1:10 I had started in my mind a little project trying to compare the differences in military power between Celts and Dacians, starting with the Boudica revolt and ran into a page about Druids. Was getting bored and about to close that page when i saw this and then made a link with this which got me excited again.
1:38 Here it goes. The final battle of the Boudican revolt. 10 000 well equipped, trained Roman soldiers which in numbers are the equivalent of two legions, against 230 000 furious, poorly equipped and disorganized Briton civilians. Tacitus said... The battle saved the province for Romans, at a time Nero was considering retreat from Britain and Romans stayed there for aprox. 350 more years.
1:41 Now try to imagine the military power of Dacians. In the second Dacian war, Trajan built another over one km or almost a mile long stone bridge over Danube and crossed with over 150 000 soldiers or 30 legions and defeated the Dacians. It was worth it cause that brought Rome 200 tons of gold a year from Dacian mines for the next 170 years. But it wasn't only gold. 500 000 Dacians fell prisoners and were turned into slaves. Usually where there's gold there's also silver etc...
2:20 For those who still wonder about the origin of Romanian people and language...
2:28 There is little doubt that, like other times when supposedly nobody was upstairs, or in between occupancies, someone actually is, this time hidden behind those appliances. Some faint steps earlier changed my mood and a single shy squeak more recently made me accidentally delete the phrase above. Good thing i wanted to see something else and could not find the link and the phrase.
2:45 Iaziges, probably at the origin of (the name) of modern city of Iași...
3:02 Possible origin of the toponym Transylvania, different from the official theory...
3:20 First evidence of Christianity. Gothia... Gothia...
3:27 I didn't know! Dacicus Maximus, reconquest?
8:54 Ce fel de știre e asta? Un tip cu dizabilități care îndeamnă pe alții să meargă la facultate. Cuvinte cheie: Romi, inginer, medic. În fundal o stradă asemănătoare cu cea de pe coperta Beatles, cu Abbey Road (Strada Mănăstirii sau Abației). O compunere menită să vă ia și să vă macine ideile înfiripate recent de mine.

Infecția trece destul de ușor, cu antibiotice administrate intramuscular sau intravenos sau pe piele (patches), nu oral fiindcă îl irită mai tare, glicemia nu scade însă complet și imediat din cauza acumulărilor din țesuturi și micșorarea capacității pancreasului în timpul infecției (probabil cicatrizare).
Sursa infectării pancreasului este aproape întodeauna dentară, cu propagare inițială în glandele salivare și aproape întodeauna apare reinfectarea pancreasului după încetarea tratamanentului, dacă dinții nu sunt tratați.
În cazul meu reinfectarea a apărut din cauză că am mâncat într-o zi (duminică dimineața) fără proteză dentară, din lene (somn fragmentat) ceea ce a dus la iritarea gingiei, după care am mâncat (foarte puțină) ciocolată și mai târziu cartofi prăjiți dați prin ceva (pâine uscată sau făină de porumb) într-un restaurant gol, care a intrat sub proteză, urmat de dureri de cap moderate și frisoane. Infectarea pancreasului se simte ca o durere moderată de stomac, suportabilă, uneori constantă, dar mai în spate și lateral, apare creșterea numărului globulelor albe, dar în limite.
Am reluat antibioticele, după 24 de ore încă am ușoare dureri de gingie, cap, spate și frisoane.
11:25 There is little doubt (to me) that Rome was named in honor of lord Rama, the most popular deity in India, on a Rama Navami day or April 21, 753 BC. Latin language is close to Sanskrit (common ancestor of most Indian languages) and probably evolved from a language that was spoken in India at that time. Roman, Greek and Hindi pantheons are similar. Romans came from India. (Dacian language was also close to Sanskrit, but from initial Indo-European migration towards west).
11:36 Rama was born in the present day city Ayodhya, Utar Pradesh, some 400 km away from the much newer but recognizable Taj Mahal mausoleum. Did Ceaușescu try to leave us a clue by having a relaxed, happy picture taken near it (to point the location)? Is Zoia (a Greek name) featuring a simplified version of Ardha Matsyendrasana yoga pose? Elena dressed in orange could also represent a happy Buddha, etc..
Uttar Pradesh is neighboring with Nepal, where Buddha was born in @ -500. Also close to eastern border of India, where the snakes could have landed from Australia.
A small contribution to the future to help solve some of history's mysteries. Time travel.

I know Ceaușescu was not who he said or we thought he was but probably Romanian patriots at the time convinced them to go there and do this little scene.