Showing posts with label Stalking and more. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stalking and more. Show all posts

Friday, August 31, 2012


În 2004 am fost în România şi printre altele am obţinut un nou paşaport. Care şi acela, ca şi precedentul, a expirat în 5 ani. În 2009 chiar după ce mi-a expirat acel paşaport a fost introdusă noua regulă de a te deplasa la consulat pentru a obţine un paşaport care până atunci se putea obţine şi prin poştă.

Ce înseamnă asta pentru un român care locuieşte în Portland, Oregon? Deplasarea la Los Angeles, 1600 km pe autostradă, taxe de sute de dolari şi apoi o aşteptare de 4 luni.

În Portland sunt în jur de 30000 români din care probabil jumătate cetăţeni români. Dar nu am auzit pe nimeni să se plângă până acum. Mulţi probabil că rezolvă problema altfel, româneşte. În ianuarie anul acesta am contactat ambasada României în Washington. Dar nu mică mi-a fost mirarea când am auzit mesajul de pe answering system. După ce am încercat să vorbesc cu câteva persoane de acolo m-am lămurit. Nici un standard european sau american sau de oricare. Eşti tratat ca un nimic. De fapt nici nu am ajuns să discut problema de mai sus. Au fost un număr de emailuri schimbate între mine, ambasadă şi ministerul de externe. Au fost un număr de miniştri şi prim miniştri schimbaţi.

Ce nu par să înţeleagă domnii din MAE. Un minister dintr-un stat nu e o moşie în care boierul sau vechilul face după cum i se pare. Sunt nişte reguli iar dacă un cetăţean cere ceva i se dă după acele reguli.

Ce să mai vorbim de cazul când regulile au devenit imposibile?

Îmi aminteşte de facultate, când profesorii ridicau "standardul" adică volumul de materie predată atât de sus încât pentru un neşpăgar era aproape imposibil să treacă examenul iar un şpăgar trebuia să fie impresionat ca să poate menţine preţul ridicat.

Am încercat pe vremea nu ştiu cărui ministru de externe să fac o "petiţie" LOL am scris un email în care am descris problema, mi s-a răspuns, mi s-a dat un număr de înregistrare şi apoi s-a schimbat vechilul pe moşie şi aşa a rămas.

Re: FW: Probleme obtinere pasaport- E1/P/Co/598/16.07.2012
from me
George Ion

Jul 31
to relatii_cu_pub.

Ultima dată când m-am adresat ambasadei din Washington am fost contactat de consulat. În urma discuţiei cu domnul Ghenea am hotărât să vă contactez pe dvs. Acum am primit un email de la un domn care spune că e de la ambasada României din Washington care nu se regăseşte pe lista personalului ambasadei de pe site. Ataşez aici acel email. Vă rog să analizaţi dvs. această situaţie.


Gheorhge Ion

"2012/7/31 Valentin Dragusin <>

Stimate domnule Gheorghe,

Urmare cererii dvs adresate Ministerului Afacerilor Externe de la Bucuresti, va rugam sa ne trimiteti un numar de telefon la care puteti fi contactat.

O zi placuta in continuare.

Valentin Dragusin
Ambasada Romaniei la Washington"

2012/7/16 relatii_cu_publicul <>


    Stimate domn,

    Vă mulţumim pentru mesajul dumneavoastră, pe care l-am înregistrat cu nr. E1/P/Co/598/16.07.2012.

    Vă vom răspunde în termenul[1] prevăzut de Ordonanţa Guvernului nr. 27/2002 privind reglementarea activităţii de soluţionare a petiţiilor.


    Cu consideraţie,

    Direcţia Relaţii Interinstituţionale, Politici şi Informaţii Publice



    [1] Art. 8 - (1) Autorităţile şi instituţiile publice sesizate au obligaţia să comunice petiţionarului, în termen de 30 de zile de   la data înregistrării petiţiei, răspunsul, indiferent dacă soluţia este favorabilă sau nefavorabilă.

    (2) Pentru soluţionarea petiţiilor transmise, potrivit art. 61, de la alte autorităţi sau instituţii publice, termenul de  30 de zile curge de la data înregistrării petiţiei la autoritatea sau instituţia publică competentă.

        Art. 9 - În situaţia în care aspectele sesizate prin petiţie necesită o cercetare mai amănunţită, conducătorul autorităţii sau instituţiei publice poate prelungi termenul prevăzut la art. 8 cu cel mult 15 zile.

    From: George Ion []
    Sent: Thu 7/12/2012 05:58
    To: relatii_cu_publicul
    Subject: Probleme obţinere paşaport

    Mă numesc Gheorghe Ion şi locuiesc legal în Statele Unite din 1995. Ultimul paşaport mi-a expirat în 2009. Am încercat să contactez Ambasada României la Washington, dar în schimb am fost contactat de domnul Ghenea de la Consulatul din Los Angeles.  Aş fi vrut să discut cu cei de la Ambasada despre dificultatea de a călători la Los Angeles pentru a obţine un paşaport iar domnul Ghenea în schimb m-a invitat la Consulat să aplic pentru o foaie de drum. Problema principală pentru care am reţineri să merg la Los Angeles este descrisă aici: .

    Mai este şi problema discriminării tuturor românilor din Statele Unite care nu locuiesc la o distanţă acceptabilă de un consulat. Nu este posibil ca introducerea paşapoartelor biometrice care reprezintă un progres tehnologic să reducă opţiunea de a obţine un paşaport prin poştă ca înainte şi să nu permită obţinerea într-un timp mai rezonabil decât 4 luni.

    Gheorghe Ion

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Matter Over Mind

@11 AM Tuesday 8-21.

Woke up quite refresehd after 11 hours of sleep, with a breakfast break @7AM. Lately, i was only sleeping 4-6 hours and my wife even fewer. And she works. Some stomach pain but actually with some energy to face the day. I briefly heard the Tuesday blowers but i fell back asleep. Started the computer, read some of the news then started thinking. Then a few car alarms and slammed doors remembered me where i was.

For a long time i suspected this. They can read your brain waves. I even was admitted to the psychiatric ward a few times for saying this in public. I was declared officially crazy by all my "friends". But now it became harder to deny it. If there are toys that can do it, for how much more somebody could do it from the next door?

There was this guy George Hârşovescu now in Seattle, ex-pilot on Romanian airlines, who also told me 17 years ago that they have visualizing devices that can look through walls. I even heard on the local news once that some firefigters here in Portland got one of those stolen. And i also remember since 17 years ago that Ioan Mladin told me that "they" put everething on the computer, including the color of your crap every day and how many times a fly was sitting on a certain wall. It's been 17 years since. Techonolgy has evolved. Not human mind though. They rely more and more on this, now including software that talks to you on the phone when you think you talk to your mother and supercomputers that store and filter your all your internet. And Dan Costan who told me back then too that i was thinking too fast and they had to slow me down so he took me to the temp agency who sent me at Electronic Specialty. (After adding this more slammed doors and sinister stomping on the stairs).

They can use real time feedback in the form of synchronized noise. Slammed door, cars, planes, name it. (actually i was editing this paragraph hours after i wrote it and there was no noise in here for hours and i just heard a slammed door. My neighbor sometimes can be so quite i don't know he/she is at home).

Now imagine somebody reads in real time you EEG and makes a repeated noise in certain points of the curve where the brains cycles. It will definetely alter your thinking process, decision making, resolve, change your breath rhytm, pulse, blood pressure, and by this making your kidney to eliminate electrolytes, etc. Make you live the house in a hurry for no apparent reason. This being the simple case scenario.

Now i almost hyperventilate and my day is ruined.

But what if they can decipher the EEG in real time and know approximately what you're thinking off? I don't think it's hard, there must be certain patterns associated with certain activities and thoughts. When you want to eat. When you wanna to go outside. When you wanna go to sleep or see a sexy woman in an ad. When you see a politician's face on the computer' monitor. They can interrupt some thoughts and let others free.

Sometimes i think even further, forget about supercomputers, what if there was an app for this?

Thanks to the pioneering work that's been done so far, i think we are not so far from the moment when a vibrating iPhone in our pocket will let us know that the person we're talking to is lying. Vibration on a higher frequency would mean is attracted to us. Etc. That would simplify the hell out of our communication experiences. Words would be "very unnecessary". A OK there is one. Still looking for a completely remote one without sensors attached.

Have to confess, what triggered this post is the news below. It's still big today. Just heard on the radio. I remember i was driving many years ago through Hilsboro and saw a sign and maybe people protesting about. But i never knew they have 4800 monkeys in Hilsboro, for tests! 4800? And i assume it's not only for shampoos and allergy medications. Macaque monkeys. The name Hauser comes to mind. By the way, one day i'd like to go and see how those monkey live in there. Maybe i will in the video below. Maybe i should watch it after i click update.

Mysteries of the Attic II

@11 PM Monday 8-20. All "weekend" i've been very tired. The apartment was slowly filling with some sort of smoke, kinda like cigarettes but not only. Sunday around midnight i tried to start my Holmes True Hepa filter with three 20 dollars each sub-micronic fiberglass filters (two of them are 2 month old and i vacuum them weekly) and multiple carbon prefilters. It was smelling like burnt oil.

So i went into the attic to see what's going on. Two of the one way valves where stuck open, the one at my bathroom exhaust and the one for the attic. (I installed four 4 inch valves under one of the 6 inch vents, those designed for laundry driers, one for each exhaust and one for the attic). In top of those just under the vent there is a computer fan. The fan was stopped since the last few days i saw the attic valve open and i thought because of the heat there is too much thermal flow already. But the valve was stuck open. So the bad smell from the attic and the smoke from my neighbor was back flowing in the bathroom. (The valve at the other end of the pipe above the bathroom shown above was bent as well.) But i noticed there was a lot of dust inside the pipe near the valve. I quickly fixed those and suddenly the air in the apartment was much clearer and i started feeling better too.

So i came back inside and i opened the filter fan and i saw one of the bearings overheated and all the oil burned out and spread inside the housing. I oiled those 1 cm inner diameter bearings with motor oil and cleaned the housing. Like i did last year. They got some rings with cotton inside where you put the oil. The bronze bearings were tight, no sign of wearing. I started the filter, at 2 AM i went to bed.

AT 6:30 my wife went to work and i woke up and started thinking of what i saw last night in the attic. I went back in there with a dust mask and looked inside that pipe. It had a huge amount of dust with oil in it. And it was smelling like burnt oil. Probably because i oiled the tiny motor of the fan in the bathroom because it was too noisy. Those bearings have a inner diameter of about 5 mm and i never saw them wearing out. So i took the whole thing apart, whased the 3 meter 3 inch flexible pipes with laundry detergent in the ... bathtub eliminated an extra piece of 2 meters of pipe (it was way too long), inside, with a brush tied to a stick, and put it back together in about 3 hours. I was completely exhausted with no power left to breath. I couldn't read on the computer monitor. I was thinking about going to the hospital but in the end i fell asleep for a little bit.

I've been thinking, when planes go around at 70 mph with the flaps down and the engine revved up as they are so much doing these days they can vibrate those pipes and valves and make all that dust to back-flow in the bathroom. But the fan under the vent sucks everything out of the pipes and creates a negative pressure in them. But the fan was stopped in the last few days.

I just remembered those Harleys @midnight last night at the appartment complex across the street thundering for minutes, it seemed like they would never stopped their engines after they arrived.

(Or the dust blowers in the parking lot going for hours on Tuesday and blowing asphalt dust in the attic too.)

When i moved here that flexible pipe from the bathroom exhaust was laying on the attic floor where is the intake for the attic, opening above the kitchen window and i moved it near the others near the 6 inch vent in the top of the roof. (There is a 3 inch chimney too for it going through the roof but ... only outside! Nothing inside, just the plywood.)

The @20 year old dishwasher just stoped. And it smells like burnt oil too. I think i should oil those pump motor bearings but i'm gonna look for some bearing oil with pressure additives and no detergent or maybe i should try white mineral oil, from what i just read on the internet, motor oil is not good for electric motor hydro-static bearings.

There is no way metal came out of those axles inside those fan motors. It is possible from the dishwasher or the microwave/exhaust in the kitchen, but from what i remember when i washed that turbine from the microwave there was no play at the axle when i re-installed it. At the Holmes filter most of the load from the turbine is axial and there is a tiny teflon washer that takes that load and it's still there.

But there is a huge number of planes flying above usually under legal altitude limits. There was one that passed in just a few seconds at 1 PDT today, at low speed and probably just above the roof. The cars at @5 PM are in the hundreds per hour although it is not justified by the number of houses or size of the street.

The skin on my face, hands, legs, seems very tight. I noticed that every time i come in contact all day with these bad smells.

By the way my wife just tried to open the balcony door and there is still a barbecue going on (it was before i started writing this). And every time when i go in the balcony a car comes on the alley from nowhere and a small plane flies above!

Talking about vacuum, one day the flexible hose was too dirty inside and washed it in the tub. (I cover one end and extend it in the tub filled with a few inches with water until no dirty water comes out of it.) Then i didn't want to wait until it completely dried and used it like that. And then i saw the dust was sticking inside. Two of the filters and the collector are washable anyways and then i started vacuuming the apartment with the "wet method", cleaning the hose in the tub every few minutes or so. There is no dust coming out of it and all the dirt gathers in the tub and i just flush it! Then i removed all filters but one and still no dust is coming out of it, but the cleaning power is about three times bigger! It really sucks the s... out of the carpets.

Friday, August 17, 2012

August 1995

A day i should celebrate. As Yolanda said. Yolanda is a friend of Mart-Maerz-Mârţ family. She and her son came in Oregon just before us. They stayed at the Marts just before us.

With borrwowed money and some little other money i had i went to Tarom with my yellow envelopes with the Green Card Lottery documents to buy two tickets to New York. They only had tickets for a Sunday at the beginning of August. Tarom flight nr. RO13, with a DC10 rented from a Belgium airline replacing the Airbus that crashed at Baloteşti. Captain Michel.

We arrived in New York on August 6. They kept us for 3 hours at the INS. Ron, my new friend from the plane was still waiting for us. With a native american guy. But i already made up my mind. We're still going to Oregon, at my ex-colleague Iulian Mârţ from Bacău. Ron was really disappointed. I still had $600 dollars. (There was a guy in the plane that said he had 100.000 dollars and needed help into smuggling those money through the customs but i refused).

I went to an airline counter in the airport. The price to Oregon, tickets bought on the spot was double of the $600 we had.

So the next day we took the Greyhound, as Iulian told me on the phone. After all i've read the book, Greyhound America. It should have been fun, we're gonna see lots of places. I remember the face of the woman at the counter when i bought the tickets. She gave me a look that in a way defined all that happened later. Bad sign.

Three days, two nights, 8 drivers, 5 buses. And the accident that almost happened that night when i and the guy behind the driver were the only people awake in the bus. The driver fell asleep the bus drifted on the freeway's shoulder and the black guy behind him gently taped him on the shoulder awaking him. He didn't panic and brought the bus back on the second lane. I remember something that really shocked me. He started laughing! Never stopped to catch his breath. Now i know why, the fear of being fired was bigger than his need for a comforting break.

On August 10 there we were, at the Greyhound station in Salem. Veronica was waiting for us, she took a little time from her work at that high tech silicon foundry (i forgot the company name, Wafertech i think), gave me a hug and another bad preview, whispering condescendingly in my ear: Gigi, Gigi... And then she took us directly to the Social Security office in Salem, watched everything we wrote in the applications, went with us at the counter and told the clerk that we're only temporary here... Although we had on the passports the stamp from INS at the airport that said "processed for I551", that is permanent residency... Which i told the clerk in plain English. The Mexican woman at the counter with the passports and applications in her hand looked at me, looked at Veronica, at me again then wrote something on the applications and two weeks later the cards came with the inscription "No right to work" on them. Veronica said something that she had a friend somewhere who's gone help us to get permits for work but the next day under some pretext i secretely went with Angela to Portland (fearing that they wouldn't let us) straight to the downtown Social Security office, i explained them the whole situation, they gave us new applications and in another two weeks new cards arrived, this time the right ones. And i was exercising my signature in English with the first name first on some yellow pieces of papers at the Marts so i could sing the cards...

And since then, daily, hourly and weekly hundreds, or thousands of similar situations... Yesterday i called Oregon State Bar Association asking for a referral. Every once in a while i do so. They asked me what i needed a lawyer for. And i told them, in any area of non-violent crime, i think there is no law that has not been broken in our regards.

And then yesterday at the WinCo store, this younger athletic tall blond guy standing at the other check stand checking in the same time so i could see him, with a 6 inch blade hanging on his waist belt. By the way, for many years after we came here WinCo was called Cub Foods...

And i just remembered while staying at the Marts, one day Veronica received the negative result for her breast cancer test...

And i really made my attempts to work around here... Until August 2000 i had 23 jobs... The longest one year... The shortest one day... Some of them are in the Resume with the link in this blog on the lower left area... But that is another story, hope i will be able to share it here...


1996, George's (Hirsovescu) House, Salem, Oregon. Cloe (wife), his daughter, Dan Onu, son-in-law (Boeing), Julian Mart, Angela.

Later i found out he was also associated was Associated with Aristotel Popescu, Iaşi, possibly with Peter Kiss, Portland Oregon.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tar Balls

Not from Linux...

In these sunny days in the attic it gets like 120F. In Oregon. (I have one of the weather station's sensors in there. I wonder how it is in hotter states). The tiles of the roof are made of bitumen and tiny pieces of it break and fall through the cracks of the plywood underneath the tiles and mix with the insulation and start decomposing. The more volatile components go first and smell bad but the big problem is the nutrients that are coming from the barbecues. They rot in there and mix with the smell of tar and make a stink that combined with other stinks i described here earlier make your life very hard in a place like this. Tar is antibacterial but i think it favors some yeasts. When i opened the attic this morning to take a sample of the insulation that contains these (actually the tiny tar balls separated from the wool rock in the bottom of the bag i used and when shaken make a sound like they're already dried, the volatile components evaporated but they still smell) there was a back flow from the attic inside the apartment. That's because my next door neighbor has a window opened in the direction where the wind is coming from or the two fans in the window are working creating pressure that goes through the cracks or by the lid into the attic and make that smell to back flow into my apartment or through the intake above the kitchen window or through the vents. And because she/he had the fans started yesterday, the temperature in the attic didn't go that high at the expense of the back flow above the kitchen window. But yesterday morning when i had breakfast i had the kitchen window opened then i got really really sick, almost...

To take the macro below i used one more 55 mm fixed length camera lens held by hand at about one inch in front of my 70-105 equivalent Sony/Minolta lens with the zoom at maximum. First i put the focus on automatic and it did focus but for more precise focus i put the focus on manual ant then moved around until i got it. You may click or middle click on it to better view.

The distance between two graduations on the tape measure below is 1/32 inches. The tar samples have been shaken out of a small insulation sample that could been caught between two fingers but these are only a small part. The total amount is probably in the order of 1/10-1/100 of the total mass of the mineral fiber insulation.

(Macro photographs done with one extra 55 mm lens held by hand at one inch in front of the 28-105 mm stock lens of my Sony DSLR-300 set at maximum or 105 mm. The distance between the out of focus ruler divisions is 1/32 inch. Can click to enlarge)

Although it does not look like asbestos to me (in the picture looks more like it but in reality not, these fibers a lot shinier and more regulated) when i manipulated the sample that's already been shaken to extract the above sub-sample in the sunlight near the window i saw one million shiny sparkles that dissipated in a few seconds i don't know where, and i also felt the smell and the sting in my throat.

Or maybe... from here? Or here?

Thursday, August 2, 2012


I know some people would do anything to make me stop writing on this blog. But i wouldn't write about Romanian politics anyway anymore, i already decided that. At least for a while. Maybe i should start writing this like a log.

I really hoped things would somehow get fixed, maybe get a job, maybe some money from people who owe me and never had to write this here. But that might very well never happen.

I barely got out from a "road rage" incident when a 70-80s black Chevy with modified suspension and exhaust and huge tires was trying to back-up from the alley where i live, ocuppying both lanes and making big noise and smoke almost climbed on my little S10. There was a "witness", a guy with a dog in a black T shirt with some white drawing on it nearby. I can imagine what would have happen if i was tried to confront the guy. I just passed him and went to the other alley.

But this is just the last incident. I was thinking maybe i should start to say how i got here in the first place. But the story is too long and now i would try to write it backwards. Earlier i tried to drive to the only open liquor store after 8 about 6 miles from where here where i live. Every intersection, an opportunity for accident. On the freeway, there was like 10 cars trying to aggress me, it's too long to remember and write it here but it was worse than usually. Every time is. Subtle enough not to raise suspicions to unaware people though. If there's anyone left. At the store, in the line, in front of me, a white guy with shaved hair was talking way too much with the cashier, buying and unbuying things, packing and unpacking until behind me grew a line. Earlier i saw a woman with a wet, cold, just pulled from the fridge gallon of milk in her hand buying liquor. I salivated instantly because i drink lots of milk. Etc. Then he synchronized and drove on the alley in the parking lot in front of me with a 30 year old car. All the turns until i got on the boulevard. I didn't even start the ventilation in the car. On the way back the same show. It's good though today not every time when i turned my head i saw someone drinking or sucking from a jug. Cause this was the last trend of the last  year. If i passed someone with a smoking car and look at him/her he would pull a jug with drink and start drinking with big thirst.

Before that. This whole apartment where i live sometimes i think it was build from recycled stuff and designed especially to get people sick. Especially the exhaust from the cooking stove that instead of going vertically and through the roof and then a few more feet upwards like a chimney, it goes almost horizontally about 7 meters to the other side of the roof and opens inside the attic where there is a flat vent. Even if it pushes the odor from the kitchen outside, the flow sticks to the building and comes back through the windows. Many times i said i wouldn't use it but sometimes i forget. And when it's hot the temperature in the attic goes to 110 F and more and everything there is in that 6 inch x 7 meter exhaust rots and smells really bad. It happens only in the afternoon when it gets hot and if i forget to start the fan and push some air in it i get sick before i realize it because the smell grows gradually. And if a plane passes by it vibrates and some of the stuff gets pushed inside the room. And i only realized this today. Or maybe i did before but i wasn't sure or i forgot. Don't get me wrong, i have a good memory but there's too many things going on. Then i leave the place because i'm so sick but just by driving around i get some fresher air and then come back later when it's cooler. But because of what happens on the streets i usually forget why and how seek i was when i left. About a year ago i closed the joint between the exhaust and the vent under the roof so the stuff cannot get back into the attic and goes all through the vent and put a one way valve on the end near the stove but on hot days like today it doesn't really help. But the vent is still flat and doesn't have a chimney. It only helps if i cycle some fresh air for about an hour through it. Today i put some enzyme from the pet store that decomposes stuff and has some deodorant in it.

In short, i spend hours every day just to clean or fix the place. Most of the time i'm sick because i'm sensitive to smell and also sick to the stomach. But it always happens in the afternoon when my next door neighbor and my wife are at work and i'm alone. Sometimes i feel like fainting or paralyzed to my spine. My wife lost some of her sensitivity to smell because of the chemo back in the fall of 2004, but she wasn't so sensitive in the first place. It's between a half time and full time job every day in a very bad environment. Not counting the trips at home improvement stores and the thousands of dollars i spent and hundreds of receipts i try to keep. I just finish fixing one stinking obnoxious thing then another one starts. I will try and continue to write this backwards but right now one of my neighbors maybe the one that's a real estate agent, the one who dug a whole withe her Mercedes power steered wheels in the asphalt, by turning the wheels to the right after the car is stopped make some really weird noises that seem synchronized with my keyboard or something. Sounds like moving stuff around but i'm not sure. She does that frequently when she's at home. Monday she "forgot" the TV on all morning after she or somebody else made a big noise and woke me up at 6 am after 5 hours of sleep. That day and the following i was really like a zombie.

Yesterday no Tuesday was gardening day at my neighbors. By the pool. Almost 5 hours two power tools of over 100 dB each in the same time where trimming and blowing the fences and bushes. My ears where hurting, literally. And my brain was scrambled inside.

And then there's my down stairs neighbor. The Italian looking guy. The apartment underneath is vacated since last September. One more level down. The guy smokes some slow burning natural untreated cigarettes that smell really really bad. When he leaves for work i think, before noon, he opens the bedroom window and then i have to close mine. Depending on the wind, sometimes it comes from the other way, from the kitchen. I have to be very careful opening the windows cause it can get worse.

A few days ago i looked at a small ball of mineral insulation from the attic with a strong magnifying glass. Actually with a camera lens pulled out of the camera. Among fibers i say tiny maybe a few hundredth of a mm tar or rubber particles, or both. That explains the hellish smell of the attic, combined with cigarette smoke. Especially when it gets hot like today at 110F. The tiles of the roof are made of bitumen and sand. There's washed out bitumen and sand from the tiles in the gutters.

By the time my wife got home a quarter to midnight i almost fainted. I opened the balcony door to get some air and the neighbor was having a glass of some alcoholic drink visible on the side of the balcony. I opened the bottle, poured myself a shot of rum and tried not to faint until my wife gets home. Then when she entered the door a few minutes later i got better as i always do. Drink or not. Then she got mad and threw my 12 dollar bottle of rum i risked my life for in the sink. She never done that before. I didn't want to argue too much especially because the voice of the neighbor in the balcony speaking on the phone "got scared". I went to the supermarket and bought some beer, again avoiding a cohort of mostly small and old and smelly cars that were showing out of nowhere at this hour in every intersection. All liquor stores are closed after ten. I was actually tempted of stopping and enter in a bar, i saw the Lure was opened. Never been in a bar before since 1995 when i came here. Only once in a restaurant where they serve alcoholic beverages. No, i once had a beer at Spaghetti Old Factory.

But now i don't feel like drinking anymore. Maybe watch some TV and go to sleep. Ok, i opened a bottle of beer and reread and corrected typos and mistakes of what i wrote before. Now i think i begin to feel like a philosopher again.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Building From Mistakes

Or expoliting sins.

How to build a case from mistakes. Or how to frame someone "without breaking the law". Impossbile would say some, but a big organization can instruct its people to commit small intentional coverable hard to detect "mistakes" in regards to a single individual in order to frame him. Every time a "mistake" is discovered is being fallen back on the previously carefully designed cover or in rare cases declared as such. Almost impossible to prove anything if well designed. Some mistakes can even have dual or multiple purposes.

That doesn't mean no law was broken. If the law means anything for such organization. And then all it remains is pointing fingers and punish and the punishment will be guilt proving but not correcting and being mostly illicit, provocative and grounds for new framings and restarting the cycle. The "public" illicit surveillance that doesn't function always because it's improvised and can be edited in real time or with a delay and can be active part of causing restarting the cycle if conducted "right".

If anything can be proven of the described scheme there will be small unrelated parts of it but with high price and generating new understandable novice's mistakes in the process. And those new mistakes will be analyzed in real time by supercomputers and integreted in the bigger picture.

The other part of the job is being done by the uninvited observer's wrong assumptions.

If you choose to stick your nose in somebody else's life you can be passive or active part of it and in the end, you'll still pay the admittance ticket to the show.

It is the past and the future of sociology that happens today my friends.

In most games you can win both by being better and by other's mistakes. But some people have no choice like new immigrants or other categories to be passive and some specialize only in nurturing and winning by adversary's mistakes.

One little thing i forgot here. How they can integrate and synchronize in real time two people's activities. The activities of two rather relaxed people can be interrupted in restarted in certain moments by distractions or triggers in such ways that their activities can influence each other and synergize in order to create a false impression, of course by using again, supercomputers. And of course they can have their own people that are remotely instructed of what to do and interfere without actually making contact with the subjects or the impressions a third party would have on the whole.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Fuel Pump Relay

Lately or maybe for a long time i had problems with my fuel pump relay, a really strange problem, i had different voltages on the coil circuit, every time i was measuring. Recently, at times it wasn't starting at all. Sometimes probably it was flickering on the pump circuit while driving. This might explain the sudden decrease in fuel economy after 2004 when i came back from Romania. I went to all of the mechanics i knew and they all told me: Just drive the damn car, George! It will cost you more to fix it than the difference you pay for the extra gas!

But now it started not to start any more. After taking apart in one whole day most of the connectors of the electric circuits, i figured the problem comes directly from the computer, and i understood now why it does not stop the fuel pump after 2 seconds. Then i connected the relay coil directly to the ignition bypassing the computer and voilà! fixed the problem. I still don't have fuel pump interruption after two seconds but who cares. I didn't have that since i bought it. Another interesting phenomenon though: After i did the above described short cut, the computer suddenly started to output the right voltage for the relay when measured without the modification! And that happened while i was near the car, nobody had access to it, from one minute to another, the only explanation could be someone has control over it from a distance.

Since the relay if it was flickering on the pump circuit because of the low voltage probably was flickering at higher rpms when vibration was present, and now DEQ only tests the cars at idle and for my year and type, 1998 Chevy S10, it not even tests it any more, just downloads the diagnostic data from the computer. I think those big dynos from the basement of DEQ testing floor from the good old days had their own good use.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Ciudăţenii cotidiene, Daily Weird

Azi am descoperit că vibraţia de la frigiderul uriaş de 25 ani se transmite prin podea alături în baie unde face să vibreze uşile de sticlă culisante de la cadă. Uşa de la baie este formată din două placaje care dacă le apeşi uşor cu un deget se deformează cam un cm. Pereţii din jurul uşii de la baie panourile adică nu sunt strânse bine în perete am impresia că le lipsesc nişte şuruburi şi vibrează şi alea pe mai multe frecvenţe, toate joase în jur de 10 Hz. Chiar la Bacău ţin minte podeaua de la bucătărie când călcam se mişca puţin.

Am impresia că orice casă vibrează, mai ales astea de aici care sunt din schelet de lemn cu panouri de ghips dar dacă nici nu sunt strânse şuruburile alea de panouri sau lipsesc şuruburi... La balcon este o uşă culisantă de sticlă uriaşă cu o pereche statică total de 2 pe 2 metri care şi alea dacă le apeşi cu degetul se deformează. În dormitor este o debara cu uşi culisante din PFL de 5 mm cât peretele de lângă baie, care vibrează şi aia.

Ştiam de câteva zile că pereţii vibrează şi am făcut legătura cu apăsarea din ureche şi ameţeala şi dorinţa de a pleca din casă dar nu am făcut legătura cu uşile culisante de sticlă de la cada de la baie şi frigiderul decât ieri seara, când a pornit frigiderul şi am simţit apăsarea aia în ureche şi dorinţa de a ieşi afară.

Plus că frigiderul vibrează şi pe ultrasunete, tot timpul îmi ţiuie urechile. Deşi am izolat zona în care se face detenta freonului şi în genereal toată suspensia circuitului freonului cu cauciuc siliconic din ăla scump pentru izolat marginea la cada de baie. Scăzuse mult atunci, dar acum mi se pare că a revenit iar la un nivel maxim. Tot spatele frigiderului este închis acum cu PAL fonoabsorbant cam la 20 cm distanţă şi eu aud acum armonici mai joase de la ultrasunete poate peste 10 kHz cam la 20 dB la vreo 4 metri de el. Acum când scriu rândul acesta au scăzut brusc cam la jumătate. Oare să aibă vreo legătură cu maşinile vecinelor de scară care parchează totdeauna strâmb, dar numai în 2 sau 3 poziţii, mereu aceleaşi, cu precizie?

Deci azi am tot mutat frigiderul prin casă, este lângă peretele de la vecini ca să pun nişte PAL fonoabsorbant sub el şi în spatele lui şi ghici pe cine cred că am văzut ieşind de la scara vecină, cu perucă blondă, şi s-a urcat într-un minivan după care s-a urcat în altă maşină, o Hondă mai mică şi mai veche şi a plecat deşi am impresia că venise cu o a 3-a maşină, un Dodge gri din ăla nou lăsat pe jos?

Aceeaşi persoană cu care cred că am vorbit azi pe la 11:30 la Allied Waste Services, când am sunat să-i întreb de ce a venit camionul la tomberon a doua oară în aceeaşi zi?

A şi am uitat să spun, la un timp după ce m-am mutat am vrut să cumpăr alt frigider din banii mei dar agenţia imobiliară de la care închiriez apartamentul nu a fost de acord. Acest frigider valorează 0 dolari adică e un junk.


Today i discovered that the vibration of the 25  years old huge refrigerator is transmitted through the floor and across the wall in the bathroom where it makes vibrate the glass sliding doors from the tube. The bathroom door is made out of 5mm fiberboard that easily deforms about 1 cm if you press lightly on it. The panels on the walls around bathroom door are not close enough to the frame and i am under impression there are missing or loose screws under paint, and they all vibrate on several frequencies, all under 10 Hz. I remember at Bacău, last place where i lived in Romania the floor in the kitchen was moving a little too when i was walking on it.

I am under the impression that any house vibrates, especially here where are made of wood frame covered with gypsum (drywall) panels especially if the screws are not tighten all the way or missing... At the balcony there is a huge sliding door paired with a static window that deform easily if you press with the finger right in the middle. In the bedroom there is a storage with huge sliding doors covering all the batthrom wall made of 5mm fibreboard that vibrate as well.

I knew for a few days now that the walls are vibrating but i couldn’t make the link with the pressure in the ears and dizziness and the urge to live the place until last night when the fridge’s compressor started and i started feeling the pressure and the need to live.

Today i moved the fridge around so i can install some fonoabsorbant (loose fiberboard) panels underneath and around the back of it and than guess who i think i saw leaving from the other entrance of the building, where my neighbours on the other side of the wall next to where the fridge is are, with blonde wig and got into a minivan than switched into an older, smaller Honda and left although i think she came into one of those newer, low, grey Dodge?

The two entrances and the corresponding apartments do not communicate, at least at the upper level, where i live, from what i know. The weirdest part is the apartment right beneath me is vacant since last September with the blinds tightly covering the windows so no light can go in our out and i didn't see anybody getting in or out either for so many month.

I forgot to say that shortly after i moved here i wanted to buy another fridge from my own money but the real estate agency that i rent from did not agree although this fridge is not worth any money, being a total piece of junk.

There is at least one distinguishable harmonic from the @4 Hz main frequency but i don't have the necessary instruments to investigate what that frequency is. Maybe if i had a video editing program installed, maybe i should try download one. Probably is a frequency most harmful when vibrating out of phase with Earth electric resonance frequency, the so called Schumann frequency, at 7.89 Hz, that would be the double of what i'm counting using the clock from the wall? The sliding door have a metal frame as well so...

Maybe that's why they're slamming the doors for... To kick start a vibration that is out or in phase with Earth electric standing waves?

Now i read in wikipedia that 60 Hz is the eighth harmonic of the Schumann. Why in Europe they use 50 Hz and in the United States 60? Which one is healthier?

Somebody please tell me what the hell is going on...

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Synchronization In The Human Cardiorespiratory System

Synchronization In The Human Cardiorespiratory System

Carsten Schafer,1,* Michael G. Rosenblum,1,† Hans-Henning Abel,2 and Jurgen Kurths1

Department of Physics, Potsdam University, Am Neuen Palais 10, Postfach 601553, D-14415 Potsdam, Germany

Department of Cardioanesthesiology, Stadtisches Klinikum Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany

Received 17 December 1998

We investigate synchronization between cardiovascular and respiratory systems in healthy humans under free-running conditions. For this aim we analyze nonstationary irregular bivariate data, namely, electrocardio-grams and measurements of respiratory flow. We briefly discuss a statistical approach to synchronization in noisy and chaotic systems and illustrate it with numerical examples; effects of phase and frequency locking are considered. Next, we present and discuss methods suitable for the detection of hidden synchronous epochs from such data. The analysis of the experimental records reveals synchronous regimes of different orders n:m and transitions between them; the physiological significance of this finding is discussed. S1063-651X 99 12407-3

PACS number s : 87.19.Hh, 87.17.Aa, 05.45. a

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Surpassing The Limits of Offense

When i first came to US i got paranoid about an expression. Take care. It is an affectionate, familial form of letting someone know you care for them, used mostly in temporary, daily separation salutes. But to me, in the hurry (of translating) given by the multitude of initial traumas and stress due to the move, it sounded like a threat. (Now i know it was all "simulated, anticipated and under control").

Similar to what i felt yesterday when i saw on a "Oregon Cultural" vanity plate. B CARFULL. It shouldn't have affected me if even if i know it was not by accident that guy psychologically cornered me on the street.

But i see nowadays people getting and acting like being offended, by things that i say in the supposed intimacy of my living place.

Isn't this kinda of passing a new limit of hysteria, to get offended by overhearing and showing it, waiting for more reactions, in an endless "controlled" echo-logical, self-sustained loop (not to say by eavesdroping, because i might fall in a different keyword category)? Kinda like in organized stalking?

I was thinking adding the word mindless to the above phrase but i feel like it's already getting too complicated. But i think i learned a lot about what consequential behaviour is, which is probably a cousin of casual behaviour and the significance of the stage name of a Black Eyes Peas member, Will.I.Am.

And then something else came to my mind. A song i heard so many times while holding for Sony Customer Service Reps. in Laredo, Texas.

And then i realized, that's why so many people have GPS today, in their cars, on their smart-phones, cameras, everywhere.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Keep Portland Weird

"Wyrd is a concept in Anglo-Saxon culture roughly corresponding to fate or personal destiny. The word is ancestral to Modern English weird, which retains its original meaning only dialectically."

Ethics in Germanic Neopaganism are guided by a concept of personal ørlög or wyrd, encompassing the notions of both fate and luck. The belief in Wyrd — a concept of fatalism or determinism,[12] similar to some Graeco-Roman concepts of destiny is a commonly held belief amongst most Germanic Neopagans.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Clear Channel, San Antonio, Texas

Very few know that the most important radio stations in Portland, Oregon are owned by a single entity, based in San Antonio, Texas. I didn't do any research to see how customary is this in the US but to me is odd. Anyways, that wouldn't be any problem to me if the themes of the songs would not be synchronized among stations and with some people activity and even thoughts, in real time. The playlists of the past are there to prove it.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Organized Stalking

"Groups that participate are organized vigilante, cult style right-wing hate groups. Unfortunately, to make matters worse these groups are protected by police officers who are actually members of right wing extremist groups. Of course not all police officers participate, but rather than expose one of their own officers who are members or know these groups personally, they will remain silent. The officers who do participate will go as far as making a victim appear insane or mentally ill to shut them up, and destroy that persons credibility so no one will be able to defend themselves. They do this by using the power of law enforcement, and taking a person against their will, to a hospital that will give them a psychiatric exam. Corrupt psychiatrist also lie, and cover up the crime as well. Now that they are powerless, none will listen. Further destroying the targeted individuals reputation." 

What authority in its right mind would accept those exists, anyway.

But what is described above is children's play.

Here are a couple of examples of what's happening to me on daily basis. There are rare moments when i don't hear above or see a plane from the windows, most of the time with the engine revved up and flaps down all the way, making the most possible noise at the lowest speed. One can use the site to see what's happening at any moment in the past except for the last two hours during day time above the Eagle Crest dr at the western border between Lake Oswego and Portland, Oregon. The speed for a craft is not displayed, but from the map scale and the timer you can easily figure the speed, which sometime gets down to 70-80 mph, above highly populated areas.

I'm going to describe below the flight of too helicopters i saw (and heard!) today. And i will try to continue to keep track on any violation on this blog.

One in the parking lot an WinCo Foods, Tigard, Oregon, and the other above the parking lot where i live, Lake Oswego, Oregon, the last one barely above the trees. WinCo is at about 300 ft above sea level and where i live i am at about 700 feet and the helicopters were at about 1100 something in both cases according to the webtrack site that unfortunately does not have the elevation of the terrain into the database like Google Earth. I didn't want to use the camera to give them the opportunity to say that i might use the flash bla bla. "Over congested areas, which could mean a city or a populous open-air event such as a football game, the FAA requires a minimum safe altitude of 1,000 feet above the highest obstacle within 2,000 horizontal feet of the aircraft" . "Because helicopters have the capability to hover, the FAA grants them a considerable exception to minimum safe altitude rules. Helicopters may operate below the minimums provided they are not endangering persons or property on the ground and as long as they are in accordance with any specific routes or altitudes prescribed by the FAA in particular areas, such as controlled airspace over cities or around airports." But the last helicopter almost touched the trees and the cell phone tower on the top of the hill about 300 feet W from where i live and that is at about 1000 ft.  And the one at WinCo honestly seemed at about 300 ft above the store, and would not the first time when webtrack is mistaking. Click on the pictures to see them enlarged.

There was a construction job going on across the street for about two weeks. Actually i can hear a hammer right now.

The garbage company does not take care of the dumpster that is 30 feet from my window. I cleaned it last week and put some dolomite mineral at the bottom for disinfection and in a few hours it 25% of it was filled with open, spilled bags of garbage already fermented probably coming from somewhere else. I wrote in an email about it and yesterday i saw it was filled with nicely closed white bags all the way to the top so no one could see what happened. Every morning when i have a meal ready to eat for me when i'm alone or with my wife, at any hour, the truck of the garbage company comes, hits the bumper speed in front of the window, shakes the house and then empty the dumpster 30 feet away. No matter how little dust is on the walls, some falls into the food.

The people at the apartments across the street cut a couple of big trees, two to three weeks ago milled them and the left the mulch in two big piles about 5 ft tall next to the side-walk. After 3 weeks, they stink like yeast, so is everything inside the apartment.

And sometimes at night some people are burning garbage or probably even drugs in stoves, or in cars in the neighbourhood. Some times my cars smell strangely after i drive them, i suspect somebody puts things on the exhaust so when it gets hot start smelling to say i am doing it so they have a "reason" to retaliate. The Police once told me that in the building some people have medical marijuana permits and that's the reason of the strange smell that gets into my apartment. The apartment is filled with cigarette smoke from the ground level neighbor anyway most of the time. One night when the place was filled with smoke i went outside and saw a garage with an opened door. When i looked inside, there was a round heater glowing red and a small pile of some substance smoking on the concrete floor. That's where the smoke was coming.

There is always a larger than normal number of cars on the street or patrolling in the parking lot. Delivery or various service trucks that get "lost" or "looking for an address".

But for all this to happen, they probably need feedback. Accelerometers from computer hard drives or mice can make good sensors. They can even be used to input very limited but decisive information in you computer instructing it to start a certain program giving them "more reasons to retaliate". If they have access to an apartment for invented reasons, they can install software on the computers that can do or track various things including sounds, vitals signs or EM fields. Environmental EM frequencies can be used to activate any microphone in any device, especially when turned off. A simple wire hanging loose can become a microphone activated by environmental residual EM frequencies. Cell phones can be easily hacked. Etc. Some of these things probably happen at different levels in their organizations and probably the lower levels don't know some of them.

Monday, May 21, 2012

And My Dear Is Still Goodbying

Hopefully one day we-all are going to find out what is the name of the clothe she's wearing, who designed it and who has the damn copyright.

Which reminds me of:

Acting on Wrong Assumptions

"What a tangled web we weave"

Implying or creating time synchronized information that is not related to but makes it statistically reasonable for someone to believe something that is not real, isn't similar to tempting?

Knowingly creating situations that are statistically more likely to cause someone to fail in their actions, or damage to their health isn't similar to persecuting?

Creating or bringing in the spotlight events or information similar but unrelated with other events with the purpose of creating confusion,  hesitations, misinterpretations, lowering resolve or forgetting, isn't that misleading?

Creating a string of events that verify each other and storing all the information created with the purpose of justifying one of them, usually the most important, in case it succeeds, can't event think of a definition here.

Breaking daily and hourly numerous other laws in the process of committing all of the above.

How many times these misdoings are multiplied over the years and if they are many people involved and everything is coordinated so the above mentioned informations and situations are integrated into the larger picture of an entire fake reality with the purpose of verifying each other down to a certain level?

What kind of society is the one that allows all this happen within its structure of authorities?