Monday, August 23, 2021

August 23

12:45 He came from behind and stopped and let headlights on high beam possibly other more lights on. I spoke with him in the spot of those lights. He didn't have a mask and asked me to remove mine. I had one because i was afraid i was smelling though i didn't drink for 5 hours before. Then he "piloted" me on a dark street with no much light. I spent the rest of the time worrying about towing, insurance. I was pretty shook up after what happened including for the next 24 hours. Then i started to worry about other things. But i'm sure he was at least one inch short of 6 ft.

8:08 Place filled with smoke that could be raw tobacco or something else, not sure where it's coming from, really annoying.

1:44 Woke up around noon after a few more hours of sleep. When i woke up Progressive called. Monica confirmed i was insured, my deductible is 300 for hit and run, and asked me if i wanted the car fixed or money for repair and i said i wanted it fixed. Though the noise is still there, that car is way too important because of the mileage. I drove it 65k with almost half the price for gas i would have with a different car. However i remember the Nissan when it was new (to me) was doing a similar mileage. She said i will be contacted by a local agent with options within 24 hours. I sent her the pictures with the damaged car and the paper the Police officer gave me.
While rested, i felt very nauseated, my mouth was smelling like a garbage bin in the summer and tried to go for a walk. That didn't work and came back and took some charcoal caps. I noticed food wraps in the grass most likely from the kids that were playing yesterday, from the direction of the wind at that hour. Earlier i saw a beer or soda can in the chips from the opposite direction or where the wind was blowing from at that hour but that has been removed. Next to the garbage bin i saw a piece of ground beef and two pieces of cheese next to a doggy bag.

I went for a walk, many fat and thin women, all from the same australian species, with extra long legs patrolling, looking concerned. A very fat guy with a very large black and long beard in an Oregon State Police car, double parked at the end of the near empty section of the lot. An Airgas van parked in the middle on several spots. They finished Borland street, poured new asphalt, it smells like it. I came back, only half as nauseated as when i left.

I noticed, over time that they throw in the grass or next to bin foods or wraps from foods i just ate. That ensures breeding the exact type of bacteria and/or mold that would made me sick when the wind blows from that direction. I think it's again one of their alchemic principles, fire with fire.

These foods could have come from the fridge and still good within an hour or so but just the juices that fall on asphalt in the sun next to that garbage been and dog bag are enough.
2:16 The guy upstairs just made a noise, his car is in the lot, he could have change jobs or schedule again.

From the site They are not searching yet witnesses for my high speed hit and run crash though i told the officer it looked intentional to me. When i'm done with the insurance, i will try to get a copy of his report and maybe a picture cause i could not clearly see his face during the whole episode.

2:47 Guy upstairs got an auspicious moment and started his march to victory. I just went outside and picked some of the mess next to the bin. Butter, cheese (i ate this morning), ground beef, dog poo. There are more items like dog poos and cans between the fence and bin i cannot pick without a tool.

5:01 Angela is just outside trying to fix the plant with aphids, for a week now, every day, got three flowers, i am doing a search, and the man upstairs is retaliating, like he did in the last few weeks, this time by stumping at the end of the living, with smell of cat litter dust being released. This could not have been the old dust since the ladies of December. This should have been brought here fresh by him or his elves.

Earlier. Went to pick Angela from work, she had a scheduled stop at Fred Meyer (Kroger, whatever). On the road at an intersection i saw Kurt Cobain in a Porsche or a guy made to look like him (his actor is dead in Hungary, got a statue there). More German scenes, at the entrance a Heidi with unbreaded pony tails and a huge flying butt on top of pillar like legs, moving, from time to time her head nervously, only to show she was a gypsy from Hungary, a long line for backscenes at the entrance, all the scenes were in the store, i lost Angela and then i realized i forgot my phone. On my way back to the truck i grabbed a 2 liter pop of diet no caffeine Cola, this was my chance, and at the entrance two gigantic cops with an SUV (they got a designated parking spot, but they pulled at the entrance, for dramatism) one of them staring at me with disbelief (my luck, he meant by looking at me).  Don't know what for, haven't done nothing but stumbling on the actors at every corner, and in the store where only them, the actors. But as long as is 23 and there's still a chance... Is Terry Yaki Japanese or Chinese?
5:57 Smoke.

6:10 Heavy smoke, could be cocaine. Loud TV.

7:05 Acum vreo jumătate de oră o oră am ațipit pe scaun la calc., Angela dormea cu geamul deschis, s-a dus și a trântit geamul. Nerd-ul acela (cred că e un actor dintr-un film cu nerdz, poate Big Band), și-a scos iar vocea pițigăiată la balcon, la parter în clădirea vecină, pretinzând că vorbește la telefon, spune tare unul după altul cuvinte fără sens, cu accente pe nervii mei, iar când începe îl ține ore în șir. Am luat telefonul gândindu-mă doar să-l înregistrez mai de aproape, am deschis ușa și am scos capul și m-am uitat după colț iar în balcon în spatele lui care ședea, în blugi plini de slănină prelungă durdulie și cu păr galben despletit, cine era pe post de soție și înger păzitor, alta decât Șoșoaca însăși, scroafa zburătoare transatlantică? Când m-am uitat, ea s-a mișcat nervos, nu-mi venea să cred, m-am mai uitat odată, iar și-a încordat mușchii slănina (am mai văzut-o odată acu vreo 2 luni, tot acolo). Încă e 23, a venit, poate mă enervam (ninja de sus mi-a dat mai devreme iar cu praf din ăla împuțit și iritant și cu gărgăuni de pisică) și scoteau ceva din toată faza, mâine pielea mea nu va mai valora nici jumătate din cât face azi, iar peste 2 zile ajunge iar la mai nimic.

9:00 János Áder a uitat când o făcea pe agentul la Poliția din Lake Oswego? Într-o zi prin 2013 cred am lucrat la mașină și am inhalat atât de mult fum pe-afară încât pur și simplu nu mai știam ce-i cu mine. Mergeam peste viteza limită, depășeam aiurea. A doua zi când conduceam normal sergentul Sparkle pe care-l cunoșteam fiindcă am chemat odată poliția la o fază, nu-mi mai amintesc, tot așa, era fum, el tot așa, cu mustață, mai tânăr, bărbat bine, m-a urmărit, fără flash sau sirenă, eu nu am știut, am intrat la stația de benzină, a venit în locul tipului de la stație și mi-a dat chitanța după care m-a scos din mașină, mi-a dat un test de sobrietate cum se spune în engleză și printre altele mi-a băgat bastonul între picioare, în timp ce avioane mari de linie treceau pe deasupra. Într-un sfârșit a venit o tipă în aceeași uniformă, probabil polițistă pe bune la care tipul m-a lăsat în pace și a plecat. Probabil există încă video, asta a și dorit, faza s-a întâmplat la stația Chevron din Lake Oswego de pe Boones Ferry lângă I5.

Cât despre Trianon, psihologie inversă, ungurii ori vor stăpâni lumea în continuare, inclusiv România, în parteneriat cu japonezii, ori, dacă pierd controlul, vor dispărea iar numai atunci românii vor scăpa din gheara lor, fiindcă aceasta este calea pe care au ales-o, scopul pentru care au venit în Europa, cu ultimul val, maghiarii (magarii) budiști, acum 1000 de ani.

De fapt, dacă stau și mă gândesc bine, Trianon a fost motivația cu care elitele, sau cei ce le controlează care nu pot fi decât ninja din Japonia, i-a făcut pe fraieri, care au fost pregătiți cam de la înființarea academiei aceleia de actori să se bage în identități false în toată lumea, pentru a se răzbuna. Reculer pour mieux sauter. Însă mulți, mai ales cei de etnie română, evreiască sau țigănească au fost șantajați.

11:39 Apropo, ori de câte ori vedeam chestiile alea de paradă bineînțeles anti-gay din Ungaria mă gândeam la pozele astea pe care nu-mi mai aminteam unde erau. Căutând altceva, am dat de ele în sfârșit. La noi, chiar la alții încă nu am văzut așa ceva.

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