Tuesday, August 17, 2021

August 17 2021

No more Fb. For those who want to follow my posts, easiest is to bookmark the addresses of my blogs. For dated posts, there will be updates throughout the days. In case of phone pictures, click for better resolution.

5:37 Woke up ten minutes ago after 5 hours and a half of sleep with pains all over my body. As i could not totally sweep the dust, and the wind blew yesterday from that direction (jet stream passed over and went south of Oregon) the dust got in the AC and everywhere inside. Got to hose the AC and the stairs and mop the kitchen floor. But first effect of the dust was me having another dysphagia episode yesterday when i didn't know yet what was outside.

6:13 About 15 minutes ago the fridge started the compressor cycle, the ultrasound (hissing) from the valve raised the dust from kitchen floor, fan started to blow it and i started to sneeze like crazy which prompted me to mop the kitchen floor. While mopping i was thinking about the old ninja i spoke with in a car. He came Sunday night and stopped his car in the alley and asked me something, with a funny pronunciation. I didn't answer him but told him: "Sayonara!" and he then started to say something in a language that could have been altered Romanian. Sapunara! (Sapun in Romanian means soap). So i told him "F.... you!" and he left. The next morning they came and pretending i don't know, checking the hydrant, they blew much of the chips, that aren't the right size but much smaller and mixed with dust, in the alley and i went and tried to sweep it two hours later when i saw it but the finest dust remained in the rough surface of the asphalt. Was thinking about the 18 ninja skills listed in the Togakure Ryu "school". One of them is meteorology. But that was, i don't know, 400, 900 years ago. Nowadays they got the Earth Simulator and who knows, Pacific Intertie, Gakonna, Alaska. All i can say is this. Somebody's got to put these guys back to their place cause they are way too far from home here. 6:39 Angela is also very irritated. I was thinking earlier. When i got metsubushed i don't know, 25 years ago, i had no idea. We were both going nuts, and it was me who usually ended in a mental hospital. Now i know what's happening, but still hard to get over.

I remember one situation. I was working at Epson in the spring  97 and they had a program, like tuition for a limited number of credits to a college. So i went to PCC and took an AutoCad course 3 credits worth. I went several weeks through all tests with maximum points and the day before the final test which counted for the credits they came at the complex (Sussex Village Apartments, Beaverton) and added chips everywhere. The next day i got really sick and could not go to the test. I guess they wanted to keep that out of my CV.

I was working on a line who for some reason did twice the number of printers than other lines (with same number of people). Angela who was working on another line had a "Romanian" colleague next to her who was looking just like then President or Romania, Emil Constaninescu.
7:14 I read the news oh boy. Afghanistan was the last black hole from where nothing ever came out, as credible reports, remote enough for nobody to be able to go there and see what's really happening, where American soldiers where sent to die, who knows how many.
11:46 All spider webs at the door (created since i last hosed it a week ago) where full of dust. also the smell was present. Woke up about half hour ago full of pain all over. So i went and hosed the door and the hole corner of the building. Much is left in front cause they started to maneuver people and vehicles so i just gave up. But dust situation got better inside. However tomorrow the blowers are coming, got to do it one more time.

I saw him in the news. It was dark Sunday night when that Japanese guy looking for "controlled trouble" came to ask me about a "iuuunit", don't know if it was him. But even if it was, i don't believe he planned to die next day, they just retired him in a care facility cause he looks kinda seek indeed.

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