6:45 I took Angela at work. When i left here i saw in the parking lot a guy loading a sleeping kid about 10 years old into a truck (deja vu). On my way back, at that school a huge truck loaded with gravel or soil or something got in front of me while on the radio they were playing Billy Idol More More More. Now i feel like i've been again exposed to very sharp invisible dust cause it hurts everywhere.
7:17 I wanted to go back to sleep and now he started the TV upstairs and i think he is smoking too.
7:43 Există lege, există bani, (16.5 miliarde lei, sub capitol 06 din Bugetul Ministerului Muncii), alocațiile nu s-au dublat.
8:40 This morning i started to get readings on my blood sugar again and it was scary, 310 on fasting.
Well, since 2 AM. I ate like crazy yesterday, because of the dust that irritated my stomach while metabolism went down because of inflammation. So i decided to go for a walk. When i was ready, i opened the door (a bit) and went back to check the stove, etc.. and one guy already passed the door (a teenager, ex-kid from the building, looking Japanese. But when i looked on the other side, there was a bottle on a rung of the stairs and a huge kid, probably bigger than me, probably brought especially from Australia, next to the older known ones, all "getting ready to go to school", but waiting for me? to get out? so they can claim something? I took the other alley however before street they switched alleys so i just turned around. Right at the corner next to the other mailboxes there was this older guy in camouflage pants, tall, thin, looking angry, trotting around his car. So i got back at the building, took the other alley, meet with more people, all looking angry, all getting in the way. I went at the street, turned around when i saw the excavator in action across 7/11. When i got here, i saw a half empty beer can on the mulch, i went to grab it but when i try to go to the garbage bin, there was this small new car, parked next to it and a mother with a girl got in the car, slowly, so i just turned around, looking and picked more stuff, until they left.
9:20 CDC says what now? and the walking robot upstairs started to squeak nervously. Wanna get a feel? limping a bit? (what happens if it falls).
9:31 Yeah he left so the robot goes now to recharge. And i'll try to sleep.
12:03 ingannare.
12:08 Mai multă ingannare.
1:30 O modelă sau o jucătoare de tenis anonimă dintr-un pictorial. Pare familiară.
6:01 Went to Copart in Woodburn. I had (still have) high hopes related to a 2015 Hyundai Elantra that seemed damaged at the right door only. (Now that i looked at many other cars i like the looks of Elantras).
However, there was damage at the bumper, one headlight from a previous fender bender, front wheels where scuffed really bad, but beyond anything it was a GDI. I dread GDIs because there is no injector in the intake to clean the valves, and tons of oil from PCV and dust gather by the valves. Could be fixed with some cleaner and than vacuuming the intake and then again installing a catch can.
It seemed the owner never took off the engine cover, the gauge was hard to pull (not checking or changing oil very often), and when i did what did i saw. Pieces of foam broken from the sound insulation under the cover (GDIs are a bit like diesel, more noisy) gathered around a spark plug. There was a fistsize hole in the foam corresponding to the fuel pump line.
The car is identical in many ways to our old Elantra, there is even the same type of (unnecessary) "window" in the grill, to let you pour brake fluid, an almost sure place for gases to leak from engine compartment in the cabin. Not very clear in this picture, there is a bit of oil (from PCV) leak by the intake.
Car won't start so i went back at the office and they gave me a jump starter. (Why didn't i took mine which was in the truck, i don't know). Battery was dead also because the negative connector was completely loose, and/or battery was beyond its life time (i think the accident happened around the time the car was five years old, exactly like for the other Hyundai we had, when probably the car lost the EPS (Electric Power Steering).).
But the jump starter won't help. Then a guy who was driving @ one of those forklifts (making tons of dust also) came and asked if we needed help. He kept trying different other points of the chassi for a negative (battery negative connector was loose BTW) and then he went inside and started the car. The car started immediately to tick, but when i pressed the gas pedal, the tick disappeared. It was sounding a bit like a diesel. I ran the engine for more than 10 minutes, battery won't charge whatsoever (even after i tightened the negative connector by rotating it).
Then i had this bad idea and blew those pieces of foam and some of them fell onto the hot exhaust and the whole place started to stink badly. Now i'm thinking. Those could have been falling for a long time onto the exhaust and affecting the driver (polyurethane foam).
There was a similar pile but this time of tiny but very hard nut shells (could had been an animal that nested there since this car has been in that lot) on top of an engine mount next to the serpentine belt and i think those were falling onto the belt and inside the pulleys making the tick.
Car might be leaking oil by the fuel pump (which is mechanical, fed by the engine, like the old distributors, where there is an o ring). That oil obviously ends on the exhaust again generating gases under the hood that surely will leak in the cabin by that window in the grill.
Other than that. At 68k, brakes are completely gone, also tires. So what do i get so far. Door panel, bumper, brakes, tires, a headlight.
10:18 I ate only meatloaf and cucumbers all day and my blood sugar went down to 250. That's it. No more bread. No more alcohol. Only cucumbers and protein and fiber. Had some sleep in the evening. Searching for cars, all of a sudden the place filled with smoke. Went outside and tried to find holes and stuff and this guy with his white dog was running around the building, completely ignoring the smoke.
There was this older abandoned hole right in the middle of the green area in front of my car, haven't had problems with it, however tonight someone stuck some burning stuff in there, could have been with kratom + marijuana or something else. Went in the car to search for a 3/8 extension i use as stick to push soil from sides to cover that hole and with potting soil i had in a bag, two people decided to pass by, right next to that hole, probably to claim they have some in their blood, after. Another one next to the gutter at the corner of the garages. Got a headache from that smoke.
10:53 They did it one more time. Same hole where i just pushed some potting soil, now soil was softened, another one by the bedroom window. With three buzzers under ground there are no more moles. The guy with the white dog now smokes in the balcony. Cigarettes.
Da, știu, ungurii și japonezii de pe aici mimează în seara asta tupeul infinit, pe care oricum îl aveau, ca să îngâne. Ca să nu pot spune despre:
11:05 Partide, politicieni, parlament, congrese, competiții, iluzii și tragere de timp. Miza e zecile de miliarde de euro strânse din TVA și taxele pe venit și profit care pleacă din România chiar de la buget în fiecare an. Credeți că merită, câteva sute sau mii de actori la produs în România pentru câteva zeci de miliarde de euro pe an? Cine conduce de fapt România? Ninja și dominicanii.
Vroiam să întreb. Bine, dacă ei conduc lumea, de ce nu-și fac pur și simplu bani și să ne lase în pace? România trebuie golită.
11:31 Reading news. Cassie upstairs started walking. TV is thundering. Ingannare. Sometimes like right now i believe these buildings officially with many empty floors are actually uninhabited and made only for the skyline. Also because of the super rich of this world are actually actors, they don't have any properties and especially they don't act like. The little scandals and few pictures in the media also fake are nothing like the tumultuous high life should be in the circles above us.
11:56 Now, besides thundering TV, probably the guy with the white dog in apartment 4 started a load of laundry.