Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Johnny Cash and the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta

Every single American that possesses a radio knows about Johnny Cash and his most famous song, Ring of Fire. I bet there are numerous attempts to explain what's behind the poetry of the lyrics, here's one more. But this one's based on the real name of the singer and its meaning in Hungarian.
Johnny Cash seems to have been an influent Hungarian poet named Istvan Domonkos (Domon kos, pronounced cosh) also singer and guitar player.

Domonkos in Hungarian means Dominican. For those who don't know, Dominicans is one out of many religious orders that branched out of catholicism sometimein 12 century. An important one since many popes and most Grand Inquisitors where along centuries part of the order.

Istvan is a combination of Ivan which means John in several slavic languages and Isten which means God in Hungarian, and comes most likely from Ishtar. The complicated Hungarian ethno-genesis which might include Serbs fropm a more recent migration (One of first Hungarian kings is named Ladislav), the old Sumerians who in turn... etc....

Interesting part is St.Dominic's head is partly shaven, and he also introduced the rosary in catholicism which is of Buddhist and Hindu origin. St.Dominic mother had a dream about giving birth to a dog that would set the world on fire. In some depictions St.Dominic is shown with a dog. Literally setting the world on fire.
If Buddha's first sermon is called like in the title, Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta (Magadhan or Pali) or Dharmacakrapravartana Sūtra in Sanskrit meaning The Setting in Motion of the Wheel of the Dharma Sutta or Promulgation of the Law Sutta, his third one was about fire. Domonkos, a common Hungarian family name could have this etymology.

Budapest was named for at least 500 years until the 19 century Buda and Buddha's favorite language was Magadha Prakrit, while Hungarians today call themselves Magyars, suggesting Magar people of Nepal.

Buddha was born in Lumbini, Nepal, the heartland of several related people including Magars. Magars could have remained stranded in Europe in the 9th century as being guardians of silk road caravans when silk road was cut by a sultan. Or simply came over in their mission to spread buddhism to the world.

Dominicans have been always very influential within Catholic Church and from there over the whole world and this whole setup may had at some point tipped the fragile balance of direction of modern world development towards huge energy consumption, pollution, global devastating wars and global climate change. Deliberate.

Nowadays we all may see the Dominicans as a cult within Catholic Church which was or maybe still is influenced by some dramatically misunderstood buddhist teachings, like Buddha's third sermon.

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