4:45 Woke up about half hour ago, after about 4 and a half hours. Nausea, belly pain. Slept next to a semi-open window. Went outside and found and threw a number of poops, some from a stray. Cigarette smoke everywhere covered the smell, making it hard to find. Don't even know if picked them all. Just by getting close, handling those with a surgical glove and a bag i got sicker.
4:51 Somebody started a big exhaust.
Never seen AQI indexes like this.
900s? Most i have seen so far was 400s. Can see the plumes
5:23 Deci să înțelegem că SPP îi
caută în buzunare pe toți cei care intră în Parlament cu o legitimație sau doar pe cei care îi cheamă Gheorghe? Și ce făcea cu plicul, fuma în baie? Dacă au mers direct la el fiindcă știau că fumează în baie, de ce nu l-au prins acolo? Sau de ce nu au rezolvat problema discret, așa cum le rezolvă ei pe toate cele de care nu auzim. Îmi pare rău că nu îi găsesc vârsta ca să-l caut pe liste. Am găsit totuși pe cineva cu care
seamănă. (Ok m-am prins. Ăștia de la AUR sunt toți blonzi în afară de George Simion care e brunet-brunet, așa cum îi
plac lu'
5:49. Apropo de ce nu auzim. Nu auzim cum se scurge bugetul, banii noștri lipsă de pe fluturași, în canalul București-Budapesta. Ce nu mai auzim. După ce a fost prim ministru de
patru ori și a ocupat știrile timp de zece ani, nu mai auzim de el de luni de zile la rând (nu că mi-ar fi dor, Doamne ferește). Știți de cine vorbesc, în lumea cealaltă îl cheamă tot Gyorgy. Gay or gay.
György Dragomán.
6:26 Ba sunt grave, cele mai multe
dureri de cap la copii și adulți vin de la sinuzită care vine de la dinți, și pe termen lung sunt dezastruoase. Nu săriți așa la control neurologic. Mergeți la dentist mai întâi.
7:01 When i came back after i took Angela to work, i still had one line above full on the dashboard, with 27 miles done. It was smelling like mold so i went and picked a number of candy wraps spread evenly on the wood chips on the side of a bush that's not visible from here.
7:54 Oare am greșit eu iar George Simion e de fapt tipul ăsta Hassine, un actor tunisian stabilit în Ungaria, fostul partener al lui Katinka Cseke, aka Șoșoaca?

12:14 Right after i finished this i ate some broccoli omelet and went back to sleep. Woke up at 11 with the worst nausea i had so far. However i texted the shop, then called. First Carry, then Irine then Sally then the estimator Jason, the one with and Asian accent. The estimator told me that he has a gut feeling the car is going to be totaled, however he could not tell me a value of the car or repair. He said he has to write the estimate and that can be done only early next week, and when i asked when he said Wednesday, that being one week since i towed the car in there. I was thinking about what he said, got feeling is what i had in that moment. Literally. I came back, i knew there was going to be an extra poop somewhere, which i found and took it to the garbage. It was an enormous one, hidden between a bush and the garages. I bet if i eat the're going to bring a new one. Got to call Nick Sprague, the local Progressive agent assigned to my claim.
12:39 Just spoke to Nick, he said it's the busiest time of the year, shops are booked for up to two months and the waiting time for an estimate is
one week, but he's going to call the shop to see what he can do.

2:35 I ate and didn't take any chances, left for a long walk so i can get fresh air while i digest my food. On my walk i figured the thread with the shop asking me for the tile of the car is missing so i will just attach it here. The title. Talked again to Nick, from Progressive. He said he will get back to me when he gets the estimate which may be as late as Wednesday. He finally said something interesting. He doesn't know what the value of the car was before the accident or the value of he car insured for which i was paying full premium.
What happens is i bought a car from Copart that was totaled, but in the description it was saying "minor scratches and damages". When i got home, i found the original headlight for right front in the trunk. Car was missing windshield washer reservoir, other parts. They where a number of other plastic parts missing. Right side of the car, door, fender seemed freshly painted. I don't know the status of the airbag in that door, and the dashboard light for airbags came the day before the accident. I fixed as much as i needed to can drive the car. However, after i passed DEQ, Oregon DMV gave me a salvage title so i can drive it. With the funky LPN, JKB. If you go there with a driveable car, they will always give you one. Here is a picture of the car in Copart lot.

Ok have to take a break here to insert the picture of the guy who is yelling on the phone, in an apartment in the building next to ours. I saw his face when i went in the back to take the picture of the two bottles rotating at the door. I also saw in the same balcony a few days ago a "
prominent" Romanian politician.
What happens is, when the guy upstairs is not home, and lately he's been playing TV at an equivalent volume so it can be heard outside and everywhere, they got to compensate somehow, i believe at a great cost to the poor guy. He's probably got some prompter and the narrative is bein made up "on the fly" by some AI program, by the way words and tone change with my moves. When he is not here and the guy upstairs is not here, there is a guy yelling in Spanish at a balcony next to our apartments etc. If neither is available, then kids will start to yell etc.. Never two in the same time. Never.
Back to business. Here is the title of the car issued by Oregon DMV.
On the title it says RECONSTRUCTED. When i spoke with Nick last time, he said the value of a car with a salvage title for the purpose of insurance is 80%. I hope the premium was calculated accordingly. He also said, as mentioned before, that "he did not know the value of the car before the accident". I believe it is because i never finished fixing the car. The car has now been damaged at the other end, it doesn not have anything to do with unrepaired parts. However, i have a "gut feeling" they will downgrade the value of the car until it will be lower than the value of the repairs so the amount they will pay will be much less than 80% of the current value of a similar car that has not been totaled.
The suspicion part. They made me talk to the estimator so he can ask me about the wheel in the trunk. I was driving on a spare because i had a flat two days before, the guys at Les Schwab told me that tire is damaged beyond repair and needed new tires, however they did not cary that brand to match the others so i ordered it online. It came two days early, or the day after. Here is a
copy of the Police report i just got from Washington State DMV. Note that "hit and run" is missing, it only says the exhange of the information was not completed. However, that is shown in the diagram. Here's the password for it. 567381.
4:37 I picked Angela from work. Went both to Fred Meyer. When i was about to leave i saw a woman with a baby in her cart at a (n artificially created) bottle neck directing me with hands to pass first. Distractions on the roadk (like a hippy bus) and repeated suddent stops almost made me hit the next vehicle.
Back home. Cigarette smoke in the apartment, about 10 teens of which some i never seen before, some are the kids since 6 years ago when we moved, came to play and yell in front of our door. Went and picked a number of fresh, huge dog poops, when i was leaving, a woman (the one talking on her cell phone all the time) came and started to talk on her phone and dance around with her dog. Got to go to se the results.
6:13 The man upstairs started to smoke something.
8:27 I've been searching for hours. Finally found it on my
blog. The video proving that ninja used powerful yet simple devices for listening. Those have surfaced from books like
Ninpiden, others. But those books contain very little compared to the bulk of ninja knowledge transmitted orally or through family or clan scrolls. My suspicion is they can go further than simply listening to conversations. By closely studying a subject for years, they mai get to guess the thoughts and decisions of that person minute by minute, just from being present in the next room or even interact with (influence subject's thought or inner or silent decisions). Planning to work on a blog post to show briefly most that i know about ninja listening but that of course if the guy upstairs stop drilling my brain with squeaks. Contrary to popular beliefs, ninja did not fight in close combat except rarely. The bulk of their activity was spying, and listening was most of it while assassinations may have been carried out often by non violent means, like seeding your environment with bad bacteria and mold.
A device have been built and tested by acoustic experts using the instructions in the book but without the oral knowledge that these books are said to be accompanied by. After guessing, they had to slightly modify the design to obtain a gain of
2-3 dB. But my guess is they didn't guess the right design and right use of the device. It could be a deception meant to distract the curiosity of many about reading the books. Also if the device, besides "amplifying" the voice frequency could also diminish other frequencies, making the voice more distinguishable from ambiental or even ambiental white noise.