbesc italiană cu el punea capul în jos și nu spunea nimic. După ce "fata lui Aurel Popescu" cu care a fost căsătorit a murit de cancer (Ana Blandiana cred) s-a căsătorit cu Cornelia (Elena Udrea, Ibolya Olah, Angela Gheorghiu, etc.). El împreună cu Cornelia erau un fel de gospodari ai bisericii și organizau picnicuri.

Aceasta este una din camerele de producție suedeză Hasselblad care a fost pe lună. Ea se vinde acum cu vreun milion de dolari. Se poate vedea că îi lipsește ornamentele din piele care au fost lipite cu un adeziv pe părțile exterioare. Se știe că pe lună ziua temperatura poate atinge 200 de grade, suficient să prăjească acea piele și filmul dinăuntru. Dar poate că le-au ținut la umbră când au făcut pozele și au scos filmele repede și le-au băgat în buzunar.